1 CASAS Assessment Valid and Reliable Measures for ABE, ASE and ESL Programs to Meet Students' Needs and Federal Reporting Requirements East Coast Summit 2005 Hartford, CT Linda Taylor x186 Jane Eguez x125 Marty Gustafson x (800) CASAS = Comprehensive Adult Student Assessment System
2 Insert system flowchart
3 CASAS in quality Adult Ed Programs Assesses basic skills in practical, life skills contexts Includes standardized multiple-choice measures – Reading, Listening & Math performance-based measures - Writing and Speaking
4 Assessment System Components and Purposes Standardized summative assessment of proficiency (e.g., reading, listening, writing) Non-standardized formative classroom- based assessment of achievement of specific instructional objectives (e.g., portfolios, checklists, teacher developed rubrics)
5 CASAS in quality Adult Programs Used in ABE, ASE, ESL, EL Civics, VESL, employability, and workplace programs Reports learning gains to meet NRS requirements for accountability Professional development provided for all assessment
6 Alignment to Content Standards Life and Work is a new standards-based series based on California ESL Model Standards A CASAS National Consortium newly formed committee is creating adult basic skills standards that will be coded to all CASAS tests
7 CASAS Competencies Basic Skills Content Standards (in development) CASAS National Scale with Skill Level Descriptors Assessment tools Reading Listening Math Writing Speaking Quick Search Instructional Materials Integrated Systems Approach
8 CASAS Competencies Basic Communication Consumer Economics Community Resources Health Employability Government and Law Numeracy (Math) Learning to Learn Independent Living Skills
9 CASAS Competencies Includes over 300 life skill competencies Correlated to SCANS & other national standards Helps learners & instructors apply learning & teaching in a “real world context” Complete list at
10 CASAS National Scale Skill Level Descriptors to interpret test results Equal interval scale Used to determine learner skill levels learner gains Accurate from beginning literacy to advanced adult basic
11 Research-based Criterion referenced Standardized multiple-choice and performance-based Valid for non-native and native speakers of English Links individual results and instructional materials TOPSpro software reports results by students, class, program, state CASAS Assessment
12 Appraisals for placement Pretests to help students prepare learning plans Post-tests to monitor and report progress Certification tests Types of CASAS Tests
13 Reading Learning Gains Mean ESL reading learning gains is 9 points on CASAS scale. Mean gains within level:* 12–74 hrs 121+ hours Beginning ESL Literacy20 points28 points Beginning ESL10 points15 points Low Intermediate ESL 8 points13 points High Intermediate ESL 6 points 9 points Advanced ESL 4 points 7 points *Based on CA data; N = 143,000
14 Listening Learning Gains Mean ESL listening learning gains after 80 – 100 hours of instruction is 6.7 points on the CASAS scale. Mean learning gains within level:* Beginning ESL10 points Low Intermediate ESL6 points High Intermediate ESL4 points Advanced ESL2 points *Based on CA data; N = 5,229
15 New Pre/post 80 series For ABE and ESL Content related to both life and work Assesses reading skills needed to succeed in today’s workforce, community, and family Life and Work
16 Life and Work Features story lines about adults from diverse backgrounds Includes narrative reading passages Correlated to Content Standards and CASAS competencies Available soon on Computer (CBT) Listening 80 Series in development
17 Workforce development systems Employability Competency System - ECS Workforce Learning Systems – WLS Workforce Skills Certification System – WSCS
18 Workforce Speaking Forms 273 and 274 High A, B, C, and D ESL Individual administration Interview questions about work and social topics Picture prompts on workplace safety and customer service Assesses Listening Comprehension and Communication of Meaning Self-Training Manual now available
19 Citizenship Government and History for Citizenship Measures knowledge of government, history and civics Contains writing dictation section with detailed scoring guidelines Reading for Citizenship, Level A Reading comprehension in citizenship context Used for pre- and post-testing of beginning level learners
20 Assesses speaking skills of adult ESL/Citizenship learners in the context of a simulated CIS oral citizenship interview Determines readiness to pass naturalization English interview Citizenship Interview Test
21 Assesses writing skills across all levels Functional workplace, employability, and life skills contexts Includes form, picture, process, letter, note and inventory tasks Helps prepare for GED writing test For ABE, ASE, and ESL Functional Writing Assessment
22 Functional Writing Picture Prompts Revised # 460 Grocery # 461 Accident # 462 Department Store # 463 Street Scene Workplace Picture Task prompts: # Restaurant # Warehouse # Hotel Letter Task Write a letter to the mayor
23 Functional Writing Writing scaling completed for all Picture and Form prompts NRS Standard setting cut score study Picture Task conducted January 2005 Six states participated
24 Instructional Materials Guide Commercially-available teacher resources (over 2,000) coded by: Life Skill Competencies Skill levels Program/ learner type ESL ABE/ASE/GED LD Math Database updated annually Quick Search
25 Quick Search By Competency
26 Initial Implementation Match students’ goals to appropriate CASAS test series Select skill area(s) to be assessed (e.g., reading, listening, writing, math, and/or speaking) Identify pilot implementation teachers and classes Select professional development option: CD Rom self study ($325/site) Certified Trainer goes to your agency ($3000 for 25 staff) CASAS Summer Institute ($425) June 14 – 16, 2005 Find out if free training is available in your state
27 Cost of materials—Small ESL Site For one site with 100 ESL students Appraisal Manual$60 Appraisal test booklets(set of 25, re-usable)$70 Beginning Literacy test booklets (1 each of Forms 27 and 28)$76 Reading test booklets (set of 5 each of 10 forms) $155 Answer sheets (1 set of 100)$48 Quick Search software$55 Shipping and 10% of total order$46 Sub-total for Reading only$510 Listening test booklets (5 each of 6 forms, including audiotapes) $150 Additional answer sheets for listening $ 48 Sub-total for Reading & Listening w/S& H $728
28 Cost of materials—Medium ESL Site For one site with ESL students Appraisal Manual$60 Appraisal test booklets(2 sets of 25)$140 Beginning Literacy test booklets (1 each of Forms 27 and 28)$76 Reading test booklets (1 set of 10 forms in sets of 25) $700 Answer sheets (3 sets of 100)$144 Quick Search software$55 Shipping and 10% of total order$118 Sub-total for Reading only$1293 Listening test booklets (1 set of 6 forms, including audiotapes) $450 Additional answer sheets for listening $144 Sub-total for Reading & Listening w/S& H $1946
29 Key Benefits of CASAS Integrates curriculum, assessment, and instruction across programs and levels into one comprehensive system Allows for choice of test series to match student goals, with results reported on the same scale Allows for choice of skills tested to match student goals (e.g., reading, listening, speaking, writing, math)
30 Key Benefits of CASAS Incorporates cost-effective processes and tools Includes professional development for initial and ongoing implementation TOPSpro reports: provide documentation that meets funder requirements Provides quick, rich and relevant student, teacher, administrators level feedback.
31 Assessment Challenges Providing adequate and ongoing professional development to select and administer tests in a standardized manner Fostering willingness in local programs to go beyond basic compliance regarding assessment Establishing and executing procedures in local programs for teachers to receive test results in a timely manner Developing adequate and realistic local assessment plans to assess all relevant skills, including performance assessment
32 In conclusion Use of the entire CASAS system provides local program and state staff with data to pinpoint program strengths and weaknesses. The various components and tools of the CASAS system contribute to ongoing quality program improvement. The CASAS National Consortium members determine field-based development priorities. CASAS is a non-profit organization