Educational Technology CALL and the 3 Web(s) Kingdom of Saudi Arabia The Royal Commission at Yanbu Yanbu University College Yanbu Al-Sinaiyah x EDU 401
What is Technology? What is Educational Technology? History of Educational Technology CALL Web Lecture Outline
What is Technology?
Can we predict the Future...? “One day every town in America will have a telephone!” - U.S. Mayor, (c 1880)
Objective? …in the winter of 1813 & '14 … I attended a mathematical school kept in Boston…On entering [the] room, we were struck at the appearance of an ample Black Board suspended on the wall, with lumps of chalk on a ledge below, and cloths hanging at either side. I had never heard of such a thing before. [Samuel J. May, 1855] What is Technology? Lllllllllllllllllllllllllllll
1989: ‘The future is multi-media’ 1999: ‘The future is the Web’ 2009: ‘The future is smart mobile’ Can we predict the Future...? way-forward?from=ss_embed
“Technology is commonly thought of in terms of gadgets, instruments, machines and devices”...most (educators) will defer to technology as computers.” (Muffoletto, 1994) What is Technology?
Today’s Technology?
History of Educational Technology The history of “Educational technology … can be traced back to ……early cultures invented pictographs or sign writing to…record and transmit information.”(Paul Saettler, 1990)
What is Educational Technology? … the study and ethical practice of facilitating learning and improving performance by creating, using and managing appropriate technological processes and resources.
What is CALL? (CALL) Computer Assisted Language Learning ( sometimes expanded as computer-aided language learning) An approach to language teaching and learning in which ‘computer’ technology is used as an aid to the presentation, reinforcement and assessment of material to be learned, usually including a considerable interactive element. Levy (1997) The term CALI (Computer-assisted language instruction) was in use before CALL Computer-assisted language learning (CALL) was agreed upon at the 1983 TESOL convention in a meeting of all interested participants
Other Acronyms (TELL) Technology Enhanced Language Learning (NBLT) Network-Based Language Teaching (CMC) Computer Mediated Communication Information
CELL - Computer-enhanced language learning: suggests the computer's role is to make learning better TELL - Technology-enhanced language learning: this accommodates more than just computers, often bringing in video and seeing the computer as just one part of a larger system. It is increasingly popular as a generic term TALL - Technology-assisted language learning: variant of CALL and TELL CALI - Computer-assisted language instruction: with "instruction" in it, it's more teaching oriented CBLT - Computer-based language training: views elements of language learning as "training" and tends to use an approach with definable, measurable objectives NBLT - Network-Based Language Teaching: focuses on computer- mediated communication and the web Levy & Stockwell (2006)
Warschaure’s Phases of CALL Please study thee phases from reading 1. Warschauer (1996) and Warschauer & Healey (1998) took a different approach, identifying three phases of CALL, classified according to their underlying pedagogical and methodological approaches: Behaviouristic CALL Communicative CALL Integrative CALL 1960s and 1970s.tutor. Delivering content- Drill-and-practice 1970s and 1980s. practicing student choice, control and interaction Multimedia: World Wide Web
The Web We Knew Web 1.0? Was one way was about reading was about (tools ) was about home pages was about owning was about dialup was about output materials
The Web Now Web 2.0? is two way is about (reading &) writing is about users( teachers) is about blogs, wikis, Youtube, podcasting is about sharing is about broadband is about input materials Interaction Social Networking Contribution Conversation The Web Now Collaboration
The Web Now Web 2.0? is two way is about (reading &) writing is about users( teachers) is about blogs, wikis, Youtube, podcasting is about sharing is about broadband is about input materials Interaction Social Networking Conversation The Web Now Collaboration contribute collaborate share information edit content create networks Coined by O'Reilly Media in 2003O'Reilly Media2003 Popularized by the first Web 2.0 conference in 2004 Refers to a second generation of web 1.0 Summarized in "social software" or tools that connect people and allow them to:
Web 3.0 Semantic Web Web 1.0 The Web Web x.0 Meta Web Web 2.0 Social Web Degree of Social Connectivity Degree of Information Connectivity Adapted from : Nova Spivak W3C? What is Semantic Web?
Web 3.0 Semantic Web Web 1.0 The Web Web x.0 Meta Web Web 2.0 Social Web Degree of Social Connectivity Degree of Information Connectivity Connects information Connects people Connects knowledgeConnects intelligence The (Smart) eXtended Web
“Eating Donuts”. How are you going to use social media to convey the fact that you are eat donuts?. QYTO: “What is your most important reason for using social networking sites?”
more self-directed better equipped to capture information more reliant on feedback from peers more inclined to collaborate more oriented toward being their producers of their own content. New’ learners are... So, technology is changing..very fast. Do you think learners are changing too?
Learning 3.0 Distributed (Cloud) computing Extended smart mobile technology 3D visualisation and interaction Wearable devices.. Google watch is out soon! (132)
Digital Natives? The Net Generation? Millennials? BYOD
Learners will need new ‘literacies’ Social networking Privacy maintenance Identity management Creating content Organising content Reusing, Filtering, Selecting Self presenting
What does tomorrow holds…?? Do you think you need to know how to integrate techno9logy in your EFL/ESL classroom? What type of technology do you need to integrate? What type of learners you will be teaching?