YOUTHBUILD USA National Mentoring Alliance Training: Beyond Resilience: Trauma-informed Mentoring 1 Insert Your YouthBuild Program Name/Logo Here
YouthBuild Mentoring ~ We’re Building Bridges to Great Futures Today you will have the opportunity to: increase your ability to identify potential indicators of trauma in YouthBuild students, develop an awareness of what it means to be a “trauma-informed” organization, and apply a deeper understanding of resiliency to strengthen your mentoring relationships. 2 Thank you for being here!
YouthBuild Mentoring ~ We’re Building Bridges to Great Futures Step to the Line 3
YouthBuild Mentoring ~ We’re Building Bridges to Great Futures Trauma & Complex Trauma “Trauma is an emotional wound resulting from a shocking event or multiple and repeated life threatening and/or extremely frightening experiences that may cause lasting negative effects on a person disrupting the path of healthy physical, emotional, spiritual and intellectual development.” Complex trauma = Children’s exposure (from early childhood through adolescence) to multiple or prolonged traumatic events usually by the adults entrusted to care for them. Children and Trauma in America: A Report of the National Traumatic Stress Network (2004) 4
YouthBuild Mentoring ~ We’re Building Bridges to Great Futures Impact of Trauma Unwanted sensory experiences Change in one’s sense of reality and sense of safety Loss of control Triggers Hyper vigilance to signs of danger Hyper-sensitive alarm system Increase in medical problems Change in world view 5
YouthBuild Mentoring ~ We’re Building Bridges to Great Futures Impact of Complex Trauma Difficulty forming healthy relationships with others Lack of ability to learn and concentrate Difficulty regulating emotions and impulse control Development of poor self image 6
YouthBuild Mentoring ~ We’re Building Bridges to Great Futures Trauma in Childhood: The ACES Study 7
YouthBuild Mentoring ~ We’re Building Bridges to Great Futures Adverse Childhood Experiences Study A study including over 17,000 members conducted by the CDC and Kaiser Permanente to explore the effects of stressful or traumatic events in childhood impact adults. 10 categories were looked at related to abuse and neglect and family dysfunction 8
YouthBuild Mentoring ~ We’re Building Bridges to Great Futures The ACES Study One of the most important public health studies Began in an obesity clinic The 50% dropout rate raised concern People dropped out as they were losing weight. 9 But… WHY?
YouthBuild Mentoring ~ We’re Building Bridges to Great Futures ACES – 10 Questions 10 Questions are directed to the first 18 years of life The more ACES the higher incidence of a variety of physical and emotional health problems The 10 Questions: Experienced emotional abuse. Experienced physical abuse. Experienced sexual abuse. Experienced emotional neglect. Experienced physical neglect. Witnessed mother being treated violently. Grew up with someone in the household using alcohol and/or drugs. Grew up with a mentally-ill person in the household. Lost a parent due to separation or divorce. Grew up with a household member in jail.
