doc.: IEEE /0096r0 Submission July 2010 Steve Shellhammer, Qualcomm Slide 1 Coexistence in the TV White Space Date: Authors:
doc.: IEEE /0096r0 Submission July 2010 Steve Shellhammer, Qualcomm Slide 2 Disclaimer “At lectures, symposia, seminars, or educational courses, an individual presenting information on IEEE standards shall make it clear that his or her views should be considered the personal views of that individual rather than the formal position, explanation, or interpretation of the IEEE.” IEEE-SA Standards Board Operation Manual (subclause 5.9.3)
doc.: IEEE /0096r0 Submission Tutorial Outline Introduction –Brief overview of FCC rules –Standards activities in TVWS Need for Coexistence –The Coexistence Problem –TVWS Use Cases IEEE Project –Project Title, Scope and Purpose –Project Timeline –System Design Document Possible Coexistence Solutions –Leverage incumbent protection mechanisms for TVWS coexistence –Modify network/device parameters to improve coexistence July 2010 Slide 3 Steve Shellhammer, Qualcomm
doc.: IEEE /0096r0 Submission FCC Rules on TVWS In November 2008 the FCC issued a Report and Order (R&O) on unlicensed wireless use of unused TV channels, called TV white space (TVWS) –A number of petitions for reconsiderations were filed and the FCC still needs to respond to the petitions. Current forecasts are for the FCC to respond by the end this year. In any given location in the US there are a number of TV channels unused by the broadcast industry. The number varies significantly from location to location Each channel is 6 MHz wide Channels are in the VHF and UHF frequency bands –Details in a subsequent slide FCC defines two classes of TVWS devices –Fixed –Portable July 2010 Slide 4 Steve Shellhammer, Qualcomm
doc.: IEEE /0096r0 Submission TV ChannelFrequency BandFrequency (MHz)Allowed Devices 2VHF54 – 60Fixed 5 – 6VHF76 – 88Fixed 7 – 13VHF174 – 216Fixed 14 – 20UHF470 – 512Fixed 21 – 35UHF512 – 602Fixed & Portable 36UHF602 – 608Portable 38UHF614 – 620Portable 39 – 51UHF620 – 698Fixed & Portable Permissible TV Channels FCC Rules on TVWS July 2010 Steve Shellhammer, Qualcomm Slide 5
doc.: IEEE /0096r0 Submission Fixed devices use outdoor antenna Between 10 and 30 meters above ground Permitted TX Power Fixed – 30 dBm with up to 6 dBi antenna gain Portable – 20 dBm with no antenna gain Adjacent TV Channels Fixed – Not permitted Portable – Reduce power to 16 dBm Strict Out-of-band Emissions Classes of Portable Devices Mode I – Client Mode II – Access Point FCC Rules on TVWS July 2010 Steve Shellhammer, Qualcomm Slide 6
doc.: IEEE /0096r0 Submission Geo-location & Database access Must be supported in both Fixed and Portable Mode II devices Accuracy of 50 meters FCC will certify the official databases Spectrum Sensing ATSC and NTSC TV signals Wireless microphones Sensing down to -114 dBm (approx -15 dB SNR) Will consider “sensing-only” devices but with much more stringent testing required FCC Rules on TVWS July 2010 Steve Shellhammer, Qualcomm Slide 7
doc.: IEEE /0096r0 Submission Non-US TVWS Rules Other regulatory regions are also preparing TVWS rules Some of the regulatory regions working on TVWS rules include –Canada –United Kingdom –Singapore –Nederland Antilles –Finland The rules in these regions are likely to have some similarities with the US rules but will likely not be exactly the same In other parts of the world the TV channel bandwidths are 6, 7 and 8 MHz. So TVWS support for these different bandwidth is expected July 2010 Slide 8 Steve Shellhammer, Qualcomm
doc.: IEEE /0096r0 Submission TVWS Related Standard Projects July 2010 Slide 9 Standard/ProjectSummaryStatus IEEE afWLAN in TVWSTask Group working on draft IEEE Coexistence in TVWSOpen Call for Proposals IEEE WRAN in TVWSWG Letter Ballot IEEE Beacon for Protection of Wireless Microphones Sponsor Ballot IEEE WRAN Installation & DeploymentDeveloping Draft ECMA 392MAC/PHY in TVWSStandard December 2009 IEEE aMobile wireless access in TVWS. Above MAC/PHY Close to WG Letter Ballot IEEE Logical Interface between spectrum sensors In Sponsor Ballot ETSI RRSReconfigurable Radio SystemsFour active WGs ITU-R WP1BPreparing for WRC 2012Developing definitions of CR & SDR Steve Shellhammer, Qualcomm
