Today’s Objective(s): I will be able to explain how the different systems of the human body function.
List which cell structure is not working properly, based on each of the following observations. A. No food can enter the cell. – B. The cell has divided incorrectly. – C. The cell cannot function, it has no energy. – D. The plant cell is wilting, falling over. – E. The plant cell is not producing food. – F. New cells are being produced but they are cancerous (unorganized cells not performing their functions). –
Types of Human Cells: Smooth Muscle Skin Cell Nerve Cell Heart Muscle Cell Sex Cell
Organization of Life: In a multi-cellular organism, the cells are organized. At the simplest level, when many cells combine and perform the same function we call it _________. TISSUE
Organization of Life: The different types of tissue are: –Skeletal –Muscle –Nerve –Plants: Xylem & Phloem The Function of Tissue is to: –Cover the body –Connect tissues and organs –Move parts of the body –Send messages –Store Nutrients
Types of Tissue:
Organization of Life: When tissue works together and performs certain functions it creates a part of the body called an _________. ORGAN
Organization of Life: Examples of different types of organs are: –Heart –Lungs –____________ –_____________ Each organ serves a different function and is a part of a larger organ system. An organ system is a group of organs that work together to perform specific functions.
Organization of Organisms Smallest Biggest Cells Tissue Organs Systems Organism
Types of Organs:
Circulatory The main function of the circulatory system is to ________________________________ ________________________________________ ______________________________. The parts of the human body that help achieve this are: –___________________ Transport materials to and from the cells. It Heart Blood Vessels (Arteries) Blood Vessels (Veins) Blood Vessels (Capillaries) responds by bringing needed materials (Oxygen, nutrients) or removing cell products and wastes (Carbon Dioxide) Red Blood Cells
The Circulatory System:
The Heart Right Side: Receives Deoxygenated Blood from the body via Veins Artery pumps blood to the Lungs Left Side: Receives Oxygenated Blood from the Lungs via Veins Pumps Blood to the Body via Artery What are two ways we can measure how well our heart is functioning?
Respiratory The main function of the respiratory system is to ______________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________. The parts of the human body that help achieve this are: –___________________- ___________ –___________________ Exchange gases with the environment. It supplies oxygen and removes carbon dioxide. This is done so cells can use the oxygen to release energy stored in food. It contains the respiratory tract to your lungs which end in air sacs. Gas exchange takes between the air sacs and capillaries. Lungs Air Sacs (Alveoli) Mouth & Nose DiaphragmBronchi Capillaries
The Respiratory System: -The respiratory system supplies Oxygen and removes carbon dioxide. -This is done so the cells can use the oxygen to release energy stored in food.
Digestive The main function of the Digestive system is to _____________________ _______________________________. The parts of the human body that help achieve this are: –___________________ Provide nutrition to the organism. Nutrition consists of Ingestion, Digestion & Egestion Mouth, Esophagus Stomach Small & Large Intestines
Digestive System
The Skeletal SystemSkeletal The main function of the Skeletal system is to ____________________________________ ________________. Examples of the human body that help achieve this are: –___________________ - _________________ –___________________ Support the body. Bones Cartilage Joints Ligaments (connect bone to bone) Tendons (connect bone to muscle)
The Muscular System The main function of the Muscular system is to ____________________________________ What are the types of muscles? –___________________ Move organs and body parts. Voluntary – you control ex. Walking Involuntary – no control ex. Breathing
The Excretory System The main function of the Excretory system is to ____________________________________ ________________. What are some examples of wastes? –___________________ Remove wastes from the body. It contains the lungs, skin and kidneys. Urine – Made by Kidneys Urea – Made by Liver Sweat – Made by Sweat Glands
Excretory System
The Endocrine System The main function of the Endocrine system is to ____________________________________ ________________. What are some examples of Glands? –______________ ______________ Control the body’s responses to changes using Hormones released by glands Pituitary Thyroid Thymus Adrenal Ovaries Testes
The Endocrine System
The Nervous System The main function of the Nervous system is to ____________________________________ ________________. What are the parts of the Nervous System? –___________________ Interact to control and coordinate the body’s responses to internal and external changes Brain Spinal Cord Nerves
The Nervous System
The Reproductive System We will discuss this system along with Mitosis.
Practice: Three human organ systems are pictured above. Explain how these organ systems are related. a. A and B…. b. B and C….
Compare the Parts of a Cell to the Human Body:Cell Cell Membrane/Cell Wall Nucleus Chromosomes
Human Problems