Hawaii’s Public Schools Update USPACOM Pacific Theater Education Conference Deputy Superintendent Ronn Nozoe Asst Supt Stephen Schatz 12/4/ :15-11:15 am
1. Raised expectations to rival nation’s most rigorous 2 2 Only 19 states + DC with college- & career-ready diploma Common Core State Standards Graduation Requirements 45 States & DODEA (
2. Focused on researched-based best practices 3 3 Our big bet = 6 Priority Strategies Implement w/ quality in every school measureable progress Invested in dedicated staff (1 per Strategy per Complex Area) Organizing all efforts around 6 Strategies (e.g. School Academic Plans, management routines, & federal funds)
New accountability system to measure progress & differentiate support Performance System USDOE approved in May 2013 to replace components of NCLB Focus: college & career readiness All means all: all students count, all schools get support A diagnostic tool, not a tool for punishment Uses national metrics for comparability All schools receive tailored support, pressure, interventions
5 No Child Left Behind ( ) vs. Strive HI Performance System ( ) Federal government designed system based on outdated approach to school reform Designed by? Hawaii stakeholders designed system to align to BOE/DOE State Strategic Plan Proficiency in reading & math Focus? Readiness for college & careers Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) measured school performance based mostly on 1 test, the Hawaii State Assessment (HSA) reading & math scores in grades 3-10 Metrics? Strive HI performance Index measures school performance & progress, using multiple measures All schools are held accountable for meeting one national, aspirational target (regardless of current challenges) Targets? Each school held accountable for meeting ambitious & attainable goals that are customized to each school complex (based on current performance) Schools held accountable for performance of student subgroups that do not fully reflect Hawaii’s student population Students included ? All schools held accountable for performance of all of Hawaii’s students & student subgroups that reflect state’s student population Required federally-designed, one-size-fits-all interventions System of supports ? Customized rewards, support & interventions proven successful in Hawaii’s schools and based on 5 Strive HI Steps
6 Goals & Annual Targets See actual Complex goals at HawaiiPublicSchools.org
7 Strive HI Performance Index Schools receive a total score out of 400 points. Scores are then weighted according grade level. Current Year Gap Rate (gap rate between high needs & non-high needs students) (0-50 pts) Two Year Gap Reduction Rate (gap rate between high needs & non- high needs students) (0-50 pts)
8 Current Year Gap Rate (gap rate between high needs & non-high needs students) (0-50 pts) Two Year Gap Reduction Rate (gap rate between high needs & non-high needs students) (0-50 pts) SBAC 25 states SBAC 25 states Based on Colorado Growth Model used by dozens of states Based on nat’l research & indicators 13 states administer statewide 50 states Using National Student Clearinghouse 37 states provide college going rate by HS Using National Student Clearinghouse 37 states provide college going rate by HS Strive HI Performance Index Uses best available, national metrics
9 Based on Index, schools are placed on a Step. Strive HI Steps targeting proven rewards & supports to schools
10 Small gains in proficiency Math Proficiency: 60% Reading Proficiency: 72% Science Proficiency: 34% On track to graduate more students for college and careers Elementary chronic absenteeism = 18% Median 8 th grade ACT = 14 Percent of 11 th Graders Scoring 19+ on ACT = 34% On-time graduation rate = 81% College-going rate = 63% Significant progress on one of our most important priorities: closing achievement gaps between student groups. 2-year Gap Reduction Rate = 12% Particularly proud of the results in the Zones of School Innovation. 4. Strive HI Results are promising
11 About NAEP: Tests sample of 4 th & 8 th students in every state. Many content areas, on a rotating basis. Helps us understand performance over time. Uniquely compares performance across states. No school- or student-level data. No connection to state or federal accountability. 5. NAEP results demonstrate significant growth over decade
12 Hawaii’s Students Made Significant Gains 4 th grade math8 th grade math 4 th grade reading8 th grade reading
13 A Decade of Significant Improvement
14 Progress With Room For Improvement
15 Looking Ahead The NAEP results validate Hawaii’s hard work, but also highlight the challenges ahead with higher expectations and new assessments.
We Need Continued Support to: Help communicate Hawaii’s education initiatives and school progress to incoming military families Highlight current programs and partnerships through the: ◦Joint Venture Education Forum ◦Interstate Compact on Educational Opportunity ◦Partnership in Education (School Partnership Program) ◦School Liaison Officers ◦Military Culture Course for educators Work together to support a quality education for ALL of Hawaii’s keiki! 16