English Business 2 Lecture 3 Dea Adlina
CONNECTORS Coordinating, Subordinating, Correlative
Coordinating Connectors and, but, or To connect words or phrases that have the same grammatical function in a sentence. This use of conjunctions is called parallel structure.
Coordinating Connectors and, but, or Steve and his friend are coming to dinner. He is waving his arms and (is) shouting at us. These shoes are old but comfortable. NounverbAdjectiveNounverb The same auxiliary verb may be omitted Adjective
Coordinating Connectors and, but, or He wants to watch TV or (to) listen to some music. Susan raised her hand, snapped her finggers and asked a question. verb infinitive
Subordinating Connectors because, because of Because the weather was cold, we stayed home. Because of the cold weather, we stayed home. Due to the cold weather, we stayed home. nounSubject + verb Adverb clause
Correlative Connectors Not only…but also, either or…neither nor, both…and Both my mother and my sister are here. Not only my parents but also my sister is here. But also Either…or Neither…nor Take a plural verb for both…and Depends on the subject that is closer to the verb Noun
Correlative Connectors Not only…but also, either or…neither nor, both…and The research project will take both time and money. Yesterday it not only rained but also snowed. I’ll take either chemistry or physics next. The book is neither interesting nor accurate.
NEGATION Hardly, Barely, Rarely, Seldom, etc
Negation negative adverb Never, Rarely, Seldom Hardly, Barely, scarcely (ever) Example: I never go there. I have barely ever gone there.
Beginning a sentence with a negative word. Never will I do that again. Rarely have I eaten better food. Hardly ever does he come to class on time. When a negative word begin a sentence, the subject and verb are inverted.
COMMANDS (IN IMPERATIVE SENTENCE) Negative commands Negative Indirect Commands
Commands – Shut the door. – Be on time. Negative commands – Don’t shut the door. – Never be late. – Don’t (you) ever open that box!
Commands Negative commands – Don’t (you) ever open that box! Negative Indirect Commands – She told me to never open that box. – She instruct me to not open that box.
See you next week