CHAPTER I A PIC Microcontroller Framework
Introduction 4 Microcomputer? –A computer in which the processing unit is a microprocessor –Usually - a general purpose computer (or PC) 4 Embedded Controller –is a controller (or computer) that is embedded into some device for some purpose other than to provide general purpose computing
Introduction 4 Microcontroller? –The microcontroller could be called a "one-chip solution". It typically includes: CPU (central processing unit) RAM (Random Access Memory) EPROM/PROM/ROM (Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory) I/O (input/output) - serial and parallel timers interrupt controller
Five Broad Markets 4 Consumer segment –Home appliances, Entertainment equipment 4 Automotive –Keyless entry, Anti-lock braking, Airbag, etc. 4 Office Automation –PC, Keyboards, copiers, printers 4 Telecommunications –Cellular phones, pagers, answering machine 4 Industrial Products –Door locks, automatic faucets, industrial machine
Microcontroller VS. Microprocessor * John B. Peatman (2.5 Billions) (75Millions)
Microcontroller Unit Shipments
No.1990 Rank1991 Rank1992 Rank1993 Rank1994 Rank Rank1997/8/9 Rank 1MotorolaMotorolaMotorolaMotorolaMotorolaMotorolaMotorola 2MitsubishiMitsubishiMitsubishiMitsubishiMitsubishiMitsubishiMicrochip 3NECNECIntelNECNECSGS-ThomsonST-Micro 4IntelIntelNECHitachiPhilipsNECNEC 5HitachiHitachiPhilipsPhilipsIntelMicrochipMitsubishi 6PhilipsPhilipsHitachiIntelMicrochipPhilipsPhilips 7MatsushitaMatsushitaMatsushitaSGS-ThomsonZilogZilogSiemens 8NationalSGS-ThomsonSGS-ThomsonMicrochipSGS-ThomsonHitachiToshiba 9SiemensSiemensNationalMatsushitaMatsushitaFujitsuHitachi 10TITITIToshibaHitachiIntelZilog 11SharpNationalZilogNationalToshibaSiemensFujitsu 12OkiToshibaToshibaZilogNationalToshibaAtmel 13ToshibaSonySiemensTITIMatsushitaNational 14SGS-ThomsonSharpMicrochipSiemensRicohTISanyo 15ZilogOkiSharpSharpFujitsuNationalMatsushita 16Matra MHSZilogSanyoOkiSiemensTemicTI 17SonyMicrochipMatra MHSSonySharpSanyoSony 18FujitsuMatra MHSSonySanyoOkiRicohIntel 19AMDFujitsuOkiFujitsuSonyOkiLG Semicon 20MicrochipSanyoFujitsuAMDTemicSharpSamsung No.1990 Rank1991 Rank1992 Rank1993 Rank1994 Rank Rank1997/8/9 Rank 1MotorolaMotorolaMotorolaMotorolaMotorolaMotorolaMotorola 2MitsubishiMitsubishiMitsubishiMitsubishiMitsubishiMitsubishiMicrochip 3NECNECIntelNECNECSGS-ThomsonST-Micro 4IntelIntelNECHitachiPhilipsNECNEC 5HitachiHitachiPhilipsPhilipsIntelMicrochipMitsubishi 6PhilipsPhilipsHitachiIntelMicrochipPhilipsPhilips 7MatsushitaMatsushitaMatsushitaSGS-ThomsonZilogZilogSiemens 8NationalSGS-ThomsonSGS-ThomsonMicrochipSGS-ThomsonHitachiToshiba 9SiemensSiemensNationalMatsushitaMatsushitaFujitsuHitachi 10TITITIToshibaHitachiIntelZilog 11SharpNationalZilogNationalToshibaSiemensFujitsu 12OkiToshibaToshibaZilogNationalToshibaAtmel 13ToshibaSonySiemensTITIMatsushitaNational 14SGS-ThomsonSharpMicrochipSiemensRicohTISanyo 15ZilogOkiSharpSharpFujitsuNationalMatsushita 16Matra MHSZilogSanyoOkiSiemensTemicTI 17SonyMicrochipMatra MHSSonySharpSanyoSony 18FujitsuMatra MHSSonySanyoOkiRicohIntel 19AMDFujitsuOkiFujitsuSonyOkiLG Semicon 20MicrochipSanyoFujitsuAMDTemicSharpSamsung Based on unit shipment volume, Source: Dataquest, July 2000 Worldwide 8-Bit Microcontroller Market Share - Units
Motorola 68HC11 & PIC
Peripheral Interface Controller (PIC) 4 PIC Microcontroller –Manufactured by Microchip Technology –8-bit RISC microcontroller –Embedded (hidden or buried) intelligence –Available with a range of capabilities, bit instruction, 8-44 pin part –Packaged in both DIP and surface-mount packages –Low cost