doc.: IEEE /0096r0 Submission TVWS Related Standard Projects July 2010 Slide 10 Standard/ProjectSummaryStatus ECC PT SE43European regulators group looking at Spectrum Engineering issues associated with cognitive use in the TVWS. Looking to complete draft report for public enquiry in September ECC RA WSCGEuropean regulators group looking at Regulatory and Enforcement issues associated with cognitive use in the TVWS. Just started working by correspondence. Looking to complete a draft report for public consultation by Jan ECC FM CRCGEuropean regulators group looking at Frequency Management issues associated with general cognitive radio use. Just started working by correspondence. EU RSPG CR groupEuropean Union regulators group looking at forming an opinion on the future of CR radio use in the EU. Working on high level look at the issues around encouraging and enabling Cognitive radio use in the EU. Plan to complete opinion by November 2010 Steve Shellhammer, Qualcomm
doc.: IEEE /0096r0 Submission Coexistence in TVWS: What is it? TVWS presents a complex regulatory environment –Licensed devices: allowed to use the spectrum whenever, following appropriate rules –Unlicensed devices: permitted to use the spectrum when it is not occupied by licensed devices Licensed and unlicensed devices do not coexist –Licensed devices make no special allowances for unlicensed devices –Unlicensed device must “protect” licensed operation by regulation Protection of licensed devices is a medium access problem –Thou shall not access access spectrum when these guys are around Alex Reznik (InterDigital) Slide 11 July 2010
doc.: IEEE /0096r0 Submission Coexistence in TVWS: So what is it then? Coexistence happens between peers –In TVWS, these are unlicensed devices and networks –Not mandated by regulations –Impetus must come from mutual benefit consideration: higher spectrum efficiency for all involved Why do they need to coexist –Once available channels are known, the various networks and users need to decide – who goes where –This cannot be static – channel availability will change Who specifies how this can be done –Some (not all) standards specify how different networks using same technology coexist , do this Do they do it well?? –Some standards don’t even do that cellular standards do not specify how different operators use the same spectrum –No MAC/PHY standard specifies how other MAC/PHY standards should behave Nor should one MAC/PHY do it – it would rule over all the others This void is filled by standards such as in TVWS Alex Reznik (InterDigital) Slide 12 July 2010
doc.: IEEE /0096r0 Submission The Coexistence Problem: #1 So many talkers … … and no common language to discuss sharing Alex Reznik (InterDigital) Slide 13 “… you know you could help me out here. If you are on WiFi, if you could just get off…” “… we figured out why my demo crashed. Because there are 570 WiFi base stations operating in this room…” Steve Jobs see e.g. =yoqh27E6OuU July 2010
doc.: IEEE /0096r0 Submission Alex Reznik (InterDigital) Slide 14 July 2010 The Coexistence Problem: #2 How we addressed in ISM bands –“Smart hopping” by Bluetooth –More robust (lower) bit rate by WiFi “Autonomous” approaches may not work in TVWS –Much larger dynamic range in power (4W / 100 mW / 50mW / 40mW) –Potentially incompatible medium access techniques Bluetooth So little spectrum … So many ways to use it …
doc.: IEEE /0096r0 Submission The Coexistence Problem :#3 Few people – many channels … Many people – few channel … Alex Reznik (InterDigital) Slide 15 Source: Mishra and Sahai, IEEE Comm. Letters, 2009 Source: Gerami, Mandayam, Greenstein. Report by Winlab, Rutgers U., 2010 July 2010
doc.: IEEE /0096r0 Submission Operation in TV Bands: Why Deal With the Headache? TV Band Spectrum presents unique opportunities and possibilities Potentially a lot of spectrum –But availability not guaranteed Excellent propagation characteristics –Cover large distances –Penetrate walls, obstacles So what could this be used for –Find additional bandwidth for data networks (in those areas where TV channels are many) –Offload to free up valuable (licensed) spectrum –Quick and cheap network deployment: cover a large area with few access points and little planning –Cheap spectrum for applications requiring only intermittent communication Alex Reznik (InterDigital) Slide 16 July 2010
