Climate regions 2 Period
Tropical Wet Always hot with an average temperature of 80 degrees Fahrenheit. Average amount of rain in a year is over 80 inches. This climate region is found in the jungle areas of Central and South America, Africa and South Asia. Rains almost daily with high humidity.
Tropical Wet and Dry Largest areas found in Brazil, Africa and India. Different grasses, shrubs and Trees Elephants, Giraffes and zebras are types of animals found here. Average temp is 77 degrees during wet season. Average temp is 68 degrees during dry season.
Semiarid Receives precipitation that is below potential. Water evaporation is below average. When located in tropical areas summers are HOT! Winters are fairly cold. These regions are found on interior continents or near deserts. Contains most productive agricultural land in the world.
Desert Cover 1/5 of the earth's surface. Lack of vegetation exposes the surface. Deserts are not scattered around the earth. The major deserts occur in the middle belt ring. (along the equator) Not all deserts are hot. Some are drylands.
Mediterranean 5 large subtropical zones The Azores high South Atlantic high North Pacific high South Pacific high Indian Ocean high Located between 32 degree N latitude and 41 degrees south latitude High pressure cells pull in during the summer and pull towards equator in the winter
Marine West Coast Warm summers and cool winters with small average change in temperature. Vegetation is temperate evergreen forest. Its very, very rainy Located in between 35 degrees and 60 degrees north and south latitudes.
Humid Subtropical Hot humid summers and mild to cool winters Broad range of attributes 8 or months of 10 degrees Celsius or higher Vegetation and Wildlife Panthers, alligators, hawks and falcons Mangos, papaya, pineapple and live oak Palm trees and pine trees Average temp is between 70 and 80 degrees Fahrenheit. Coldest months are 40 to 50 degrees Fahrenheit. Asia, Caspian Sea, and Black Sea are humid subtropical. Receive 48 inches of rain each year. Only summer and Winter occur
Humid Continental Has a variety of different weather year round North United States and Asia Chill air mass frequently collide with tropical air. (causes storms) Experiences all four seasons that are determined by the areas latitude. Warm in the summer to severely cold in the winter.
Subarctic Summers are short and cold. Winter are always very cold. Evergreen forest known as taiga covers the land. Freezing to below freezing temperatures last for 5 to 8 months.
Tundra Vast and flat treeless artic region. Coldest of all biomes Comes from the Finnish word, tunturia, meaning treeless. Extremely cold temperatures little precipitation, very little vegetation. Mostly found in the northern hemisphere. Average winter temp -30 in the winter degrees in the summer.
Ice Cap Extensive sheets of ice smaller than 50,000 kilometers squared. Form primarily in polar and sub polar regions in elevated areas that are flat. Large expanse of snow and ice that feeds glaciers. Can form on any planet or satellite that is covered in ice.
Highlands The mountainous or hilly section of a country. Highland area in Central and South America. Tree line occur halfway up the mountains. Due to soil changes Averages temperature is 3.2 degrees Celsius.