1 COUNTRY PROCUREMENT SYSTEM THE CASE FOR SURINAME Overview of results of IDB workshop held in April 2007 in Peru 1 Mr. H.L. Blinker, Procurement Specialist Ir. M.A. Meyer, Procurement Consultant R. Wesenhagen, Director of Technical Affairs, Minov Paramaribo, april 2008
2 INLEIDING Keuze onderwerp en subonderwerpen Herziening bouwregelgeving van Suriname (aanbesteding en uitvoering) door werkgroep van deskundigen: -Mr. H.L. Blinker -Ir. M.A. Meyer -Mr. D. van Werven -Ir. E. van Marle Creatie AWS 1996, AWS-FV 1996, ADS 1996, ADS-FV 1996 Inleiding Procurement assessment report Where Suriname is now Some conclusions on Suriname procurement system using the Peru methodology Steps for improving the system Sub-indicators 1 (b) Procurement methods Sub-indicators 1 (c) Advertising rules and time limits Benefits of a good procurement system Slot
3 PROCUREMENT ASSESSMENT BY CARICOM Country Procurement Assessment Report voor Suriname: -Thomas Burola -Henry L. Blinker Concept gereed juni 2003 Definitief rapport oktober 2004 Geïnterviewden: -overheidsinstanties -bouwbedrijfsleven -parastatale bedrijven -anderen; Universiteit, Rekenkamer In het rapport: -vaststelling feitelijke situatie (finding); -aanbevelingen en plan van aanpak om te geraken tot verbetering van het aanbestedingsregiem; -enkele aanbevelingen en bevindingen. Inleiding Procurement assessment report Where Suriname is now Some conclusions on Suriname procurement system using the Peru methodology Steps for improving the system Sub-indicators 1 (b) Procurement methods Sub-indicators 1 (c) Advertising rules and time limits Benefits of a good procurement system Slot
4 De major findings uit het CPAR van oktober 2004: The critical First steps of having the right Legal and institutional framework and complete and correct procurement at one place are lacking. Lack of a Uniform Classification System for goods, services and works. Lack of a Code of Ethical Conduct for government employees. The rights of suppliers/contractors are only protected by the good will of the Government in power at any given time. Lack of the Government Procurement Policy Manual and Handbook of Government Procurement Procedures. Inleiding Procurement assessment report Where Suriname is now Some conclusions on Suriname procurement system using the Peru methodology Steps for improving the system Sub-indicators 1 (b) Procurement methods Sub-indicators 1 (c) Advertising rules and time limits Benefits of a good procurement system Slot
5 De major findings uit het CPAR van oktober 2004: Absence of a single agency with a mandate for formulation of procurement policy and monitoring compliance. Lack of procurement capacity of entities. Lack of appropriate procurement planning, leading to uneconomic procurement. Organization for carrying out bid evaluation is not specified. The procurement decision-making authority is highly centralized. Inleiding Procurement assessment report Where Suriname is now Some conclusions on Suriname procurement system using the Peru methodology Steps for improving the system Sub-indicators 1 (b) Procurement methods Sub-indicators 1 (c) Advertising rules and time limits Benefits of a good procurement system Slot
6 De aanbevelingen uit het CPAR van oktober 2004: Enact a new public procurement law based on the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law (Uncitral) model. Establish a Uniform Classification System. Establish a Code of Ethical Conduct as a first step towards professionalizing the procurement workforce. Conduct annual corruption surveys. Establish an independent National Public Procurement Office (NPPO). Publish a Procurement Bulletin by the NPPO. Inleiding Procurement assessment report Where Suriname is now Some conclusions on Suriname procurement system using the Peru methodology Steps for improving the system Sub-indicators 1 (b) Procurement methods Sub-indicators 1 (c) Advertising rules and time limits Benefits of a good procurement system Slot
7 De aanbevelingen uit het CPAR van oktober 2004: Establish a civil society anti-corruption watch dog group. Establish an independent Protest and Dispute body Prepare and issue a Government Procurement Policy Manual and Handbook of Government Procurement Procedures. Assign procurement decision-making authority to operational agencies. Build a professional procurement capacity by the creation of a training and certification process. Inleiding Procurement assessment report Where Suriname is now Some conclusions on Suriname procurement system using the Peru methodology Steps for improving the system Sub-indicators 1 (b) Procurement methods Sub-indicators 1 (c) Advertising rules and time limits Benefits of a good procurement system Slot