doc.: IEEE /0096r0 Submission Example Use Case 1: Rural/Suburban Home/Small Office Alex Reznik (InterDigital) Slide 17 Source: Sum et. al., IEEE doc. Scc41-ws-radio-10/5r0, IEEE SCC41 Ad Hoc on WS Radio Usage Models, 04/2010 July 2010
doc.: IEEE /0096r0 Submission Potential Uses –Device-to-Device (Machine-to-Machine) –WLAN Access –Backhaul –Cellular offload Characteristics –Single operator controls much of the network and controls the space –Limited interference from like networks –Requires high data rates/no critical usage applications Is this a good fit for white spaces –Yes, if the channels are available –Yes, if the operator (home owner) can automate the channel selection and coexistence of the various technologies he owns Alex Reznik (InterDigital) Slide 18 Example Use Case 1: Rural/Suburban Home/Small Office July 2010
doc.: IEEE /0096r0 Submission Example Use Case 2: Apartment Similar usage to the home use case, but very different environment Multiple operators –Each resident operates own network –No incentive to cooperate/coordinate –WWAN network may be overlayed into this space Little spatial separation between the operators –Lots of networks crammed into a small spaces –Opens the possibility of the iPhone4 demo problem Is this a good fit for white spaces –Maybe – but the inter-network coexistence problem will definitely need to be solved. Alex Reznik (InterDigital) Slide 19 Source: Paine et. al., IEEE doc /26r4, Whitespace Coexistence Use Cases, 07/2009 July 2010
doc.: IEEE /0096r0 Submission Example Use Case 3: Utility Grid Alex Reznik (InterDigital) Slide 20 Source: Sum et. al., IEEE doc. Scc41-ws-radio-10/5r0, IEEE SCC41 Ad Hoc on WS Radio Usage Models, 04/2010 July 2010
doc.: IEEE /0096r0 Submission Example Use Case 3: Utility Grid Potential uses –Collection of metered data –Reporting of aggregated data over the backhaul –SCADA support Characteristics –Relative low-rate, can deal with intermittent outages –Single network operator, but spanning a large distance –High likelihood of interference with different network – this interference varies in nature and spectral location throughout the network Is this a good fit for white spaces? –Absolutely –Covers large areas –Meters may need to penetrate obstacles –Requires only intermittent connectivity Alex Reznik (InterDigital) Slide 21 July 2010
doc.: IEEE /0096r0 Submission Example Use Case 4: Public Safety Alex Reznik (InterDigital) Slide 22 Source: Sum et. al., IEEE doc. Scc41-ws-radio-10/5r0, IEEE SCC41 Ad Hoc on WS Radio Usage Models, 04/2010 July 2010
doc.: IEEE /0096r0 Submission Example Use Case 4: Public Safety Potential Usage –Rapid deployment of emergency personnel networks –Inter-personnel communication –Network backhaul –Communication to the main office Characteristics –High-rate data rate services –Multi-media and conversational services –Creating an “instant network” where there was none Is this a good match for white spaces –Yes, IF spectrum can be found, need to have backup plans. –Yes: need to create a network with few APs and no ability to plan –Yes: need penetration through obstacles –Yes: need the reach the main office Alex Reznik (InterDigital) Slide 23 July 2010
doc.: IEEE /0096r0 Submission July 2010 Tuncer Baykas, NICT Slide PAR Title: IEEE 802 … Part 19: TV White Space Coexistence Methods Scope: The standard specifies radio technology independent methods for coexistence among dissimilar or independently operated TV Band Device (TVBD) networks and dissimilar TV Band Devices. Purpose: The purpose of the standard is to enable the family of IEEE 802 Wireless Standards to most effectively use TV White Space by providing standard coexistence methods among dissimilar or independently operated TVBD networks and dissimilar TVBDs. This standard addresses coexistence for IEEE 802 networks and devices and will also be useful for non IEEE 802 networks and TVBDs. Study Group was established in March The PAR was approved by Nescom in December 2009 and task group has been established.
