We Maths The BIG Stupid Question Volume 1
We Maths How many times do you open the fridge in a year?
We Maths How many times would you flush the toilet in a year?
We Maths What shapes do you see on your way to school?
We Maths How many steps do you make in a week?
We Maths How long would it take to walk to the moon if there was a staircase leading to it?
We Maths How many cups of water to fill a bath?
We Maths How many cups of water to fill a swimming pool?
We Maths How old are you in hours/ minutes/ seconds?
We Maths What were you doing 10 (100, 1000) seconds, minutes hours/ days weeks/ years ago?
We Maths How long would it take to walk from here to London?
We Maths How many bees to cover a man?
We Maths When you open a can of worms, how many worms is that?
We Maths If there’s not enough room to swing a cat, what are the dimensions of the room?
We Maths If you were to set your teeth in a line how far would they reach?
We Maths If you had a frog in your throat, how small would it have to be?
We Maths How much water do you flush in a year?
We Maths How many cream eggs would lie end to end around the edge of your classroom?
We Maths If you put all your eggs in one basket, how many would you have?
We Maths When the captain shouts “Anchors aweigh!”, how heavy is that?
We Maths If beauty is only skin deep, how deep is that?
We Maths If children were seen and not heard, how much quieter would the world be?
We Maths If money did grow on trees, how much money could you grow on an apple tree?
We Maths If the early bird catches the worm, what time does it have to get up?
We Maths If you’re never too old to learn, how much can you learn in a lifetime?
We Maths If you pull someone’s leg, how much does it weigh?
We Maths What are my chances of actually choosing any Tom, Dick or Harry?
We Maths When it rains cats and dogs, how many would it take to ‘soak’ the roof of a house?
We Maths When it rains cats and dogs, how strong would the umbrella need to be?
We Maths What is the shape of things to come?