PIC – WIDE POPULARITY 4 Fast –Performance 8-bit, microcontroller –Executes most of the instructions in 0.2us or five instructions per second (20MHz clock) 4 Smart –Set of development tools 4 Quick –Time to develop/market (Flash/OTP) 4 Cool –Low power consumption 4 Smooth –Upward migration
PIC – WIDE POPULARITY (Cont.) 4 Instruction set –Small - 35 instructions 4 Integration of operational features –Power-on reset and brown-out protection –Watchdog timer –Support four clock options RC X-TAL/Ceramic resonator High-speed OSC Low Power
PIC – WIDE POPULARITY (Cont.) 4 Programmable timer Options 4 Interrupt control –Up to 12 independent interrupt source 4 Powerful output pin control –Drive a load of up to 25 mA 4 I/O port expansion –Built-in serial peripheral interface can make use of standard shift-register to add number of I/O pins
PIC – WIDE POPULARITY (Cont.) 4 Serial Programming via two pins –Low cost programmer 4 Flash/EPROM/OTP/ROM options 4 Free ( –MPLAB –Assembler and Simulator –Manuals –Application notes
Memory Technology FLASH Memory 4 Standard product family –Short lead times 4 Programmed by designer 4 In-Circuit Re-programmable –Can be erased and reprogrammed 4 In-Circuit Debugging capability –Can be used on any package or die 4 Most flexible solution 4 Highest relative cost at same geometry *From Microchip Seminar 2000
Memory Technology OTP/EPROM Memory 4 Parts available off the shelf –Short lead times 4 Lower cost than FLASH at same geometry 4 Programmed by designer 4 In-Circuit Programmable 4 More flexible than ROM *From Microchip Seminar 2000
Memory Technology ROM Memory 4 Not off the shelf –Designer must provide code –Long lead times 4 Programmed at the factory 4 Least flexible solution 4 Lowest cost solution –Initial NRE (mask charge) –Minimum quantities required *From Microchip Seminar 2000
Memory Selection 4 CHOOSE FLASHfor debugging & development of both products 4 CHOOSE FLASH for debugging & development of both products –For Mass Distribution Product Use OTP in initial productionUse OTP in initial production –Lower cost yet provides opportunity to change code Once code stabilizes convert to ROMOnce code stabilizes convert to ROM –Realize full cost savings *From Microchip Seminar 2000
Memory Technology PIC16F870* * PlannedROMEPROMFLASHPIC16CR76* PIC16CR73*PIC16CR63 PIC16CR72 PIC18C242PIC16C76 PIC16C73PIC16C63 PIC16C72 PIC18F242*PIC16F876 PIC16F873 PIC16F872* 2Kw 4Kw 8Kw PIC18CRXX PIC18CRXX*PIC18C252PIC18F252* 16Kw *From Microchip Seminar 2000
Development Tools 4 Need to have complete tool solution –Language Tools for code development AssemblersAssemblers C-CompilersC-Compilers –Simulator –Emulator –Debugger –Programmer 4 Need a tool that integrates them all together *From Microchip Seminar 2000
PICmicro MCU Development Tools* MPLAB-ICD Project Manager Built-in Editor Source Level Debugger MPASM Assembler LanguagesProgrammers MPLAB-SIM Simulator SimulatorsEmulatorsThird Party MPLINK MPLIB MPLAB ® Integrated Development Environment PICSTART ® Plus PRO MATE ® II ICEPIC † † Third Party Tool MPLAB-ICE 2000 C Compilers † Hi-Tech, IAR, CCS MPLAB-C17 MPLAB-C18 *From Microchip Seminar 2000
PICmicro MCU Development Tools Language Products 4 MPASM –Microchip Universal Macro Assembler –Supports all PICmicro MCUs 4 MPLINK –Create executable files from object files created by MPASM or MPLAB-C17/C18 –May use libraries stored by MPLIB 4 MPLIB –Groups relocateable objects created by MPASM or MPLAB-C17/C18 *From Microchip Seminar 2000