doc.: IEEE /0096r0 Submission July 2010 Tuncer Baykas, NICT Slide TG1 Timeline Task Group Formed x SDD completed x Order of Clauses determined x Call for Proposals issued x Contribution presentations with straw polls xxx x Proposal presentations xx Round of votes on proposals in clause order x Create candidate draft document x Comment ballot on the candidate draft xx Comment resolutions on the candidate draft x Adoption of draft normative text (Draft 1.0) x Contribution A submission on an issue relevant to the task group that may be in Powerpoint format. Contributions are expected to be submitted on issues that contributors are planning to submit as proposals later on in the draft development process. Proposal A submission that provides a solution proposal to a clause as defined in the System Design Document. The proposal shall include a document in Microsoft Word format that contains draft normative text proposal for a clause. September 2010: System description September 2010: The reference model September 2010-November 2010: Procedures and protocols September 2010-November 2010: Coexistence mechanisms and algorithms
doc.: IEEE /0096r0 Submission System Design Document July created system design document to assist standardization process. It provides, System Requirements (What is expected from system?) System Architecture (How will provide coexistence?) SDD does not put any limitation on future contributions and proposals. Tuncer Baykas, NICT
doc.: IEEE /0096r0 Submission Architecture Logical Entities July What is expected from system? Requirement 1 (Discovery) system shall enable discovery for compliant TVBD networks and devices. Requirement 2 (Communication) system shall be able to obtain and update information required for TVWS coexistence. Requirement 3 (Communication) system shall have means to exchange obtained information. Requirement 4 (Communication) system shall be able to provide reconfiguration requests and/or commands as well as corresponding control information to compliant TVBD networks and devices to implement TVWS coexistence decisions. Tuncer Baykas, NICT
doc.: IEEE /0096r0 Submission Architecture Logical Entities July What is expected from system? Requirement 5 (Algorithm) system shall analyze obtained information. Requirement 6 (Algorithm) system shall be capable of making TVWS coexistence decisions. Requirement 7 (Algorithm) system shall support different topologies of decision making for TVWS coexistence (e.g. centralized, distributed and autonomous). Requirement 8 (General) system shall support appropriate security mechanisms. This shall include user/device authentication, integrity and confidentiality of open exchanges, and data privacy and policy correctness attestation and enforcement. Requirement 9 (General) system shall utilize a set of mechanisms to achieve coexistence of TVBD networks and devices. Tuncer Baykas, NICT
doc.: IEEE /0096r0 Submission Architecture July Tuncer Baykas, NICT
doc.: IEEE /0096r0 Submission Entities communicating with the system July TVWS Database Provides list of channels occupied by primary users. TV Band Device or TV Band Device Network Unlicensed operation in the broadcast television spectrum at locations where that spectrum is not being used by licensed services. Operator Management Entity Provides operator provided information such as policies/ limitations. Tuncer Baykas, NICT
doc.: IEEE /0096r0 Submission Entities belonging to System July Coexistence Enabler Communication between Coexistence Manager and TVBD network or device Obtaining information, required for coexistence, from TVBD network or device Translating reconfiguration requests/commands and control information received from the Coexistence Manager into TVBD-specific reconfiguration requests/ commands Coexistence Manager Coexistence decision making This includes generating and providing corresponding coexistence requests/commands and control information to Coexistence Enabler(s) Discovery of and communication with other Coexistence Managers Assist network operators in management related to TVWS coexistence Coexistence Discovery and Information Server Providing coexistence related information to Coexistence Managers Supporting discovery of Coexistence Managers and opening interfaces between Coexistence Managers Collecting, aggregating information related to TVWS coexistence. Coexistence Discovery and Information Server may connect to TVWS database to obtain primary users information. Tuncer Baykas, NICT
doc.: IEEE /0096r0 Submission Deployment of Entities Coexistence Enabler (CE) CEs can be deployed inside TV Band Devices or Network. Coexistence Manager (CM) CMs can be deployed inside the TV Band Device or Network. Also CMs can be deployed outside TV Band Networks. Coexistence Discovery and Information Server (CDIS) CDISs can be deployed outside TV Band Networks. July Tuncer Baykas, NICT
