SEN Coffee Morning September 2015
You may be aware that a Children and Families Bill was published this year and within that document lies the New SEN Code of Practice. This new document has led to a few changes in how schools SEN systems will work. Please see the SEND reforms packs for further information. This is available on our School website. SEN Policy
This document will replace a statement of SEN Links all agencies together Written in consultation with parents and child Statements replaced at transition periods Annual reviews – child focussed Should be quicker to produce Runs up to 25 years old – transition to adulthood EHCP Education Health and Care Plan
No more SA and SA+ One stage – SEN support Single Stage of SEN
You will be able to view all of the provision available within the borough quickly and easily. You can compare the provision at a range of schools. This is available on the website Our School Offer is available on the school website: N+Support&pid=16 Local Offer and School Offer
Who has a SEN? Early intervention (monitoring) Placed on the SEN Register (SEN support was SA) Outside Agencies: Speech and Language Therapist, Occupational Therapist, Educational Psychologist, Behaviour Support Team. (SEN support was SA+) Progress is monitored closely Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP) ( was a Statement of SEN) This will only be for a very small number of children who are significantly behind their peers in any aspect of learning - this could include social skills as well as academics. SEN Provision at CHJS
Your child’s Class Teacher or the SENCo may contact you for an informal discussion or to hold a meeting so that concerns can be discussed and targets set. If your child is put into an intervention group you will receive a letter – this does not mean that your child is on the SEN register. If your child is placed on the SEN register you will be informed. IEPs and drop in meetings termly Open door policy – SENCo drop in every other Thursday Parent Involvement
Precision Teaching Phonics Rapid Reading Vocabulary group Social skills Fine and gross motor skills (OT / Exercise for Learning) Maths booster groups Handwriting Education City / Sumdog (online Maths games sites) Grammar / SPAG Writing booster Comprehension booster Intervention Groups Run by Teachers and LSAs Interventions will vary in each year group depending on the needs of the children.
IEPs Individual Education Plan All pupils on the SEN register receive an IEP 3 times a year This is written by the class teacher and then checked by the SENCo. It will set termly targets Drop in meetings will be held which you can come along to discuss the IEP with the class teacher, and if required the SENCo. IEPs are reviewed at the end of each term and you will receive a copy with each new IEP. DATES – First IEPs will come home on Friday 9 th October. First IEP drop in meeting will be on Monday 12 th October (between 3.30 and 5pm)
Inclusive practice – all pupils are entitled to this. Additional SEN support – which intervention groups your child is in Additional Class Teacher Support – what extra strategies the teacher will use to support your child. Maximum of 3 targets – these need to be achievable Termly targets Pupil to comment prior to IEP drop in. Parent to comment during IEP drop in. Teacher review Pupil review Parent review Long term goals
I am Mrs Englefield I work in school full time and you can make an appointment with me via the office. I also teach Maths and English sets in Year 3 and a little in Year 4. The best times to catch me for meetings are before school, after school or Thursday / Friday afternoons. I hold SENCo drop in sessions every other Thursday from In this time I will be in my office available to meet with parents/carers. No appointment is required. My role is: To offer advice and ideas that our class teachers can apply with their pupils. Provide training for all staff (teachers, LSAs, lunchtime supervisors) To monitor the progress of pupils on the SEN register through regular meetings with LSAs, class teachers and SLT To observe, review and evaluate intervention groups. To decide the provision that is appropriate for each child. To liaise regularly with parents to keep them informed of how their child is being supported and what progress they are making. SENCo
At CHJS we have high expectations of ALL pupils and this pays off! Our SEN children make fantastic progress Last Year SATs: Reading – 96% made expected progress from KS1 to KS2 Writing – 99% made expected progress from KS1 to KS2 Maths – 96% made expected progress from KS1 to KS2 Success!
Please feel free to get a coffee and chat to one another. If you have any questions I will be around until so please come and ask me! As I am often teaching it can be difficult to reach me via the office (although messages are always passed on and I will get back to you asap). Please feel free to me your questions at Questions