Satisfying customer needs Today’s highly competitive markets demand that companies adopt a customer centred philosophy placing the customer at the centre of all its decisions and as the basis for designing its marketing strategies, whilst simultaneously delivering superior value to the target consumers. Customer satisfaction will only be achieved if the entire organisation teams up to form a competitively superior customer value–delivery system.
Kundtillfredsställelse 1.Baseras på kundens erfarenheter Uppfyller produkten kundens förväntningar? Överträffa Dynamisk process som hela tiden förändras!
Kundnyttan utgår från den som konsumerar
Jfr Dagis, Förening, Konsult, Fastighetsmäkl, Industri
Total quality management Figure 11.3 Relative quality boosts rate of return Source: Bob Luchs, ‘Quality as a strategic weapon: measuring relative quality, value and market differentiation’, European Business Journal, 2, 4 (1990), p. 39
Retailer VALUE DELIVERY SYSTEM CORE BUSINESS PROCESSES DevelopmentInventoryServicePayment ManufacturerSupplier (Order to payment) Vad saknas i värdesystemet?
Quality can be described from two perspectives: Conformance quality Freedom from defects. Consistency with specified level of quality. 6 Sigma quality production. Performance quality Pertains to how the product performs its functions. Fig 11.4 s473
BASIC REACTIVE ACCOUNTABLE PROACTIVE PARTNERSHIP Finansiella värdet av återkommande kund. Vad värderar kunden? Jfr dagis/bilköp Relationsstege
Types of relationship marketing Basic Sale of product with no support and/or follow-up. Reactive Sale of product with minimal support. Accountable Following sale of the product, the salesperson follows up and checks that all is going well. Customer suggests improvements that are acted upon. Proactive Company contacts the existing customers finding out if current product is meeting their needs. Defining future needs and putting forward suggestions. Partnership Company continuously works with the customers to discover ways to deliver better value.
Godis och öl Var finns dagis och konsulter? Volvo Trucks Banker
Customer value building approaches to developing stronger customer relationships and customer satisfaction. Financial benefits Developing customer loyalty reward programmes. Easily imitated by competitors Social benefits Learning customer needs and wants then customising the products and services appropriately. Structural ties Building strong customer relationships through integration of core value adding skills into the customers’ business process.
Assign skilled relationship managers Develop clear job descriptions RELATIONSHIP MARKETING PROGRAMME Identify key customers Develop relationship plans Appoint relationship supervisor
Customer relationship management (CRM) Effective customer relationship management is based upon accurate information which is developed at every point of customer contact. Often the customer data is diffused throughout the organisation and is virtually ineffective until it is collated and developed into appropriate information through specific CRM programmes and systems. (Ett modernare namn på MIS)
When to use relationship marketing Transaction marketing is more appropriate for customers who have short time horizons and can easily switch from one supplier to another. Relationship marketing is ideal for customers who have a long time horizon and where there is clear evidence of long-term partnering between supplier and customer. Se sidan 478
Figure 11.6 Comparing customer relationship revenues with relationship costs Kan hjälpa företaget att prioritera kunderna