International Management Ethics and Social Responsibility Chapter 3
What is Ethics? Book definition is: “The study of morality and standards of conduct” zHf9iGy94http:// zHf9iGy94 Does it differ per culture, country, and at organizations?
Chapter 3 Ethic Theories and Philosophy Kantian Philosophical Traditions Aristotelian Virtue Ethics Utilitarianism Eastern Philosophy
Chapter 3 Human Rights- Should Western culture enforce/interfere? The basic rights are: life, freedom of slavery/torture, freedom of opinion/expression, nondiscriminatory practices Currently: human trafficking, women’s rights, gender gap, and EEO
Chapter 3 Labor, Employment, Business Practices MNC’s must be knowledgeable of each of these Child labor, length of work day, pay, policies and procedures World Housing Solution (WHS), will they need to have concerns of this?
Chapter 3 Environment Protection & Development Natural resources kzk7gQE kzk7gQE Should WHS be concerned of this?
Chapter 3 Globalization & Ethical Obligations of MNC’s Could a business code of ethics be implemented to ALL countries? Why or why not?
Chapter 3 Reconciling Ethical Differences across Cultures Integrative Social Contracts Theory (ISCT)- attempts to navigate a moral position that does not force decision makers to engage exclusively in relativism vs. absolutism
Chapter 3 Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) 2KfDuAA&NR=1 2KfDuAA&NR=1 H4KHuw&feature=related H4KHuw&feature=related
Chapter 3 Nongovernmental Organizations (NGO’s)- Private, not-for-profit companies seeking to serve society’s interests; poverty, social justice, education, health, & the environment, that range from social, political and economic issues raqX4KKY1Qhttp:// raqX4KKY1Q
Chapter 3 The 10 Principles of the Global Compact Table 3-1 p. 73 Will WHS abide by them? Corporate Governance Is how a corporation is directed and controlled
Chapter 3 Corruption Which country is the most corrupt in doing business, per Figure 3-3? Where does your countries/continents rank?
Chapter 3 Get into your teams Present your answers to J&J and HP Turn in assignment Till next time we meet… Chapter 4 and Read Euro Disney and each team will present their answers