The Biosphere is divided into regions called Biomes. Each Biome is occupied by characteristic communities or ecosystems of plants and animals that share adaptations which promote survival within the biome.
Terrestrial Biomes Characterized and named according to the climax (mature) vegetation. Climax vegetation determines which animals will live there. Eight land biomes: 1.Tropical Rain Forest 2.Savannah 3.Grasslands 4.Desert 5.Temperate Deciduous Forest 6.Coniferous (Evergreen) Forest 7.Taiga 8.Tundra (including Polar Regions)
Tundra is extremely cold and dry short growing season and permafrost (permanently frozen soil) during the summer, the thawing topsoil supports a grassland type community with grasses, sedges, mosses and other vegetation tolerant of soggy soils Animals include caribou, musk oxen, owls, foxes, hares and wolves
Taiga winters are cold, and precipitation is in the form of snow. Soil is low in nutrients and highly acidic are characterized by coniferous forests (pines, firs, and other trees with needles).
Temperate Deciduous Forests- have warm summers and cold winters (red), moderate precipitation (green), and rich soil with decaying organic matter and worms and fungi. contain deciduous trees that shed their leaves during the winter (beech, birch, maple, oaks, and willows), an adaptation to poor growing conditions (short days and cold temperatures). animals include deer, fox, woodchucks and squirrels
Evergreen Forests Forests contain coniferous, broadleaf and mixed trees and are found largely at mid latitiudes. Dominated by hardy plants able to withstand rocky, sandy, nutrient poor soil. Warm summers, cool winters.
Temperate Grasslands receive less water and are subject to lower temperatures than are savannahs. the North American prairie is an example.
Savannahs- subject to high temperatures (red), and low rainfall (green). are tropical- subtropical grasslands with scattered bushes and trees. animals include long- legged, hoofed herbivores (like bison, antelopes, cattle, and zebras).
Deserts- are hot and dry. soil is sandy and nutrient poor growth of annual plants is limited to short periods following rains. other plants have adapted to the hostile conditions with leathery leaves, deciduous leaves, or leaves reduced to spines (cacti). many animals have thick skins, conserve water by producing no urine or very concentrated urine, and restrict their activity to nights.
Tropical Rain Forests are characterized by high temperature (red) and heavy rainfall (green). vegetation consists mostly of tall trees that branch only at their tops, forming a spreading canopy that allows little light to reach the forest floor. epiphytes (plants that live on other plants) and vines commonly grow on the trees, but due to lack of light, little grows on the forest floor. typical animals include monkeys, lizards, snakes, and birds.