8 De aanbevelingen uit het CPAR van oktober 2004: Introduce regular training in the Principles of Public Procurement, Government Procurement Rules and Procedures and Procurement Guidelines. Suriname should develop the data collection framework for government procurement. A single framework for data collection should be adopted and each procuring entity should keep data of its procurement. All public procurement data needs to be kept at the Ministry of Finance. The Government should launch an e-government program, in which the procurement procedure should be computerized in the medium-term. Suriname should put in place environmentally sustainable public procurement. Inleiding Procurement assessment report Where Suriname is now Some conclusions on Suriname procurement system using the Peru methodology Steps for improving the system Sub-indicators 1 (b) Procurement methods Sub-indicators 1 (c) Advertising rules and time limits Benefits of a good procurement system Slot
9 WHERE SURINAME IS NOW RELATIVE TO THE 2003 ASSESSMENT De opdracht voor het opstellen van het Country Procurement Assessment Report was niet van de Surinaamse Overheid, maar van de Caricom. Gevolg: de overheid heeft het rapport niet aangegrepen om de aanbevelingen te implementeren. De Caricom heeft er wel gebruikt van gemaakt. Er is met de andere lidlanden uit de verschillende CPAR’s een Framework Regional Integration Policy on Public Procurement opgesteld. Public Sector Management Strengthening Program. Gelukkig nu anno 2008 wel gebruik van het Country Procurement Assessment Report van oktober In Suriname is het adviesbureau Sunecon gestart met het verzorgen van trainingen over procurement. Eén van de aanbevelingen uit het CPAR van Inleiding Procurement assessment report Where Suriname is now Some conclusions on Suriname procurement system using the Peru methodology Steps for improving the system Sub-indicators 1 (b) Procurement methods Sub-indicators 1 (c) Advertising rules and time limits Benefits of a good procurement system Slot
10 Paris Declaration; OECD/DAC World Bank Round Table Indicators; Base-line Indicators; Compliance/ Performance Indicators; Vier Steunpilaren/ 12 Indicatoren met sub- indicatoren; Proef periode deelname 22 landen; Nog 22 landen die zelfstandig de methodologie toepassen; periode januari tot en met april 2008; Verzoek delegatie uit Suriname voor de mogelijkheid tot toepassing in ons land. Inleiding Procurement assessment report Where Suriname is now Some conclusions on Suriname procurement system using the Peru methodology Steps for improving the system Sub-indicators 1 (b) Procurement methods Sub-indicators 1 (c) Advertising rules and time limits Benefits of a good procurement system Slot Some conclusions on where Suriname procurement system is using the methodology of the Peru seminar and proposals presented in Peru on a good procurement system
11 STEPS FOR IMPROVING THE SYSTEM Doel Benchmark Methodology De vier steunpilaren en de 12 indicatoren zijn: TWELVE INDICATORS Pillar I-Legislative and Regulatory Framework (wettelijk en regulatief kader) 1. complies with applicable obligations deriving from national and international requirements. 2. Existence of regulations, documentation and tools to support implementation. Inleiding Procurement assessment report Where Suriname is now Some conclusions on Suriname procurement system using the Peru methodology Steps for improving the system Sub-indicators 1 (b) Procurement methods Sub-indicators 1 (c) Advertising rules and time limits Benefits of a good procurement system Slot
12 STEPS FOR IMPROVING THE SYSTEM TWELVE INDICATORS Pillar II-Institutional Framework and Management Capacity (institutioneel raamwerk en management capaciteit) 3. The public procurement system is mainstreamed and well integrated into the public sector governance system. 4. Existence of a Functional normative/ regulatory Body. 5. Existence of Institutional Development Capacity. Inleiding Procurement assessment report Where Suriname is now Some conclusions on Suriname procurement system using the Peru methodology Steps for improving the system Sub-indicators 1 (b) Procurement methods Sub-indicators 1 (c) Advertising rules and time limits Benefits of a good procurement system Slot
