Asia The population of Asia is 4.2 billion Location: North East of Africa and North West of Australia Interesting facts: Asia has 48 countries. Asia’s land covers 17,213,300 square miles Asia is over 5,000 years old. The first cities in the world were in Asia. Tigers are famous, but endangered
Africa The population 3,100,000 Location: Atlantic Ocean is West of Africa and the Indian Ocean is East of Africa The equator goes through Africa Africa is the second largest continent 5 large animals in Africa are called the big 5
North America The population is about 481 million North America is the 3rd biggest continent 9,352,000 square miles North America has 23 countries the two of the largest countries in N. America are Mexico and Canada Grizzly bears are found in North America and Canada I love the Space Needle, a tower in Seattle
South America The population is 300 million The Location is East of Pacific ocean and West of the Atlantic ocean Facts: 4th largest continent and has the largest rain forest Coffee is famous in South America South America has lots of beautiful birds
Antarctica The population changes, mainly scientist doing research Location: Southern ocean Antarctica is the 5th largest continent Facts Antarctica is the it is the coldest continent Antarctica has very strong blizzards
Europe The population 707 million Location east of Atlantic ocean Europe has 49 countries One of the largest cities in Russia is Moscow Europe is the home to the Eiffel tower There is good bread baked in Europe
Australia The population is about 22,620,600 Australia is part of Oceania The platypus is only found in Australia Australia owns some of the territory in Antarctica Australia is the smallest continent in the world
My Favorite Continent Asia is my favorite continent I like Asia because they invented my favorite food- noodles! And because it has the biggest mountain - Mt. Everest
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