Holistic Learning Physical Development Infants and toddlers pass through many stages of physical development and it is important that they have opportunities to explore with these new skills – reaching, kicking, sitting up, rolling, crawling, walking, running and jumping
Materials are set up in a way that invites exploration.
Learning is an active process and involves exploring possibilities in ways that we may not have considered, such as exploring in, under, and even upside down.
Allow and encourage children to be physically active when it is safe to do so.
Reaching Tying ribbon onto a hoop or stick can provide visual and tactile stimulation for children laying on their backs
Invitations Everywhere A staircase can be an invitation for learning for a child who is learning to climb View the environment as full of opportunities Note the educator is nearby providing support and encouragement while ensuring safety
Can clay be an invitation for physical development? These children balanced on, and jumped off, the clay block. This exploration encouraged development of fine and gross motor skills while learning about the properties of clay.
Varying abilities This invitation worked well for children at various stages of physical development whether they were sitting independently, crawling or walking.
Children need opportunities to reach, climb, and explore their environment. This small group interaction also provides positive interactions with peers which builds a sense of belonging and self worth.
Relationships The intentional set up of this activity allows for a shared interest and enjoyment which fosters the development of positive relationships.
Holistic Learning Intellectual Development Introducing new concepts and providing opportunities for language development are important for intellectual development of infants and toddlers.
These children are exploring with balls but also learning some basic science concepts. They are enjoying the activity in a small group with their peers which is important for social development. What happens when I do this?
This invitation was intentionally set up to promote small group interactions. There are enough materials and space for 3 or 4 children to play at the same time.
This invitation provides an opportunity to explore shape and size. The box, barrel, basket and tin contain smaller versions for children to discover and actively explore.
This is a rich opportunity for language development through the introduction and modeling of new vocabulary such as big, bigger, little, small, round, on, under, in, etc..
Children can learn their colours through exposure and exploration rather than through direct teaching, worksheets and the traditional “What colour is this?” Educators can facilitate this through modeling vocabulary.
Open -ended Materials Open ended materials allow children to interact and experiment with the materials in different ways
Engaged in Holistic Learning
Physical Development as well as practicing the fine motor control required to place the ball in the tube. Notice the look of concentration on the infant’s face. This shows that the skill is developmentally appropriate. It is a challenge but not frustrating. This infant is experiencing physical development through bending and reaching to catch the balls that land on the floor…
Intellectual Development The infant began to anticipate that the balls would roll through the tube and fall at her feet.
Spiritual The excitement and amazement that this infant expressed when more balls appeared out of the tube show a sense of wonder with the world
Social Emotional In additional to the sense of self confidence that the infant experienced during this activity, there was also the benefit of positive peer interaction and relationship building
Children can amaze us when we take time to closely observe and document their activities and explorations.
One way to use these bottles of coloured water is that children can manipulate them to discover new colours.
Materials should entice children to touch and explore.
Encourage imagination and creativity.
A responsive educator noticed the infant gazing at the ball so moved it within the infant’s reach so she could explore it. This infant is actively exploring how the ball feels and how it moves as well as becoming aware of her own response to the experience. This shows intellectual as well as social emotional development. Educator Role Just Playing?