Balanced Unbalanced The Goal “Perfectly Imbalanced”
Clear dominant strategy Version1 ResourcesWolf or Rabbit OutcomesWolf beats Rabbit Rabbit ties Rabbit Wolf ties Wolf Version2 ResourcesWolf or Rabbit 1 Production Unit (u) OutcomesWolf > 1 Rabbit 2 Rabbits = 1 wolf Costs/ Resource Wolf = 1u Rabbit =.5u Strategy doesn’t matter Version3 ResourcesWolf, Rat or Rabbit OutcomesWolf beats Rabbit Rabbit beats Rat Rat beats Wolf Rock Paper Scissors
What game design strategies are used to achieve the desired difficulty and balance?
How do developers make games difficult?
Abilities Items Allies ObstaclesPuzzles Enemies The balance between the player and the game itself can be thought of as difficulty. Difficulty is imperative and should… Make content last longer Be dynamic
Flow theory (Csikszentmihalyi) Games that are too easy do not keep player’s attention User’s need to be challenged but how this challenge presents itself is key
Super Mario World - Tubular
Example videoExample video – Call of Duty Modern Warfare Epilogue on Veteran
How are game’s pvp modes balanced?
all_of_Duty:_Modern_Warfare_2 _Updates
challenges/ongoing-challenges/ pokemon-in-game- challenges-rules-and-regulations
What game design strategies are used to achieve the desired difficulty and balance?
New approach to selecting a difficult model Leaves behind discrete choices for difficulty Can vary in frequency of adjusting Can adjust based on desired win percentage