Music / Songs Will you let me be your Servant Do not be Afraid (Laudate 972) Christ be our Light (Laudate 883) O the Word of my Lord (Laudate 979) Freely, Freely (Laudate 849) Official Hymn for the Holy Year of Mercy 7 X 70 (Rejoice 1- 54) Sorry Songs (Twinkle, Twinkle) Stay Awake (Laudate 72) Here I am Lord (Laudate 865) A Friend in Need (Rejoice 2 – 33) Year of Mercy Spirituality Pack 6. Whole School Assembly – music suggestions
If my brother does me wrong how should I forgive him? If my brother does me wrong how should I forgive him? ‘Sev’n times sev’n o!’ That’s what Jesus says you know ‘Sev’n times sev’n o!’ That’s what Jesus says.
If my sister lets me down how should I forgive her? If my sister lets me down how should I forgive her? ‘Sev’n times sev’n o!’ That’s what Jesus says you know ‘Sev’n times sev’n o!’ That’s what Jesus says.
If my friends won’t play with me how should I forgive them? If my friends won’t play with me how should I forgive them? ‘Sev’n times sev’n o!’ That’s what Jesus says you know ‘Sev’n times sev’n o!’ That’s what Jesus says.
Stay awake, X X be ready, X X You do no know the hour when the Lord is coming Stay awake, X X be ready, X X The Lord is coming soon. Alleluia, alleluia! The Lord is coming soon.
Change your lives, X X He’s coming, X X The one who will baptise with the Holy Spirit, Change your lives X X He’s coming X X The Lord is coming soon. Alleluia, alleluia! The Lord is coming soon.
Prepare! X X He’s coming! X X The one who will give peace to the world is coming! Prepare! X X He’s coming! X X The reign of God is near. Alleluia, alleluia! The reign of God is near.
By the power, X X of the Spirit X X Mary will give birth to a son called Jesus. By the power, X X of the Spirit, X X Emmanuel is near. Alleluia, alleluia! Emmanuel is near.
There was a man on along, long journey – o, On the road from Jerusalem to Jerico. The road was stoney and all – aloney – o With many a twist and wind.
But theives were lurking round rocks and lying low, On the road from Jerusalem to Jerico. They robbed him, beat him, until his blood did flow And left him half dead behind.
Then came a priest from the great big temple – o, On the road from Jerusalem to Jerico. And did he stop and give comfort? Oh dear no! He just left him lying there.
Next came a Levite a clever fellow, oh! On the road from Jerusalem to Jerico. And when he looked at him, on his way did go His nose he held in the air.
A lone Samaritan with his donkey - o, On the road from Jerusalem to Jerico. He bandaged, carried him to an inn – y – o And paid money for his stay
Now all our life is a long, long journey - o, On the road from Jerusalem to Jerico. We should help everyone who’s in trouble – o So why don’t we start today?
Jesus, Jesus here we are sorry, sorry we all are. Help us, help us if you would always, always to be good. Jesus, Jesus here we are sorry, sorry we all are. Tune – Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star
Dear Lord Jesus hear our prayers as we bring to you our cares. Please forgive us any wrongs as we sing our sorry song. Help us to be kind each day in our thoughts and all we say. Tune – Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star