Reader: As the season of Advent begins we celebrate hope. All: We know that through the birth of a tiny and helpless child, God is coming to save the world.


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Presentation transcript:

Reader: As the season of Advent begins we celebrate hope. All: We know that through the birth of a tiny and helpless child, God is coming to save the world. The First Sunday in Advent: HOPE

Reader: While we watch and wait for Jesus to arrive, we join in God’s mission by bringing grace and mercy to those who need it most. All: We engage the poor and the poor in spirit, letting Christ’s light shine through us. The First Sunday in Advent: HOPE

Reader: We speak words of comfort and love to a world in need of healing as we share our stories of God’s transforming Spirit. All: Together, we are a sign of God’s hope for the world. The First Sunday in Advent: HOPE The candle of hope is lit

Reader: Let us pray Unison: God of surprising grace, when we least expect it you bring fresh new life; and where we feel that all is lost, you bring redemption. Give us courage as we share all you have done, all you are doing, and all you will accomplish through Jesus Christ. Amen. All: Lord, hear our voice. The First Sunday in Advent: HOPE

Reader: In this season of Advent, we celebrate God’s peace. All: Jesus Christ, whose birth we await, calls our community to justice and leads us in the way of peace. The Second Sunday in Advent: PEACE

Reader: Our community is forgiving. We call one another to honesty and humility and respond to each other with abundant grace. All: Our community values relationships. We live in harmony with one another even when we disagree, and strive to glorify God in everything we do. The Second Sunday in Advent: PEACE

Reader: Our community longs for unity. We work together with other churches and organizations, and live out God’s reconciling love for all the world to see. All: Together, we are a sign of God’s peace in the world. The Second Sunday in Advent: PEACE The candle of peace is lit

Reader: Let us pray Unison: God of all people and all nations, you break through the cynicism of our world and offer a vision of the lion and lamb lying down together. Open our eyes to see the signs of your coming kingdom and inspire us to participate in all you are doing in Jesus’ name. Amen. All: Lord, hear our voice. The Second Sunday in Advent: PEACE

Reader: In this season of Advent, we celebrate God’s joy. All: Knowing that Christ is coming, to bring healing and wholeness to the world, is a source of genuine delight! The Third Sunday in Advent: JOY

Reader: When we gather for worship it is a celebration, an opportunity to rejoice in all that God is doing among us and beyond us. All: Our lives are marked by laughter and friendship, as we love our neighbours with wide smiles and open arms. The Third Sunday in Advent: JOY

Reader: Even when we face difficulty and trouble we sing a song of faith, confident that Jesus is able to redeem our suffering world. All: Together, we are a sign of God’s joy for the world. The Third Sunday in Advent: JOY The candle of joy is lit

Reader: Let us pray Unison: God of transformation, we rejoice that you lift up the lowly and fill the hungry with good things. We marvel at your power to change hearts and lives. Fill us with your Spirit this season so that our voices declare your goodness and our lives proclaim your mercy in Jesus Christ. Amen. All: Lord, hear our voice. The Third Sunday in Advent: JOY

Reader: In this season of Advent, we celebrate God’s love. All: Soon we will welcome the beautiful and radical love of God as Jesus Christ comes to live among us. The Fourth Sunday in Advent: LOVE

Reader: We embrace our identity as beloved children and let this truth guide our decisions and relationships. All: In our homes and in our church we offer warm hospitality by welcoming those we don’t know, those who are in need, and those who are different from us. The Fourth Sunday in Advent: LOVE

Reader: We demonstrate our care for creation in real and tangible ways through the products we buy, the food we eat, and the way we live every day. All: Together, we are a sign of God’s love for the world. The Fourth Sunday in Advent: LOVE The candle of love is lit

Reader: Let us pray Unison: God of extravagant generosity, in Jesus we discover the depth of your care and the lengths you will go to save us. Forgive us when we ignore the needy, trample your creation and refuse to share all that we receive from you. Teach us to love our neighbours, caring for each other in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen. All: Lord, hear our voice. The Fourth Sunday in Advent: LOVE

Reader: Behold, I bring you good news of great joy; for to you is born in the city of David a Saviour, who is Christ the Lord! All: Jesus has arrived in grace and mystery, renewing faded hopes and announcing peace to a weary world. Christmas Eve/Day

Reader: Glory to God in the highest heaven, and on earth peace among those whom God favours! All: Jesus comes among us in power and glory inspiring fresh Christmas joy and calling us to lives that are full of God’s love. Christmas Eve/Day

Reader: Jesus, the light of the world, is born. All: Let Christ’s light shine in the darkest corners of our lives. Let Christ’s light shine in the darkest corners of our world. God is with us. Christmas Eve/Day The Christ candle is lit.

Reader: Let us pray Unison: God of grace and glory, as we celebrate this Christmas, transform our hearts and our lives so that your Good News is not an old story but a fresh truth lived out every day through the power of Jesus Christ. Amen. All: Lord, hear our voice. Christmas Eve/Day