Behaving Ethically o Context o Ethical Framework o Core values o Behaving Ethically
Context NSW Government’s public sector policy Changes to public sector workforce legislation Schott Report Ethics stocktake
Ethical Framework Coverage
Ethical Framework Government Sector Employment Act 2013 Section 6 Objective of Part (a)recognises the role of the government sector in preserving the public interest, defending public value and adding professional quality and value to the commitments of the Government of the day, and (b)establishes an ethical framework for a merit-based, apolitical and professional government sector that implements the decisions of the Government of the day.
Core values Government Sector Employment Act 2013 Section 7 Government sector core values o Integrity o Trust o Service o Accountability
Core values Principles IntegrityTrust Consider people equally without prejudice or favour Appreciate difference and welcome learning from others. Act professionally with honesty, consistency and impartiality. Build relationships based on mutual respect. Take responsibility for situations, showing leadership and courage. Uphold the law, institutions of government and democratic principles. Place the public interest over personal interest. Communicate intentions clearly and invite teamwork and collaboration. Provide apolitical and non-partisan advice.
Core values Principles ServiceAccountability Provide services fairly with a focus on customer needs. Recruit and promote staff on merit. Be flexible, innovative and reliable in service delivery. Take responsibility for decisions and actions. Engage with the not-for-profit and business sectors to develop and implement service solutions. Provide transparency to enable public scrutiny. Focus on quality while maximising service delivery. Observe standards for safety. Be fiscally responsible and focus on efficient, effective and prudent use of resources.
Values in other jurisdictions Victorian Public Service o Responsiveness o Integrity o Impartiality o Accountability o Respect o Leadership o Human Rights Australian Public Service o Impartial o Committed to Service o Accountable o Respectful o Ethical
Values in the private sector o Performance o Simplicity o Accountability Values in a public company: BHP Billiton o Sustainability o Integrity o Respect
Core values Government Sector Employment Act 2013 Section 8 General provisions 1)The Public Service Commissioner has the function of promoting and maintaining the government sector core values. 2)There is no hierarchy among the core values and each is of equal importance.
Implementing the core values Who is responsible for ethical conduct in the govt sector? o Public Service Commissioner – promote and maintain the core values (GSE Act, section 8) o Secretaries and agency heads – general conduct and management of functions and activities to be in accordance with the core values (GSE Act, sections 25 and 30) o Public Service senior executives – perform duties and responsibilities in accordance with the core values (GSE Rules, Model contract of employment)
Implementing the core values Who is responsible for ethical conduct in the govt sector? (cont) o Managers and supervisors – lead and promote the Ethical Framework (draft Code of Ethics and Conduct) o All employees – demonstrate and promote personal conduct consistent with the Ethical Framework (draft Code of Ethics and Conduct)
Behaving Ethically Behaving Ethically: A guide for NSW government sector employees o Ethical obligations under the GSE Act o Related obligations under other legislation o Content Legal, ethical and institutional context Public Service Commissioner directions Ethics good practice Other resources
Behaving Ethically o Code of Ethics and Conduct (Draft) o Minimum standards for gifts and benefits o Westminster system of government o Difficult discussions o Difficult decisions o Ethics scenarios
Measuring progress People Matter employee survey – 2012 and 2014 o Engagement index o Integrity o Trust o Service o Accountability
What can individuals do? o Read and understand your obligations o Talk about ethical behaviour o Act and make decisions ethically o Promote the ethical framework
Ethics in action – practical applications What issues affect us as government sector employees? Taking action
Common ethics issues Client confidentiality - when everyone knows each other? The public interest – when we have multiple roles as public servants, community leaders, club members, etc. Quality services – when staff have multiple and competing demands? Proper use of government resources – when work and private time can easily mesh together?
Balancing confidentiality with relationships outside work Situation: There are confidential matters at work, but your friends and colleagues want to know what is happening Ethical issue: How to balance work responsibilities with friendships and business relationships outside work Process: Know and understand the Code of Ethics and Conduct for NSW government sector employees Solution: Maintain confidentiality and disclose conflicts of interests Outcome: Transparent decision-making, clients treated equitably, public confidence preserved
Speaking up when you see something is wrong Situation: A colleague behaves in a way we know to be wrong Ethical issue: Having the confidence to speak up to ensure ethical behaviour Process: Know and understand the Code of Ethics and Conduct for NSW government sector employees Solution: Raise concerns with your manager, another manager, or a watchdog agency Outcome: Preservation of the public interest, accountability and community confidence; and improved morale in the workplace
A difficult decision DEFINE the problem objectively EXAMINE existing policies and proceduresIDENTIFY decision options ANALYSE risks DECIDE and communicate REVIEW
Conclusion The Ethical Framework sets the standards of good conduct that are expected in the workplace There are many different ways to build workplaces where there is respect, equality, honesty, collaboration and a strong focus on customer service These changes will not occur overnight, and take effort to maintain. Everyone here has an important role to play: –In conducting yourself in an ethical way. –In supporting others to act ethically.
Section 1: Sub-heading goes here (Georgia) Questions? Behaving Ethically A guide for NSW government sector employees