OVERCOMING BARRIERS TO BUILDING A BETTER FUTURE STEM FACULTY Mark Connolly, Associate Research Scientist Future STEM Leaders | May 4, 2016 1.


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Presentation transcript:

OVERCOMING BARRIERS TO BUILDING A BETTER FUTURE STEM FACULTY Mark Connolly, Associate Research Scientist Future STEM Leaders | May 4,

Preparing current and future faculty more effectively as undergraduate educators is a high priority in the national STEM agenda. Overview 4

*Connolly, M. R. (2012) [Postsecondary employment patters of STEM doctorate recipients.] Unpublished analysis of data from Survey of Doctorate Recipients. Of 27,051 STEM doctorate recipients in 2000, 8,900 (32.8%) were teaching in postsecondary institutions in Doctoral students are vital to the future of undergraduate STEM education. 1 of every 3 STEM Ph.D.s will be teaching at a college or university within 6 years of completing their doctorate.* 3

Teaching Development (TD) for STEM Doctoral Students ■Aim of TD: –To help doctoral students interested in undergraduate education to gain knowledge, skills, and values needed to be effective teachers, advisors, and mentors. ■Forms of TD: –Workshops, seminars, short trainings –Courses on college teaching –Extended workshops, certificate programs Overview 5

Teaching Development, Cont’d. ■TD initiatives: –Preparing Future Faculty –Center for the Integration of Research, Teaching, and Learning (CIRTL) ■We need more and better information about the effects of teaching development programs on doctoral students. 5 Overview

■Funded in 2008 by NSF’s Division of Undergraduate Education ($1.9M) ■Longitudinal: following a panel of STEM dissertators— both participants and non- participants—for at least 5 years ( ) Overview 7 This material is based on work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No The Longitudinal Study of Future STEM Scholars is housed within the Wisconsin Center for Education Research in the School of Education at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.

7 View our research briefs and final report:

Year Interviews with 75 early-career academics INSTITUTIONS STUDENTS PROGRAMS Located 77 TD programs as of 2010 D ATA S OURCES Overview 9

TD P ARTICIPATION AND E NGAGEMENT 9 Factors Discouraging Participation in TD Key Findings

E ARLY - CAREER P ATHWAYS & E MPLOYMENT  STEM Ph.D.s have complex career pathways in the first five years after completing their degree 10 Key Findings

E ARLY - CAREER P ATHWAYS & E MPLOYMENT 11 Doctoral Students’ Career Pathways Since Earning Their Ph.D. Key Findings

E ARLY - CAREER P ATHWAYS & E MPLOYMENT 12 Doctoral Students’ Career Pathways Since Earning Their Ph.D. Key Findings

E ARLY - CAREER P ATHWAYS & E MPLOYMENT 13 Doctoral Students’ Career Pathways Since Earning Their Ph.D. Key Findings

E ARLY - CAREER P ATHWAYS & E MPLOYMENT 14 Doctoral Students’ Career Pathways Since Earning Their Ph.D. Key Findings

A F EW K EY C ONCLUSIONS ■TD engagement during the doctoral program can be an effective way to prepare skilled STEM instructors who foster greater undergraduate learning ■TD participation did not impact time to degree completion, but actual teaching experiences did ■Higher levels of TD were associated with getting a faculty position within 5 years 15 Conclusions

R ECOMMENDATIONS 16 Recommendations

N ATIONAL S TAKEHOLDERS C AN : ■Require federal research grant awards to include TD ■Advance lines of research on TD programs and participants 17 Recommendations

C OLLEGE & U NIVERSITY A DMINISTRATORS C AN : ■Seek change across the institution related to faculty reward structures 18 Recommendations

P ROFESSIONAL D EVELOPMENT P ROVIDERS C AN : ■Gather more and better data—and use it 19 Recommendations

D EPARTMENT C HAIRS C AN : ■Provide opportunities to discuss teaching and learning ■Add a required TD seminar to doctoral curriculum ■Encourage faculty to open their classrooms for observation of effective teaching 20 Recommendations

D EPARTMENT C HAIRS C AN : ■Add a required TD seminar to doctoral curriculum ■Provide opportunities to discuss teaching and learning ■Encourage faculty to open their classrooms for observation of effective teaching F ACULTY A DVISORS C AN : ■Communicate with students about teaching ■Allow students time in TD without fear of shame/reprisals ■Help integrate students’ research and teaching 21 Recommendations

D OCTORAL S TUDENTS C AN : ■Communicate with faculty about role of teaching/TD in your career development ■ Engage in TD programs and activities: –Pursue authentic teaching opportunities –Opt for formal TD courses when possible –Observe others’ teaching –Solicit feedback on your teaching 22 Recommendations

23 View our research briefs and final report:

A CKNOWLEDGEMENTS National Science Foundation Wisconsin Center for Education Research University of Wisconsin Survey Center Amanda Ward and Lara Rubinyi, Graduate Assistants Anh Dang, Undergraduate Assistant This material is based on work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No The Longitudinal Study of Future STEM Scholars is housed within the Wisconsin Center for Education Research in the School of Education at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation. 24