Queensland Operations Excellence Work Groups Over 20 events annually “Focused on delivering outcomes” (2 seats per topic as part of membership) Leaders Roundtables 3 events annually “The forum for leader development” (I seat per event as part of membership) Sustainability Work Groups 4 events annually “Critical moving forward” (2 seats per event as part of membership)
9.00amWelcome and introductions - Upcoming events - What do we want to get out of the day? - Cultural alignment for employee strategies 10.30amMorning Tea 10.50am Craig Sneesby - Current market conditions and future trends - Recruitment strategies and ensuring the right candidate for your business 12.15pmLunch 1.00pmBernard Thorpe - Staff retention strategies, including individual reward and recognition 2.30pm Afternoon Tea 2.50pmKey learning from the day and breakaway group session 4.00pmMeeting Close
April 11&12 th RCA problem solving – Gladstone 25% Discount to members 17 th OERt CIWG - Leadership Development (Ludowici) 23 rd OERt CWIG - Leadership Development (Colgate Palmolive) May 8 th Sustainability CIWG – Energy Efficiency (energex) 15 th OERt CIWG – Continuous Development (Orica) 18 th Lean Introduction (1 day workshop) 22 nd OERt CIWG – Continuous Development (TBC) 22&23 rd RCA problem solving – Mackay 25% Discount to members
4 Have some fun Ideas around employee retention strategies Employee engagement Skills development WA/QLD tightening labour market Succession planning Recruitment ideas Reward & recognition Getting the best out of employees & supervisors Duty of care in recruitment Aging workforce strategies Y generation Change management Open & interactive discussions Make Gary work harder (Angela) Hmmm…
5 Is your business ready to take on the challenge of not only attracting the right talent, but retaining the key personnel in your Business today??
7 Why develop an employee strategy, is there a real return on the investment? Effective employee strategies deliver: Lower staff turnover Increased morale Efficiency Greater customer satisfaction Increased participation Speed of change Quality outcomes Consistency
8 A key reason why employees becoming dissatisfied with their employment is they are employed in an organisation were they are not culturally or behaviourally aligned…. What causes this? Poor recruitment processes Change in business owner or senior management Change in employee behavioural values Before you develop either an employee recruitment or an employee retention strategy it is critical you understand some cultural drivers in your organisation. Consider some of the following Culture is “The way we work around here” Conduct a cultural survey Reflections should be current state but consider desired state If you are heading into significant change now or in the future consider this in context!
CEO/Owner Senior Management Industry Sector Customers Employees Policy Key driver for organisational culture, Significant change usually occurs With a new CEO/owner Key influence at departmental level, May not always follow desired culture Significant influence in some sectors Retail, engineering, sports etc. Major customers such as Government, can Certain cultural/behavioural requirements Limited influence is the reality….. Policy will have limited or no influence on culture/behaviour. However culture has significant Influence on policy.
10 Organisational Fit QuestionsAnswers What are the organisation core values? What are the current key drivers? Is the organisation going through “Significant” change? Do we have well documented systems & processes? Do we give clear role clarity & position descriptions? Is our management style empowering? Do we give regular employee feedback? Do we encourage life/work balance? Do we give people the tools to do the job? What is our work environment like? Do we actively encourage external learning? How do we look moving forward?
11 Spend a few minutes reflecting on the your current organisation. (Results are for personal reflection)
12 Employee Fit QuestionsAnswers What are your personal values/beliefs? What really drives you to come to work? Are you a change initiator/driver, or does change make you nervous? Do you prefer controlled processes or to “wing it”? Do you like a clear position description? How do you like to be managed? Do you like formal feedback sessions? How many hours a week would you like to work? Do you get annoyed if you cannot get capex approved? Do you prefer the office, shop floor, travel etc.? Are you looking to improve your skills?
13 Complete the questionnaire for you
14 Should you join this organisation? QuestionsAnswers What are the organisation core values?Quality, Safety, Environment What are the current key drivers?Cost reduction, Customer focus, Cash flow Is the organisation going through “Significant” change?Implementing Lean principles, structure changes, new payroll system Do we have well documented systems & processes?For key processes only Do we give clear role clarity & position descriptions?Position descriptions are generic, with “or what is required” Is our management style empowering?No we tend to be more controlling Do we give regular employee feedback?At the time something happens Do we encourage life/work balance?We allow some flexi time Do we give people the tools to do the job?Costs are an issue at the moment, but we try What is our work environment like?Fantastic office in the middle of the city Do we actively encourage external learning?We will contribute to relevant learning How do we look moving forward?No idea constantly changing
15 Your answers to the questionnaire versus company profile.
16 “Hire for attitude train for skills” Steve Jobs Attitude Skills
17 Employee strategies have a true value proposition Any successful employee strategy should start by understanding the current organisational culture. Identify the key influencers of your organisational culture. Identify any significant change impacts. Develop a section in your employee interview /review to understand “employee fit” to organisational culture. Consider “Attitude V Skills” balance.
18 Strong case for developing retention strategies Value proposition makes sense Strong returns Put dollars into retention not recruitment Recruit “best fit” for business not necessarily skills Empowerment is critical retention strategy Social media is a powerful recruitment tool Skills shortage will get worse as GFC impact lessens Internal referral program worth considering Huge variety of retention strategies Ensure business fit, employee fit or combination Management play a key role Consider in management job description Walk the floor meet the staff Consider cultural alignment questionairre