CCC Confer Moderator Training for Faculty & Staff DIAL PIN
Part 1: INTRODUCTION Who Are We? What can you do? We Make it Easy Room Overview
Who Are We? A Solution for Online Classes, Meetings, and Office Hours ‐ For all 113 California Community Colleges ‐ Funded by a grant from the Chancellor’s Office of the California Community College system ‐ No charge to faculty, staff, or students Located at Palomar College in San Diego County ‐ Provide training ‐ Provide live, high-level tech support ‐ Website resources We have been here since 2001…and we are not going away!
What Can You Do? Teach Hold online office hours Host meetings Record lectures or meetings for later viewing Offer closed captions in the live classes or meetings Have password protected classes and meetings Pull attendance reports from live or recorded session viewings Upload recordings to 3CMedia Solutions
We Make It Easy for Everyone to Attend! From a Desktop or laptop computer ‐ At work, at home, or on campus ‐ Using a PC or a MAC From a Smart Phone or a Tablet ‐ iOS or Android ‐ Get the app, get connected From Anywhere…. ‐ In town or around the world
The Room Overview T HE S IDE P ANEL ‐ Audio & Video ‐ People ‐ Chat T HE W HITEBOARD Displays Content ‐Whiteboard ‐Desktop applications ‐Websites N AVIGATION B AR ‐ Text menus ‐ Feature Launch ‐ Load Content ‐ Record
AUDIO & VIDEO - Audio - mic and speaker - Live web cam PARTICIPANTS - Emoticons, status, hand raise, poll - next slide MAIN ROOM - # of participants, feature permissions – next slide - Names & Responses: emotions,polls, status, audio, web cam CHAT - Send public & private chat messages Side Panel Features
1. Emoticons ‐ Automatically disappear within seconds 2. Step Away ‐ Click once to step away – click again to return 3. Hand Raise * ‐ Click once to raise your “Virtual” hand – click again to lower 4. Poll Response ‐ To change poll type etc.: Tools > Polling Interaction: Emoticons & Polls *To lower Participants raised hands Individual: Hover over name > Click dropdown > Select Lower hand Global: Click dropdown to the right of PARTICIPANTS > Select Lower all hands Feature Permissions: To grant/take away permissions Individual: Hover over name > Place red “x” or take away red “x” Global: To the right of MAIN ROOM > Place or take away red “x” on feature icon
Part 2: COMMUNICATION Chat VoIP Telephone
Chat Public Chat ‐ Viewed by everyone ‐ Captured in recordings Announcements ‐ Moderator initiated ‐ Pop-up window for everyone ‐ Captured in recordings Private Chat ‐ Only between individuals ‐ Not captured in recordings Moderator Only Option ‐ View public and private chats in Room tab ENTER CHAT HERE
Two Ways to Talk VoIP ‐ Use the internet for voice ‐ Phone free, hands free ‐ Use headsets and speakers Telephone ‐ Traditional landlines ‐ Smart phones ‐ Cell phones
Using VoIP Plug in a headset or use an internal mic Run the Audio Setup Wizard Click the Talk button ‐ ‘ Open’ mic icon appears as a reminder Note: + or - number of available mics, go to Tools > Audio > Simultaneous Talkers
Using the Telephone Conference line telephone number and passcodes provided ‐ Special call in number for cell phone users ‐ Toll-free number for traditional land-line users within the continental U.S. Participate when there is no computer access Continue meeting if the internet fails
Part 3: RECORDING Reasons to Record Connecting the Teleconference Start Recording Recording Privacy
Reasons to Record Captures everything that is… Said Shared Chatted Why Faculty & Administrators Record : ‐ For students or participants who couldn’t attend live ‐ Capture lectures and meetings for later viewing ‐ Create student exam reviews, self-paced employee trainings, etc. ‐ Automatic 3CMedia conversion to MP4 movie files
Connecting the Teleconference If you want to: - Capture audio when recording -Connect VoIP and telephone users -Allow listening over the computer You must: Connect Session to Teleconference… Note: When in doubt, Connect….
