LOGO Anti-dumping 가영미 Lian Xuelin Li Shiyuan
Contents Introduction Background The relationship with WTO Measures Example 反傾銷 Procedures Conditions
Introduction It occurs when manufacturers export a product to another country at a price either below the price charged in its home market, or in quantities that cannot be explained through normal market competition. Many governments take action against dumping in order to defend their domestic industries.
Background Anti-dumping measures counter dumping practices occurring when non- EU manufacturers sell their goods in the EU below the normal value (usually the sales price) on their domestic market.
The relationship with WTO The agreement says member countries must inform the Committee on Anti-Dumping Practices about all preliminary and final anti-dumping actions, promptly and in detail. They must also report on all investigations twice a year.
Anti-dumping measures must expire five years after the date of imposition, unless a review shows that ending the measure would lead to injury. When differences arise, members are encouraged to consult each other. They can also use the WTO’s dispute settlement procedure. The relationship with WTO
GATT (Article 6) allows countries to take action against dumping. The Anti-Dumping Agreement clarifies and expands Article 6, and the two operate together. They allow countries to act in a way that would normally break the GATT principles of binding a tariff and not discriminating between trading partners.
The relationship with WTO Anti-dumping 101: The Devilish Details of "Unfair Trade" Law. US International Trade Commission Official page concerning trade remedies in the United States. European Commission Anti-Dumping page Official page concerning the use of anti- dumping measures by the European Union.
The Anti-dumping War in WTO 434 cases about China Total cases against dumping since 2001 by China. India was the most frequent user.
Initiation Investigation Administrative review judicial review Administrative review judicial review Description of the company’s sub contents Antidumping measures procedures
Conditions Community interest Injury Imports must be dumped Causal link
① Forms a provisional duty a security ( by cash deposit or bond) ② Duration not last longer than 4 ms Proceedings may be terminated because of the injurious effect of the dumping is eliminated. ① Self-decision principle ② Lesser duty principle ③ Non- discrimination Provisional measure Price undertakings Imposition and Collection of anti- dumping duties Types of trade defence measures
On June 23 of 2008, on the application of 4 enterprises, Korean Trade Commission decided to hold an anti-dumping investigation against imported ceramics tiles from China. Value involved in the case amounted to US$8.66 million, which was the biggest anti-dumping case in recent years by Korea against China. After a year of confrontation, the Korean ceramics enterprises responding to the subject of Korea’s ceramic tile anti-dumping case was finally settled.
Recently, the Korean Trade Commission (KTC) released final results: the next 5 years to 12 to participate in responding to China’s ceramic enterprises % 2.76% levy anti- dumping tariffs on non-responding enterprises are levied punitive 37.4% tax rate.
Industry analysis, the anti-dumping of ceramics enterprises involved in the case did not set a punitive rate of 37.4 percent, although did not meet shrimp, home of anti-dumping cases of more than 100% rate of “staggering” level, but also low- cost strategy alone can win some small businesses out of the game.