13 STEPS FOR IMPROVING THE SYSTEM TWELVE INDICATORS Pillar III-The Procurement Operations and Market Practices (aanbestedings operaties en marktmethoden) 6. The country’s procurement operations and practices are efficient. 7. Functionality of the Public Procurement Market. 8. Existence of Contract Administration and Dispute Resolution Provisions. Inleiding Procurement assessment report Where Suriname is now Some conclusions on Suriname procurement system using the Peru methodology Steps for improving the system Sub-indicators 1 (b) Procurement methods Sub-indicators 1 (c) Advertising rules and time limits Benefits of a good procurement system Slot
14 STEPS FOR IMPROVING THE SYSTEM TWELVE INDICATORS Pillar IV-The Integrity of the Public Procurement System (integriteit van het overheidssysteem voor overheidsaanbesteding) 9. Existence of effective control and audit systems. 10. Existence and efficiency of appeals mechanism. 11. Degree of access to information. 12. Existence of ethics and anticorruption measures. Inleiding Procurement assessment report Where Suriname is now Some conclusions on Suriname procurement system using the Peru methodology Steps for improving the system Sub-indicators 1 (b) Procurement methods Sub-indicators 1 (c) Advertising rules and time limits Benefits of a good procurement system Slot
15 Voorbeelden hoe de meting plaatsvindt Inleiding Procurement assessment report Where Suriname is now Some conclusions on Suriname procurement system using the Peru methodology Steps for improving the system Sub-indicators 1 (b) Procurement methods Sub-indicators 1 (c) Advertising rules and time limits Benefits of a good procurement system Slot I. SUB-INDICATOR 1(b) PROCUREMENT METHODS Scoring criteriaScore The legal framework meets all the following conditions: a) Allowable procurement methods are established unambiguously at an appropriate hierarchical level along with the associated conditions under which each method may be used, including a requirement for approval by an official that is held accountable. b) Competitive procurement is the default method of public procurement. c) Fractioning of contracts to limit competition is prohibited. d) Appropriate standards for international competitive tendering are specified and are consistent with international standards. 3 The legal framework meets the conditions of (a) and (b) plus one of the remaining conditions. 2 The legal framework meets the conditions of (a) and (b).1 The legal framework fails tot substantially comply with any of the conditions a) through d). 0
16 Voorbeelden hoe de meting plaatsvindt Inleiding Procurement assessment report Where Suriname is now Some conclusions on Suriname procurement system using the Peru methodology Steps for improving the system Sub-indicators 1 (b) Procurement methods Sub-indicators 1 (c) Advertising rules and time limits Benefits of a good procurement system Slot II. SUB-INDICATOR 1(c) ADVERTISING RULES AND TIME LIMITS Scoring criteriaScore The legal framework meets all the following conditions: a) Requires that procurement opportunities other than sole source or price quotations be publicly advertised. b) Publication of opportunities provides sufficient time, consistent with the method, nature and complexity of procurement, for potential bidders to obtain documents and respond to the advertisement. Such timeframes are extended when international competition is sought. c) Publication of open tenders is mandated in at least a newspaper of wide national circulation or in a unique internet official site, where all public procurement opportunities are posted, that is easily accessible. d) Content of publication includes sufficient information to enable potential bidders to determine their ability and interest in bidding. 3 The legal framework meets the conditions of (a) and (b) plus one of the remaining conditions. 2 The legal framework meets the conditions of (a) plus one of the remaining conditions. 1 The legal framework only meets the conditions of (a) above.0
17 Benefits of a good procurement system Boek Mr. H.L. Blinker: “De Overheidsaanbestedingen nader onder de loep”. Van belang de bladzijden 2 en 3. Good governance. Relatie Suriname met internationale organisaties. Oproep aan de Overheid m.b.t. vaststelling AWS 1996 en ADS Inleiding Procurement assessment report Where Suriname is now Some conclusions on Suriname procurement system using the Peru methodology Steps for improving the system Sub-indicators 1 (b) Procurement methods Sub-indicators 1 (c) Advertising rules and time limits Benefits of a good procurement system Slot Benefits to Suriname, the Government and Suppliers
18 SLOT Hartelijk dank voor uw aandacht!! Zijn er vragen? Aarzel niet om die te stellen !! mr. Henry L. Blinker