How to Record Start recording ‐ After ‘Connect Session to Teleconference…’ ‐ At any time when using only VoIP Start recording ‐ From the Recording Reminder window ‐ From the navigation bar Pause * or Stop recording at any time ‐ Press the Record button on the Navigation bar to stop or resume recording
Recording Privacy MyConfer > MyMeetings > MyRecordings Toggle button to change Public / Private status Share links to the recording
Part 4: Content Sharing Whiteboard Tools Loading Content
Whiteboard Window 1. New Page - Add a new blank screen 2. Clear Page - Clear all screen annotations 3. Delete Page - Delete a screen or slide from view - Remains in your desktop file 4. Fit Page - Change your view to + or - the size
Whiteboard Tool Bar Stop use of an active tool Whiteboard pointer Pen or highlighter Enter text Filled rectangles/circles Open rectangles/circles Straight lines Desktop screen capture Whiteboard backgrounds or clip art
Load PowerPoint & Image Files Supported File Types ‐ Power Point -.ppt and.pptx ‐ Open Office –.ppt,.pptx,.sxi and.odp ‐ Image Files –.bmp,.jpeg,.gif,.png,.wbp,.wbd Load Content ‐ Locate file, Open File Conversion ‐ Wait…until Page Explorer window appears Navigate Slides ‐ From Page Explorer window ‐ From the Navigation bar Note: Files must be closed before clicking Load Content
Part 5:Desktop Sharing Sharing Individual Applications Sharing Your Desktop
Launch Application Sharing Share your desktop programs, work in real-time. Launch the App -From the text menu or icon Available Sharing Selections -Share specific applications -Share desktop – any application at anytime
Any application Open in advance to choose in menu Participants see only what is within the yellow border. -App usually positions in the whiteboard area -Reframe using the black dots on the yellow border Share Specific Applications
Share Desktop Any application Any desktop location ‐ Control panel, explorer, etc. Websites with passwords Participants see only what is within the yellow border. -Resize application -Reframe using the black dots in the yellow border
Share Access to Screens Allow others to work on your desktop ‐ Select one person at a time ‐ Give Control.. from the drop down menu ‐ Repeat to Take Away Control… ‐ Changes are saved to your computer
Part 6: MORE FEATURES Polling Web Cams Web Tours File Transfers Timers
Poll Vote, Get Consensus, Decide Ask Yes/No questions Ask multiple choice questions Public or anonymous responses Push out Poll summary Poll activity is included in the recording Note: Poll options go to Tools > Poll > select options
Share a Live Web Cam Make a personal connection - Meet students and colleagues, introduce guest speakers - Combine on-ground and online classes and meetings - Allow five other people to turn on a camera Demonstrate Activities - ‘How to’… - ‘What it looks like”…
Web Tour Host a Web Tour - For websites without passwords - Navigate and others follow* - Best for YouTube videos - Share active links - Open independent browser pages on each participants desktop * Some computer settings may not allow participants to view the page changes; switch to Application Sharing if this occurs.
File Transfer Hand Out Files to Everyone! ‐ No s needed ‐ Distributes to everyone in the live meeting ‐ Distributes to everyone viewing the recording ‐ Participants can save the file
Timer Show to All -For early arrivers -When the session starts -When to return from break -How long the session will run Show to Moderators Only - Keep track of time remaining - As a pacing tool
Part 7: Get Started Now! Sign Up Registration Form Log In – Your MyConfer Account Scheduling Meetings
MyConfer Sign Up Go to Sign up for your account - Complete the Register form - Case sensitive login/password Log In - Log in and get started
MyConfer Register Complete all fields, but most important: Log In Name and Password: case sensitive, most any combination where you actually read your mail Phone: where we can reach you Screen Name: you name tag for an online meeting Create
Your MyConfer Account MyConfer - Return home - Connect MyMeetings - Upcoming Meetings - MyCalendar - Previous Meetings MyRecordings - Details, Share links, View More... - Update My Profile, My Settings options
Schedule Meetings Meet & Confer: colleague to colleague Teach & Confer: online classes * Office Hours: faculty to student - outside of the classroom Webinars: large audience, no password required * Call Confer: phone only Note: Automatic mp4 conversion of recordings for 3CMedia account holders All online rooms have the same features and functions.
Schedule Options Recurring Meeting ‐ For all classes, meetings, and conference calls ‐ Plan the semester/year with one request Closed Caption ‐ Live captions for online classes and meetings ‐ 48 hours notice to schedule, 24 hours to cancel
Recurring Meetings Same passcode for every date Edit details any time Add meetings to the series Share meeting links Note: Duration = how long you expect the meeting to last
Closed Captions Live captions to support hearing impairments Visual enhancement options Captions retained in a recording Note: 508 compliant
Support Client Services Live Support ‐ Monday – Friday 8:00 am – 4:00 pm ‐ Telephone: ext 1537 or 1554 ‐ Training Center ‐ Live Online Training ‐ Recorded Training & Features documentation Support ‐ Technical Support ‐ Quick Reference Guides & Features documentation CCC CONFER P ARTNER P ROJECTS