Apriori–PrefixSpan Hybrid Approach for Automated Detection of Botnet Coordinated Attacks Masayuki Ohrui, Hiroaki Kikuchi, Tokai University Masato Terada, Hitachi, Ltd. Nur Rohman Rosyid, KMITL NBiS2011-S4: Network Security
3. Botnet2. Variants Generation of Malware 2 1. Single NBiS2011 PEPE WORM AA BB CC PE TR The Botnet Coordinated Attacks WO
Definition of Coordinated Attacks Time1st AttackC&CCoordinated AttacksUser 0:00 1:00 1:30 NBiS20113 PE 1st Attack IRC DNS Command WO TR DNS GET
Number of Downloads ( ) NBiS20114 CCC DATAset [3 years] Number of Downloads [DL/Week] Decreasing Tendency
Avg. Length of Coordinated Attacks NBiS20115 Number of Rules [Rules/Month] Number of Patterns [Patterns/Day] CCC DATAset 2009 ~ 2010 [2 years] Complication
Objectives NBiS20116 Difficulty
Previous Works M. Ohrui, H. Kikuchi and M, Terada, “Mining Association Rules Consisting of Download Servers from Distributed Honeypot Observation”, The 13th Int’l Conf. on Network- Based Information Systems (NBiS 2010), pp , N. R. Rosyid, M. Ohrui, H. Kikuchi and P. Sooraksa, M. Terada, “A Discovery of Sequential Attack Patterns of Malware in Botnets”, The 2010 IEEE Int’l Conf. on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (SMC 2010), pp , NBiS Apriori 2. PrefixSpan
Sequence in order Comparison of 2 Algorythms A set of items unordered if X then Y NBiS Apriori 2. PrefixSpan Given honeypot log: WO TR PE PE WO TR PEWO TR PETR WO 50 patterns (Answer) 50/50 extracts 30/50 extracts 20/50 extracts Same Time
1. Example of Apriori NBiS20119 WeekPE1PE2WORM1WORM2TROJ1TROJ2 Sun321 Mon Tue2212 Wed5321 Thu1143 Fri223 Sat31153
2. Example of PrefixSpan Given a sequence database and minimum support threshold 2. : 5, : 5, : 5, : 2, and : 2 NBiS201110
Pros and Cons NBiS Date AprioriPrefixSpan RuleSlotsTrueRulePtnsTrue 09/02/04 BK,TS ⇒ WO 14 TS ⇒ BK ⇒ WO 329 TS ⇒ WO ⇒ BK 7 WO ⇒ BK ⇒ TS 4 WO ⇒ TS ⇒ BK 12 … 09/02/28 BK,TS ⇒ WO 77 TS ⇒ WO ⇒ BK 514 BK,WO ⇒ TS 7 WO ⇒ TS ⇒ BK 3 Failed detection False detection Perfect detection Many Patterns
Our Idea Hybrid detection of Apriori and PrefixSpan. NBiS BK, TR ⇒ WO PE, WO ⇒ TR TS, WO ⇒ BK …etc BK ⇒ TR ⇒ WO: 4 BK ⇒ WO ⇒ TR: 3 TR ⇒ BK ⇒ WO: 3 WO ⇒ BK ⇒ TR: 3 Dataset Step.1 Apriori Step.1 Apriori Useless Step.2 Prefix Span Step.2 Prefix Span Useless The Botnet Coordinated Attacks The Botnet Coordinated Attacks YES NO TR ⇒ WO ⇒ BK: 10 WO ⇒ TR ⇒ BK: 12 Detected.
Experiment Experiment NBiS201113
CCC DATAset CCC DATAset have observed malware traffic at the Japanese tier-1 backbone under the Cyber Clean Center (CCC). The malware downloading logs 112(2008), 94(2009), 92(2010) honeypot 3 years ( November 01, April 30, 2010 ) The captured packets data 1 honeypot 2(2008), 2(2009), 7(2010) days NBiS201114
Evaluation NBiS Recall Precision B. True rules A. Detected rulesC A B C. Correctly detected rules 40 rules 50 rules 30 rules
Accuracy NBiS2011 We can deduce from the data that hybrid approach is effective. AprioriPrefixSpanHybrid Recall315/315 =1.0482/575 = /575 = 0.95 Precision315/464 = /482 =
Conclusions We have proposed the hybrid Approach of Apriori and PrefixSpan for automated detection of botnet coordinated attacks. Our experiment shows that the proposed scheme improves accuracy of detection by recall of 0.95 and precision of 1.0. NBiS201117
Thank you! NBiS201118