Academic and Personal Behaviors Institute Session 2: Growth Mindset December 2, 2015
Warmer: Test Your Mindset Go to and answer the questions. Wifi Password: NOVEMBER2015 Fixed: Right now, you believe that your intelligence is fixed—that it doesn’t change much. On the whole, if you can’t perform perfectly, you would rather not do something. You probably think that smart people don’t have to work hard to succeed. Growth: You know that you can increase your intelligence by learning, and you like a challenge. You believe that the best way to learn is to work hard, and you don’t mind making mistakes while you do it. 2
Warmer: 1.Share your name and role in your school. 2.What is one thing you do well now in your life that you didn’t do well when you started? 3.How did you learn how to do it well?
Video Clips by Mindset Works: What is one thing from the video that you found new or surprising? 2.What is one thing you want to know more about? 3.What is one thing you heard that you would like to try out in your classroom next week?
APB Pilot – Pathway of Change Frame growth mindset for students Feedback to students using growth language Find opportunities to do more Focus on strategies or value
4 Case Studies from Read case study - count off by 4 and each person at the table reads a different case study. Complete graphic organizer (10 min) How does work at this school fit into the Pathway of Change model? 2.Table discussion – use discussion protocol at your table (30 min) 3.Q&A (20 mins)
Instructions for Warmer before Transforming Language Activity Review the Growth Mindset phrases on your handouts and: Put a check mark next to phrases you have said Star the phrases you say a lot 7 Circle the phrases you want to be saying
Transforming Fixed to Growth We hear a lot of fixed mindset in our world and our schools. It’s our job to transform the fixed-mindset phrases we hear into growth-mindset ones. Fixed/Mixed Mindset PhraseGrowth Mindset Phrase 1.Oh, you got that right away. You must be good at that. 2.Don’t worry about it. You’ll get it next time. 3.I know Math isn’t your strong suit, but …
Transforming Fixed to Growth We hear a lot of fixed mindset in our world and our schools. It’s our job to transform the fixed-mindset phrases we hear into growth-mindset ones. Fixed/Mixed Mindset PhraseGrowth Mindset Phrase 1.Oh, you got that right away. You must be good at that. 2.Don’t worry about it. You’ll get it next time. 3.I know Math isn’t your strong suit, but … 1.Great, you’re really using some good strategies. 2.That feeling of (X) being hard is the feeling of your brain growing. 3.No matter where you start, everyone can improve and grow with effort, using the right strategies.
Personal Reflection 1.What’s one thing you learned today that you are going to try at your school next month? 2.Challenge yourself! Try the observation protocol.
Update about Assessment Thank you for all your hard work to make the Becoming Effective Learners Survey happen! We know how challenging this may have been. Due to some research hurdles, we will not be implementing the BEL Survey Did not meet validity threshold for consents Legal barrier regarding non-disclosure We will be offering a different assessment tool, in development by the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching No consents required Student-level data Focuses on mindsets only (Growth, Value, Belonging), not other aspects of APBs Has questions specific to ELA and Math Handout of printed slides with details 11
The Student Agency Improvement Community mindset survey (Carnegie Foundation) The survey will measure students’ current… General academic mindsets (growth, value, belonging) >When I have to work hard at my schoolwork, it makes me feel like I'm not very smart. Specific academic mindsets in Math and ELA >When you have to try really hard in math, it means you can’t be good at math. Perception of the mindset environment in Math and ELA >My math teacher thinks failure helps us learn and grow. 12 MINDSET SURVEY INSTRUMENT
Survey Parameters For school-based inquiry only (not research or accountability) – no consent required 33 questions – approx. 20 minutes to complete Online administration only, at school Accurate OSIS number and school name required Anywhere from one classroom to full school (minimum 10) Available in Spanish Firm Closing Date: December MINDSET SURVEY INSTRUMENT
Survey results January 13: School-level report and individual student results >By mindset (growth, value, belonging) >By grade-level >By subject (Math, ELA) March 30: Analysis with correlation to grades and attendance June TBD: Change in mindset from December to May (target students) 14 MINDSET SURVEY INSTRUMENT Plans for sharing and using the data in your school
Instructions for administration 1.Have OSIS numbers handy. 2.Have students go online to: 3.Read: “In the next 20 minutes you will be taking a survey that helps us to understand what you think about school. This is not a test and you will not be graded or judged based on your responses. We hope that this information will help us to make your school experience better. Please be honest- we want to know what you really think.” 4.Make sure they hit Submit at the end. 5.Deb will periodically send a list of those who have responded, so that you can catch those who haven’t. 16 MINDSET SURVEY INSTRUMENT
Survey Administration: Frequently Asked Questions 1.What if a student doesn’t understand the statement? It’s important that students respond in a way that matches their own best interpretation of the question. By explaining a statement, you may bias the response. If they ask, you can respond by asking them what they think it means, and then just confirm whatever their interpretation of the question is. 2.What if a student has more than one Math or ELA teacher? For example, if the student is enrolled in multiple ELA courses, or the course has a co-teacher. Ideally, they should choose the teacher who is attending the APB Institute. If that doesn’t clarify, then have them refer to their primary content teacher or to the more standard course (e.g. English 10 rather than an English elective). 3.What will we do with the data? School leaders and teachers will use results to reflect on their own practice and school culture as they work to promote an environment that encourages growth, value for learning, and student belonging. Results will not be used in connection with any kind of assessment or evaluation, neither of students nor of teachers. 17 MINDSET SURVEY INSTRUMENT