doc.: IEEE /0096r0 Submission Possible Approach TVBD networks and devices have mechanisms that are designed for e.g. interference management purposes CM and CE can and should use those mechanisms for coexistence purposes – builds upon existing mechanisms in the radio systems and has control functions for that purpose July 2010 Mika Kasslin, Nokia Slide 33
doc.: IEEE /0096r0 Submission Possible Control Parameters Possible reconfiguration parameters in the TVBD networks –Operating channel –Maximum transmit power –Modulation and coding rate –Bandwidth –OFDMA uplink client sub-band –Transmit scheduling CSMA parameters Transmit duty cycle limit –Antenna configurations July 2010 Mika Kasslin, Nokia Slide 34
doc.: IEEE /0096r0 Submission Possible Control Functions CM’s tool box in coexistence management comprises of tools in three main domains that form the main control functions –Time domain control Recommendations, commands related to e.g. Transmit scheduling, Transmit duty cycle limit, Modulation and coding rate –Frequency domain control Recommendations, commands related to e.g. Operating channel, Bandwidth, OFDMA uplink client sub-band –Spatial control Recommendations, commands related to e.g. Antenna configuration, Maximum transmit power The system uses those tools to configure TVBD operations July 2010 Mika Kasslin, Nokia Slide 35
doc.: IEEE /0096r0 Submission Possible Decision Making Topologies Not sure whether we can rely on one decision making model that can be applied in all the situations and deployments We need to be prepared to provide means for all three topologies –Centralized One CM serves all the neighboring networks and provides coexistence services for them –Distributed Neighboring networks are served by different CMs –Autonomous Information related to coexistence management is exchanged but that’s all July 2010 Mika Kasslin, Nokia Slide 36
doc.: IEEE /0096r0 Submission Possible Decision Making Topologies (cont.) All the topologies have common solution elements –Information exchange between entities is needed –We need to provide security and trust The few main differences are –Is there information exchange between CMs? In centralized case the CMs have less need if any to exchange information while in the other two cases it is essential for the CMs to exchange information about environment, resource usage, etc. –What is the role of CM? Centralized and Distributed –CMs are true coexistence managers that run coexistence control functions –In a distributed case the CM may have power over a CM of a neighboring network Distributed vs. Autonomous –In autonomous case the CM may be only facilitating communication between CEs July 2010 Mika Kasslin, Nokia Slide 37
doc.: IEEE /0096r0 Submission Guiding Questions for the System Development CE as defined in the SDD –Request and obtain information, required for coexistence, from TVBD network or device What information we need from TVBD networks and devices? How do we get the information? –Translate reconfiguration requests/commands and control information received from the CM into TVBD-specific reconfiguration requests/commands and send them to the TVBD network or device What are the possible coexistence mechanisms? How they are used in various TVBD networks? How do we interface to various TVBD networks? July 2010 Mika Kasslin, Nokia Slide 38
doc.: IEEE /0096r0 Submission Guiding Questions for the System Development (cont.) CM as defined in the SDD –Coexistence decision making What are the control functions? What’s needed to support different decision making topologies? –Support exchange of information required for coexistence among CMs How to exchange coexistence information between decision making entities? July 2010 Mika Kasslin, Nokia Slide 39
doc.: IEEE /0096r0 Submission Workshop Coexistence for TVWS Free Workshop on Friday 1:00PM to 6:00PM Open to all Industry centric participants Outside 802 speakers and panelists 4 presentations and 3 Panels Open periods for discussion and Q&A Agenda available at: July 2010 Tuncer Baykas, NICT Slide 40
doc.: IEEE /0096r0 Submission July 2010 Tuncer Baykas, NICT Slide TG1 Timeline Task Group Formed x SDD completed x Order of Clauses determined x Call for Proposals issued x Contribution presentations with straw polls xxx x Proposal presentations xx Round of votes on proposals in clause order x Create candidate draft document x Comment ballot on the candidate draft xx Comment resolutions on the candidate draft x Adoption of draft normative text (Draft 1.0) x Deadline for proposal intentions is 29 th of August 2010 for September proposals. For details please check: Call for Proposals /0057r2