1 www.kpk.gov.pl Customized NCP services for Euratom projects This presentation is based on materials from EC and/or Ministries and Agendas of RP 8 April,


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Presentation transcript:

1 Customized NCP services for Euratom projects This presentation is based on materials from EC and/or Ministries and Agendas of RP 8 April, 2016 Regional Brokerage Event and Info Day on EURATOM Speaker: Jacek Gajewski, Aneta Maszewska

2 Network of NCP in Poland EURAXESS Network in Poland NCP-PL NCP-PL + 11 Regional Contact Points Cooperation with EEN and Thematic Contact Points NCP-PL Our mission: to support the participation of Polish research institutions, enterprises and organizations in the Euratom Programme and H2020

3 Overall coordination of NCP is assigned to Ministry of Science and Higher Education (MSHE) Network of NCP-PL is co-financed by MSHE NCPs host organization - IPPT PAN The NCP Coordinator – Director of NCP-PL The NCPs individually nominated by MSHE to perform one or more of the NCP functions (full time) NCP-PL actively participate in EU-funded NCP network projects Based on “Minimum standards and Guiding principles for setting up systems of National Contact Points under Horizon 2020”, EC NCP System in Poland

4 New NCP strategy for Horizon H2020 One stop shop - standarized services Focus on client’s needs and quality of services Mentoring activities for identified best scientists/research teams Optimal use of NCP expert resources Close cooperation with MSHE and other stakeholders - strong connection and networks at National level Active promotion of Euratom, Horizon H2020 and international mobility – Polish Portal for Horizont 2020 andEURAXESS Special focus on the new generation of scientists

5 Poland has 38 registered NCPs by the Commission Most areas have 2 or 3 NCPs assigned Knowledge on PL and EU Research and Innovation Policies Skills: communication and trainer skills, public speaking, project drafting, socio-economic and business skills Thematic background welcomed Polish NCPs Horizon 2020

6 NCP Core functions Source: “Minimum standards and Guiding principles for setting up systems of National Contact Points (NCP systems) under Horizon 2020”, EC Informing, awareness raising - Assisting, advising and training - Signposting and cooperation

7 The Polish Portal for Horizon

8 Assisting and advising 1919 Front Office/ Helpdesk – one stop shop - no wrong door Consultations (phone, , individual)  Advise on administrative procedures, rules and financial/legal issues  Identifying funding opportunities  Assisting in partner search activities  Pre-screening of proposals Mentoring activities - targeted information and advice

9 Trainings/workshops 1919 Organising trainings on H2020 for intermediaries and multipliers to ensure high quality of advice. Organising trainings/workshops for:  specific target groups (SMEs, universities, business organisations etc.)  general information on opportunities under H2020  SME instrument - preparation of succesful proposal  on specific topics  financial and legal aspects  Participant Portal and other EC services  preparation of succesful proposal (ERC/MSCA/SCs)

10 Signposting and cooperation 1919 Signposting to other business support network services (e.g. EEN, EIB etc.) Signposting to national funding services and programmes (e.g. NCBR, NCN, FNP, PARP etc.) Partnership agreements with 15 leading institutions: CRASP, NCBJ, Top500 … etc.

11 MSHE is in charge of all of the specific programme configurations activities Experts in all Horizon 2020 Programme Committees - active participation in the meetings Contributing to shaping content priorities in the relevant Work Programmes; Opinions on EU programming documents Cooperation with the expert reference groups Expertise also gained on the ground by our own participation in FP projects (mainly NCP networks and INCO projects). NCP expert’s roles and activities

12 NCP-PL databases Database with almost than individual contacts tagged for:  research interest, skills  type of organisation  region Database with more than 600 institutional contacts (2 per research organization, regularly updated)

13 Find Euratom NCP in your country

14 NUCL-EU 2020 Project Start : 01/09/2015 End: 31/08/2019

15 Thank you for your attention!