The Modern Language Association (MLA) Format is used for identifying research sources. In MLA style you briefly credit sources in your paper (in-text citations) give the complete description of each source in your bibliography (Works Cited Page)
Signal Phrase: lets the reader know the source of the information by including the author and title. Before your quote In-text citation: is when you provide information about the source in the text of the paper. After your quote This uses parentheses According to John Doe in “Writing Gives Me a Headache,” “Writing and revising essays over and over will make a student a good writer” (97). Signal Phrase Quote In-Text Citation
When you use information from another source, you must include an in-text citation in your essay. An in-text citation is when you provide information about the source in the text of the paper.
Proper citation Signal phrase... For example you could say… “According to author…” Open quotation marks Write down the quote word for word (if quoting) End with quotation marks Open parenthesis ( Author name Page number Close parenthesis )
Quotes of no more than two sentences can be included in the body of your essay using quotation marks 1 st Time: According to Ellie Wiesel in Night, “Never shall I forget those flames which consumed my faith forever” (Wiesel 22). 2 nd Time “Never shall I forget those flames which consumed my faith forever” (Wiesel 22). Mention author & title of source Only include author’s last name in the in-text citation
1 st Time: According to Daniel E. Brannen in Supreme Court Drama: Cases That Changed America, “police officers in Cleveland, Ohio, had information that a bombing suspect was hiding the house of Dollree Mapp” (Mapp v. Ohio 487). Or (Supreme Court Drama 487). 2 nd Time “The police stationed themselves outside Mapp’s home to watch the place” (Mapp v. Ohio 487).
An enslaved man named fortune managed a farm in Connecticut. After Fortune’s death, his master, a doctor, preserved his bones to study human anatomy. In the 1930s, the bones were given to a museum. By then no one knew whose they were. In the 1990s, historians linked the bones to Fortune, and scientists determined the cause of his death.
Read along with the class during the out-loud read of “Not My Bones” by Marilyn Nelson. Annotate for the following items: Unknown vocabulary The following questions: Who is the speaker of the poem? What does the speaker think about his body? Bonus inference question: What does the speaker think about human being’s place in the universe.
Writing prompt: In the afterword of Fortune’s Bones, Marie Galbraith, the executive director of the Mattatuck Museum, writes: When the fortune project began, the committee members felt strongly that Fortune’s remains should be buried. Now they are divided on this issue, as are visitors to the museum’s exhibit ‘Fortune’s Story/Larry’s Legacy.” What do you think should be done with fortune’s bones? Should the skeleton be buried, or should it be kept on display. Support your opinion with reasons and evidence, including details from the poem and the notes.