PICmicro MCU Development Tools MPLAB-C17 & MPLAB-C18 4 Microchip compiler for PIC17CXXX and PIC18CXXX PICmicro MCUs 4 ANSI compatible 4 MPASM/MPLINK/MPLIB –Compatible at object level –Supports relocatable objects 4 Reliable Code Generators 4 Free 30 day copies available on the web *From Microchip Seminar 2000
PICmicro MCU Development Tools MPLAB-SIM 4 Supports all PICmicro MCUs 4 Discrete event simulator instruction based 4 MPLAB compatible –Unlimited breakpoints –Unlimited trace points –Examine/modify registers –Watch variables –Time stamp –Stimulus injection 4 Available electronically FREE *From Microchip Seminar 2000
PICmicro MCU Development Tools MPLAB-ICD In-Circuit Debugger +9V Power Supply Cable+9V Cable MPLAB-ICD Module MPLAB-ICD Header MPLAB-ICD Demo Board PIC16F877PIC16F877 9” Modular Cable RS-232CableRS-232Cable *From Microchip Seminar 2000
PICmicro MCU Development Tools MPLAB-ICD Features 4 Uses MPLAB IDE and PC serial port 4 Real-time code execution, Variable Watching 4 Single Step, One Hardware Breakpoint 4 3.0V to 5.5V, 32kHz to 20MHz 4 Small system impact using only 2 I/O pins 4 Uses actual oscillator and other peripherals 4 Every PIC16F87X is a debugger *From Microchip Seminar 2000
PICmicro MCU Development Tools MPLAB-ICE 2000 Host to Pod Cable *Emulator Pod * Processor Module Module * Processor Module Module Flex Circuit Cable Cable *Device Adapter Adapter*Device *SOICTransitionSocket*SOICTransitionSocket * Each component ordered separately *From Microchip Seminar 2000
PICmicro MCU Development Tools MPLAB-ICE System Components 4 Emulator pod (required) MPLAB-ICE 2000, full-featured systemMPLAB-ICE 2000, full-featured system 4 Processor module (required) PICmicro specific support (contains the flex circuit cable)PICmicro specific support (contains the flex circuit cable) 4 Device adapter (required) PICmicro and package specific support (DIP, PLCC, and PQFP/TQFP)PICmicro and package specific support (DIP, PLCC, and PQFP/TQFP) 4 Transition socket (optional depending on package) Required for SOIC, SSOP, PQFP, & TQFPRequired for SOIC, SSOP, PQFP, & TQFP Transitions pin-out from Device Adapter to specific surface mount packageTransitions pin-out from Device Adapter to specific surface mount package *From Microchip Seminar 2000
Emulator/Debugger Comparison Chart *From Microchip Seminar 2000
Development Systems PICSTART Plus Development Programmer 4 Low-cost Development Programmer 4 Upgrades done in MPLAB software. Firmware upgrades occasionally required for new PICmicro MCU sub-families 4 Uses serial programming algorithms for all ICSP capable devices 4 Also runs under Windows NT! ProgrammerActiveProgrammerActive 40-Pin ZIF Socket to accommodate PICmicro MCUs from 8- to 40-pins. 68-pin PLCC can be programmed with an adapter PICSTART Plus DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMMER POWER ACTIVE RS-232 Serial Interface Interface 9V DC Input Power ON *From Microchip Seminar 2000
Microchip Technology Inc. The Embedded Control Solutions Company ® DigitalPeripheralsDigitalPeripherals LEDDriversLEDDrivers LCDDriversLCDDrivers AmplifiersAmplifiersFiltersFilters SRAMSRAM A/DA/D PrecisionVoltageReferencePrecisionVoltageReference InterfaceProductsInterfaceProducts PowerManagement - Regulators - Supervisory PowerManagement - Regulators - Supervisory AC Power Battery High Voltage I/O’s I/O’s Serial NV Memory Memory PICmicroMicrocontroller