QUESTIONS What landforms and rivers are found in the eastern Mediterranean region? What climates, biomes, and natural resources does the region have?
LANDFORMS The eastern Mediterranean is often called the Middle East. Consists of six countries: Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Syria, and Turkey. Island of Cyprus. Lies on two continents. Turkey lies partly in Europe and mostly in Asia (Anatolia). Three narrow bodies of water separate Europe from Asia. The Dardanelles, the Bosporus, the Sea of Marmara.
LANDFORMS European Turkey has plains and hills. Anatolia contains two mountain ranges. Pontic Mountains in north. Taurus Mountains in south. Anatolian Plateau lies between with continuing tectonic activity. <>
RIVERS The Jordan River flows south into the Dead Sea. The Dead Sea shore lies below sea level and is the lowest point on Earth’s surface. It was once a part of the Mediterranean Sea. So salty you can float on it! Tigris and Euphrates are region’s major rivers.
CLIMATES AND BIOMES Arid, semiarid, and Mediterranean climates cover most of the region. Distance from sea, elevation, and rain shadows affect rainfall and temperatures. Higher elevations have bitterly cold winters with heavy snowfalls. Evergreen forests used to cover most of the highlands. Lebanon was famous for its cedar trees. The Syrian Desert covers most of Jordan and Syria.
NATURAL RESOURCES Turkey – coal, copper, iron ore, some oil and natural gas deposits. Dead Sea provides Israel and Jordan with minerals including potash and magnesium.
ISRAEL Palestine is an old Greek name for the eastern edge of the Mediterranean. Includes modern country of Israel, the West Bank, and the Gaza Strip (autonomous Palestine). Land of Israel is the historic homeland for Jews. Palestine is the land of their ancestors for Palestinian Arabs.
ISRAEL Many Arabs left Israel after it declared independence in Most settled in the West Bank, Gaza Strip, and neighboring Arab countries. To protect their security, Israel captured the West Bank and Gaza Strip during the Six-Day War in In the 1990s, Israel and Arab leaders negotiated for peace and progress was made. In 2000, violence ended the progress.
ISRAEL Many issues still divide Israelis and Palestinians. Terrorism, recognition of Israel, Jewish settlements in the West Bank, the status of Jerusalem, and access to water.
QUESTIONS How have various peoples and empires influenced the eastern Mediterranean? How did the modern state of Israel develop? What are the peoples and cultures of the region like?
THE RISE AND FALL OF EMPIRES Over time, the Egyptians, the Hittites, the Persians, and others ruled all or parts of the region. The Hebrews set up their kingdom in 1000 B.C. E. between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean Sea.
THE ROMAN AND BYSANTINE EMPIRES The Romans conquered the eastern Mediterranean between 200 B.C.E. and 106C.E. Most Jews were exiled as they resisted Roman authority. Western Roman Empire fell in the 400sC.E. Eastern part of the empire came to be known as the Byzantine Empire with Constantinople as the center of the empire.
THE ARABS AND ISLAM In the 600s, Arab Muslim armies took over most of the territories of the Byzantines, including the land that is Israel. When Turkic Muslims captured Jerusalem in 1077, the pope called for the Crusades.
THE OTTOMAN EMPIRE The Ottoman Turks established another Muslim empire in the region in the 1300s. Their rulers were called sultans. Their capital was Constantinople. During World War I they fought on the losing side. Mustafa Kemal created the modern Republic of Turkey.
PALESTINE AND MODERN ISRAEL Zionism called for the establishment of a Jewish state in ancient homeland under Ottoman rule. After WWI, Jews and Arabs moved to the area that was the British mandate. Many more Jews moved during and after WWII. In 1947, U.N. divided Palestine mandate into Jewish and Arab states. When British withdrew, Israel declared its independence, May 14, Arab states immediately attacked. Egypt and Jordan took over area set aside for Palestine.
PALESTINE AND MODERN ISRAEL Israel gained lands during a series of wars. Israeli settlements in occupied lands has been an issue. Water in the area is a source of dispute. Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) have waged terrorist attacks against Israel since 1964.
CULTURE Arabic, Hebrew, and Turkish are most common languages. Russian was introduced with the immigration of Russian Jews. Kurds, who make up Turkey’s largest minority, have their own language.
RELIGION Most people in the region are Muslim, Jewish, or Christian.
SETTLEMENT People live in communities of similar cultural backgrounds. ‘The Old City’ of Jerusalem is divided into Armenian, Christian, Jewish, and Muslim quarters. Cyprus is divided into Greek and Turkish sides.
TRADITIONS AND CUSTOMS People of the same ethnic groups may follow different religions. Jewish religious law influences Israel’s traditions and customs.
CYPRUS Cyprus is in the Mediterranean Sea near Turkey. 78% speak Greek and share a Greek heritage. Fearing that Cyprus would become part of Greece, Turkey invaded. Established the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus. No country recognizes the TRNC. Island is divided by a buffer zone. Nicosia is the capital of both countries. Greek Cyprus joined the EU.
QUESTIONS On what activities do the eastern Mediterranean economies rely? What are the cities of the region like? What challenges do the people of the region face?
ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Factors have slowed the economic development of the eastern Mediterranean. Earthquakes in Turkey. Hostility toward Israel. Palestinian refugees strain resources of Arab countries. High unemployment. Lack of resources. Weak educational system. Outdated technological base.
AGRICULTURE Eastern Mediterranean economies rely heavily on agriculture. Many places require irrigation. Turkey is building dams and irrigation canals on the Tigris and the Euphrates cutting water to the rivers down stream.
INDUSTRY Israel is the most technologically advanced country in the region. High-tech industries. Diamond cutting. Chemical industries. Textiles. Tourism.
URBAN ENVIRONMENTS Urban population is growing rapidly. High birth rates and migration from rural areas. Cities are ancient. Open air markets – souks. Damaged by war.
ISSUES AND CHALLENGES Political. Peace between the Israelis and the Palestinians. Independence for the Kurds. Religious. Islamic vs. secular governments. Fighting between other religious groups. Environmental. Lack of water, droughts. Growing populations. Populations. Overgrazing.