All Things Graduation AGENDA Address the class (Mr. Heibel) Purpose of the meeting (Mr. Hart) Receive Graduation Packets Project Grad (State’s Attorney’s Office/ Ms. Stephenson) Senior Survey (Ms. Willis) Graduation Requirements (Ms. Bishop) Bank/Debt Information (Ms. Snyder) Class trip (Mr. Lake) Caps/Gowns (Ms. Duran) Graduation Packet (Mr. Hart) Questions and Answers (as time allows) (all Presenters) 04/14/2016 8:10 a.m. Auditorium
Graduation will be held Thursday, June 2nd, 2016 at St. Mary’s College of Maryland in the Aquatic and Recreation Center. Tickets are required. The Commencement Ceremony will begin promptly at 6:00 PM. Doors will open for seating at 4:30 PM.
Participating/Walking in the Graduation Ceremony is a privilege. Appropriate behavior is an expectation of earning this privilege.
If you have a parent(s) serving in the Military and is currently deployed, please let Mr. Heibel know ASAP (not right now)
ACADEMIC REQUIREMENTS: Seniors are to attend class through May 25, Senior grades will not be finalized until May 27, All graduation requirements must be completed before a Maryland State Diploma can be awarded. Check with your Guidance Counselor to make sure you have everything ready to go! We are unable to make last minute changes, so check as soon as possible.
AWARDS ASSEMBLY: We invite our graduating seniors and their parents to attend the Senior Awards Assembly. The awards assembly will be Thursday, May 26, 2016 at 8:15 AM. Please dress in your Sunday best. Seniors will report directly to the auditorium at 8:00 AM. After the assembly, normal check out procedures will apply; tables will be set up in the auditorium lobby to facilitate this procedure.
CAPS AND GOWNS: Caps and gowns will be distributed at the graduation practice held at SMCM. Your gown should be kept on a hanger and may be ironed with a COOL iron or may be steamed to remove wrinkles. The gown should extend down to the mid-calf area. DURING THE NATIONAL ANTHEM and PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE, GENTLEMEN ARE TO REMOVE THEIR MORTAR BOARDS (CAPS).
GRADUATION DRESS CODE: Student dress will be checked as seniors enter GMHS on the night of graduation. Students not abiding by the dress code will be sent home for proper attire. The following dress code will be enforced:
Women are to wear white or black dress shoes and an appropriate dress or pants suit that meets the school dress code. High heels and slip-on high heels are discouraged, but not prohibited. Flip flops are not permitted. Ladies, please wear closed toe or "peep toe" shoes only. This is to prevent catching your toes on the carpet of the stage. Plan to wear the shoes you want to wear for graduation during the practice at SMCM for approval and a trial run!
Men are to wear a white dress shirt, a dark tie, dark dress trousers, dark socks, and black dress shoes. Do not wear denim trousers, jeans, shorts, tennis shoes, or sandals. You will not be allowed to participate in the ceremony if you are improperly dressed! Please wear the white shirt and tie to practice at the college for the Class of 2016 panoramic picture.
GRADUATION HANDICAPPED SEATING: Handicapped seating may be requested by completing the form on the GMHS website and returning it by hand to the GMHS Main Office by May 20, A regular ticket will be replaced by a handicapped ticket. These are not extra tickets.
GRADUATION PHOTOGRAPHY AND VIDEOS: Any photography must be taken from your seat. Professional photographers will be taking photos of each student as they accept their diploma from Mr. Heibel. Video cameras will be allowed, however, all videotaping must be done from your seat. Guests are asked to not bring tripods into the gymnasium due to space limitations.
GRADUATION PRACTICES: Attendance at all graduation practices is mandatory. Mr. Heibel is in charge of all rehearsals. Only he may excuse a senior from rehearsal. Students who do not attend practices will not participate in the graduation ceremony on June 2nd, Students who have conflicts must have written permission from Mr. Heibel by Friday, May 20,
GRADUATION PRACTICES: Seniors who are late to practice will have 10 minutes of community service for every 1 minute they are late. The community service will take place immediately following practice. Seniors are not to be on school grounds, except while they are attending graduation practices. Unless you have a pass, you may not wander the building and meet with teachers.
Graduation practices are as follows: May 27, 2016: 8 – 10:00 AM (Students last names from A – K) 10:00 – 12:00 PM (Students last names L – Z) May 31, 2016: 8 – 10:00 AM (Students last names from A – K) 10:00 – 12:00 PM (Students last names L – Z)
Graduation practices are as follows: June 1, 2016: 8 – 1:00 pm (ALL) All graduating seniors will be bused to SMCM for final practice. All seniors must ride the bus, no exceptions. Students are not permitted to drive personal vehicles to practice at SMCM.
June 2nd, 2016, GRADUATION REPORTING TIME : If you have been present at all rehearsals, you must be at Great Mills High School no later than 4:30 PM on June 2nd, Dress code will be strictly enforced as you enter the building. Anyone not meeting dress code will be sent home to change. Secure any valuables in your car and then report to your assigned room. Also, please stay in your assigned room until asked to line up and board the buses for the college.
GRADUATION TICKET INFORMATION: Each graduating Senior will be given 7 graduation tickets; 4 for the Main Arena and 3 for the Auxiliary Gym. We do not have extra tickets. Tickets will be distributed to seniors during the May 31st Graduation Practice. Seating is on a first-come basis. Mr. Heibel…do you want to elaborate on tickets at this time?
PROJECT GRADUATION CELEBRATION: All members of the Class of 2016 and one guest are invited to the Chemical Free Graduation Celebration to be held at the Drill Hall on Base. The contract must be signed by both you and your guest (no one under the age of 15 or over 21 may attend) and their parents. Return the completed forms to Ms. Stephenson or Mr. Lake by Friday, May 20, 2016, before 2:45 PM. Once you have turned in your contract your guest’s name cannot be changed.
SENIOR PANAORAMIC: The Senior Panoramic will be taken during rehearsal at SMCM on June 1, Please bring order forms and checks to any of the practices and place them in the box labeled Senior Panoramic
WEARING OF THE TASSEL: During the processional and throughout the awarding of diplomas, the tassel is worn on the right side of the mortarboard (cap). After the diplomas have been awarded, on the rehearsed signal, the tassels will be shifted to the left side of the cap. DO NOT lose your tassel, we have no extra tassels to give you.
25-MayLast Full Day of school 26-MayAwards Assembly…be at school by 7:00 a.m. (Auditorium) 21-May Senior Class Trip to Busch Gardens Cost is $60; payment is due by Wednesday, May 11, ….6:00 a.m. be at school no later than 5:45 a.m. (see Ms. Stephenson/ Mr. Lake) 27-MayPractice at School a.m. A-K… p.m. L-Z (Auditorium) 31-MayPractice at School a.m. A-K… p.m. L-Z (Auditorium) 1-June Practice at COLLEGE…Everyone must ride the bus, be at school by 8 a.m. (everybody) Follow dress code for graduation. 2-June Graduation Day….Project Grad….Must be at school by 4:30 p.m. (dress appropriately)