TLA workshop: Capturing our students’ attention with asynchronous lecture capture tools by Anne Tuominen
So many options, so little time! What do our colleagues do? Which tools are easy? Which process is fast? Which way creates the best looking product, with the least amount of time and effort? PPT or Prezi, or Sway, or….? Script or no script? Show your face, or not? Which tools to record with? How to caption?! Where do I publish? How? How long should it be?
Class introductions or quick announcements: simple movie makers “Welcome to Cascadia” (COLL101) by Anne Tuominen Short video from photo stills with Moviemaker on phone, music added, saved as mp4 file “Welcome to your Human anatomy class” by Natasa Kessler Short video with (for free), upload to YouTube and add free music from YouTube (yes, Mozart is free!!): ?v=5VBm2hx3_HA ?v=5VBm2hx3_HA
“Research in Social Psych” by Catherine Crain PPT, using Panopto to make audio and dual video recording of slides and instructor aspx?id=da7bb5dd ded-a6c7-71f2aa0e935b aspx?id=da7bb5dd ded-a6c7-71f2aa0e935b “Welcome to College 101” by Anne Tuominen Prezi, using Panopto to make audio and dual video recording aspx?id=4fceaf79-a96a-417e-ab76-86b0d92ede4e aspx?id=4fceaf79-a96a-417e-ab76-86b0d92ede4e “The limits of ethnoracial labels” by Anne Tuominen PPT, using Panopto for audio voice-over and providing text (captioning) aspx?id=ad7aa201-c36c-434e-985e-a500c5e7b989 aspx?id=ad7aa201-c36c-434e-985e-a500c5e7b989 Content delivery: Panopto recordings
“Lab demo: Disinfectants and antiseptics” by Natasa Kessler Video recorded by hand held iPhone Immediately uploaded to vizzywig app (this app can quickly add title slide) Then, onto YouTube. Very convenient to record a demo whenever tech has time to demonstrate the procedure can so that video can be played on the Epodium for different sections of the same class.) ch?v=iOtJt86aiUk ch?v=iOtJt86aiUk Technical content delivery: mobile recording
Semi-technical content: Simple PPT slideshow, scripted audio “One way to design a COLL101 course, using a….” by Anne Tuominen Simple PPT slideshow Scripted and separately recorded audio (Recorderpro on Windows phone) Uploaded to Youtube for captions
“232 Blood groups review” by Natasa Kessler Drawn lecture using bamboo pen tablet, audio recorded lecture in Tegrity (or Panopto), uploaded it to YouTube: Technical content delivery: digital pen and tablet, audio
Semi-technical content delivery: PPT w/animations, Camtasia, scripted audio “Anne’s eLearning tip for Dec. 15” by Anne Tuominen PPT, heavy on animations uploaded to Camtasia audio-recorded in Camtasia published and captioned in Youtube
Content delivery: PPT, scripted audio, Camtasia “Introduction to the library” by UWB librarians PPT slides Separately recorded audio Both uploaded and synced in Camtasia Published in Youtube and captioned
Closing tips, suggestions What tools to record with? Panopto and your desk computer, laptop; your phone; a tablet/ipad PPT or Prezi, or Sway, or….write on a board, or take photo stills, record a lecture Script or no script? Try a script—you’ll be surprised at how much smoother it sounds—and captioning will be easier (text is already written) Show your face, or not? It may be most effective to do this occasionally but not all the time How long should it be? Longer recordings may be more effective to chop into shorter vignettes Where do I publish? How? Panopto keeps the video in Canvas (it can be shared depending the sharing rights you choose). Youtube is widely accessible and we have an eLearning youtube channel. How to caption?! Youtube is definitely easiest, Panopto allows the text to show on the side, or to caption, you can use Amara with Panopto (but it’s more complex) What have you tried? Share what you are thinking of trying!