YouthBuild Mentoring ~ We’re Building Bridges to Great Futures Four or More ACES 32 times more likely to having learning or behavioral problems in school 12 times more likely to attempt suicide 7 times more likely to become alcoholic 10 times more likely to inject street drugs 11
YouthBuild Mentoring ~ We’re Building Bridges to Great Futures Origins of Addiction Based on ACES– Vincent Feletti, MD 12
YouthBuild Mentoring ~ We’re Building Bridges to Great Futures How Trauma is Experienced by Survivors 13
YouthBuild Mentoring ~ We’re Building Bridges to Great Futures Symptoms of Undischarged Trauma HyperarousalHypoarousal Anxiety, panic Hyperactivity Activated adrenal system Serotonin decreases Heart rate increases Blood pressure increases Emotional flooding Chronic pain Insomnia Depression Numbing, dissociating Opiod system is activated Lethargy, chronic fatigue Disconnection Low blood pressure Low heart rate Poor digestion Pain Low muscle tone 14
YouthBuild Mentoring ~ We’re Building Bridges to Great Futures Healthy Emotional Attachment 15
YouthBuild Mentoring ~ We’re Building Bridges to Great Futures Loss of Connection To ourselves To our bodies To loved ones To community To the world around us 16
YouthBuild Mentoring ~ We’re Building Bridges to Great Futures The Good News We have an innate ability to heal ourselves. We can awaken to a new personal transformation. Healing is possible. There is an opportunity for post-traumatic growth. Resilience occurs in the face of adversity. 17
YouthBuild Mentoring ~ We’re Building Bridges to Great Futures Let’s take a break 18
YouthBuild Mentoring ~ We’re Building Bridges to Great Futures What does this mean for mentoring? 19
YouthBuild Mentoring ~ We’re Building Bridges to Great Futures Paradigm Shift 20
YouthBuild Mentoring ~ We’re Building Bridges to Great Futures Traits of Stress-Resistant People Sense of personal control Pursuit of personally meaningful tasks Healthy lifestyle choices Social support 21
YouthBuild Mentoring ~ We’re Building Bridges to Great Futures Resilience Theory & Affirmation of Mentee Strength Risk Factors Developmental Assets SupportEmpowermentExpectationsTrauma Socio-economic Disadvantages 22
YouthBuild Mentoring ~ We’re Building Bridges to Great Futures What is a Trauma-informed System? The leadership endorses comprehensive trauma training for staff Universal screening for youth with histories of trauma Focuses on collaborative decision making with an emphasis on empowering young people to make choices about their life plans 23
YouthBuild Mentoring ~ We’re Building Bridges to Great Futures Core Values for youth serving systems Safety – Physical and emotional Trustworthiness – Appropriate boundaries Choice – Input into what works Collaboration – Sharing power and decision making Empowerment – Focus on strengths and skill building 24
YouthBuild Mentoring ~ We’re Building Bridges to Great Futures Why embrace trauma-informed concepts in mentoring? Improve relationships Enhance self esteem Avoid re-traumatization Respond empathically What else? 25
YouthBuild Mentoring ~ We’re Building Bridges to Great Futures Considerations Is our signage positive and up lifting? Are our service procedures warm and welcoming? Do mentees and families feel empowered when they leave the first meeting? Are people greeted by name? Is there a satisfaction survey in place? 26
YouthBuild Mentoring ~ We’re Building Bridges to Great Futures Parallel Process The same core values apply to everyone in the organization. We take care of staff and volunteers the same way we care for our mentees. What is the atmosphere like across disciplines? 27
YouthBuild Mentoring ~ We’re Building Bridges to Great Futures 28 “Listening is an act of social justice.” – Wayne Scott, Social Worker
YouthBuild Mentoring ~ We’re Building Bridges to Great Futures “This not That” Instead of this…Do this… Asking – “why are you so angry?”… Say – “You look like you’re struggling with something. Would you like some help?” Insisting on talking about the problem... Suggest a distraction and redirection. Saying “I know how you feel” … Just listen and validate. Mirror back what the person says. Taking on the therapist role… Remember all feelings are O.K. Help generate a list of coping tasks to use when triggered. Changing or canceling plans unless it’s an absolute emergency… Create safety, consistency and structure. Taking things personally…Recognize that trauma can be complex. Angry feelings which belong in a different time and place can be misdirected. Go back to tip 1 and 2. 29
YouthBuild Mentoring ~ We’re Building Bridges to Great Futures Honoring self care for staff and mentors 30
YouthBuild Mentoring ~ We’re Building Bridges to Great Futures Self-Care Tips Avoid taking responsibility for fixing your mentee. Praise yourself for hanging in through challenging times. Recognize that the mentee may not express gratitude and thanks for your role. This does not mean s/he isn’t gaining great benefit from your relationship. Talk to your Mentoring Coordinator about challenging situations. Remember you are not alone. Use your supports. Make a self-care plan. This can include getting plenty of rest, exercise, and eating nutritious food. Think about the coping skills list you helped your mentee develop. There may be some great ideas for yourself. 31
YouthBuild Mentoring ~ We’re Building Bridges to Great Futures Thank you for your service 32