Cybercrime Justine Brown COSC 101
What is Cybercrime? A criminal activity using computers and the internet. A criminal activity using computers and the internet. Department of Justice explains three ways computers are used for cybercrime: Department of Justice explains three ways computers are used for cybercrime: – The target – The weapon – The accessory Many different types of cybercrimes Many different types of cybercrimes Social Networks are used in the crimes Social Networks are used in the crimes Ways to protect yourself and your computer Ways to protect yourself and your computer
“ The modern thief can steal more with a computer than with a gun. Tomorrow’s terrorist may be able to do more damage with a keyboard than with a bomb.”---National Research Council, “Computers at Risk”, 1991
Three Major Categories of Cybercrime: Three Major Categories of Cybercrime: 1.Cybercrimes against a person 2.Cybercrimes against property 3.Cybercrimes against the government
Cybercrimes against a person Trafficking of obscene material Cyberharassment Violation of privacy of online citizens Identity theft – Phishing and pharming Cyberbullying
All forms of property Computer vandalism Transmission of harmful programs Theft of material on a computer Cybercrime against property
Cybercrime against the government Cyberterrorism Cyberterrorism – When someone “cracks” into a government maintained website – Terrorizing citizens and group of people using cyberspace
Other Cybercrimes Downloading of illegal music files Downloading of illegal music files Spam Spam Auction fraud Auction fraud Non-deliverance of merchandise Non-deliverance of merchandise Credit card fraud Credit card fraud
Social Networks and Cybercriminals Spammers taking advantage of social networks Spammers taking advantage of social networks Vehicles to distribute malicious programs Vehicles to distribute malicious programs Not easily blocked Not easily blocked Stolen credentials of Facebook can sell for $75- $200 Stolen credentials of Facebook can sell for $75- $200 Can abstract addresses, contact lists, birthdates, hometowns, photos Can abstract addresses, contact lists, birthdates, hometowns, photos Facebook creating recent partnerships with Microsoft and Mcfee Facebook creating recent partnerships with Microsoft and Mcfee
How to protect yourself from Cybercrime Get educated on Internet crimes Get educated on Internet crimes Use caution with passwords Use caution with passwords Protect your computer using firewalls and virus protection Protect your computer using firewalls and virus protection Use common sense! Use common sense!
Conclusion Cybercrime is a growing problem Cybercrime is a growing problem It comes in many forms It comes in many forms Ways to try and prevent Cybercrime Ways to try and prevent Cybercrime
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Bibliography Babu, Maya. "What Is Cybercrime?" Computer Crime Research Center - Daily News about Computer Crime, Internet Fraud and Cyber Terrorism. Web. 29 Nov Byron, Acohido. "How Cybercriminals Invade Social Networks, Companies." 4 Mar Web. 29 Nov "Cybercrime Definition." The Tech Terms Computer Dictionary. Web. 29 Nov Girl, 13, Commits Suicide after Being Cyber-bullied by Neighbour Posing as Teenage Boy | Mail Online." Home | Mail Online. Web. 29 Nov "What Is Cyber Crime?" Cyber Citizen. Web. 29 Nov