MOLECULAR STRUCTURE ANALYSIS NMR Spectroscopy VCE Chemistry Unit 3: Chemical Pathways Area of Study 2 – Organic Chemistry
NMR stands for Nuclear Magnetic Resonance NMR is one of most powerful techniques used by chemists for the determination of molecular structure. NMR is also used in medicine where its called MRI. NMR Spectroscopy - Introduction
NMR uses energy in the radio frequency range of the electromagnetic spectrum. The energy of the radiation is too low to cause electronic, vibrational or rotational transitions. The radio waves used in NMR cause a change in the ‘spin’ of nucleons. Protons, neutrons and electrons can be thought of as spinning on their axes in either and up (↑) or down direction (↓). In many nuclei, the orientation of the spins of all the nucleons are paired and so cancel out. However, in atoms with an odd number of nucleons, the nucleus has an overall spin NMR Spectroscopy - Theory
NMR Spectroscopy - Introduction
This spin creates a magnetic field around certain nuclei (e.g. 1 H & 13 C ), and causes them to act like tiny bar magnets. When these nuclei are placed in a strong external magnetic field, most of these nuclei will align with the field. We say they have a parallel alignment. Those that are in a higher energy state, will be aligned in the opposite direction (anti-parallel alignment). NMR Spectroscopy - Theory
Nuclei in the lower energy state can be ‘spin-flipped’ into their higher energy state by supplying radiofrequency energy. A precise amount of energy needs to be supplied, or this excitation to a higher energy state will not occur. The amount of energy required can be supplied by the absorption of radio waves. The frequency of the radio waves required to produce the ‘spin-flip’ is termed the resonance frequency. NMR Spectroscopy - Theory h aligned with the field aligned against the field ENERGY
NMR Spectroscopy - Theory h aligned with the field aligned against the field ENERGY
Main features of a basic NMR spectrometer include: A radio transmitter coil that produces a short powerful pulse of radio waves A powerful magnet that produces strong magnetic fields Samples are placed in a glass tube that spins in a uniform magnetic field. A radio receiver coil that detects the radio frequencies emitted as nuclei relax to a lower energy level. A computer that analyses and records the data. NMR Spectroscopy - Instrument
NMR spectra provide information about the structure of organic molecules from: Number of different signals in the spectrum Position of the signals (chemical shift) Splitting pattern of the signals Intensity of the signals 1 H & 13 C Spectra Interpretation - Introduction
Liquid samples are placed in a NMR tube which spins in a magnetic field Solid samples are first dissolved in a solvent that will not give a signal, for example D 2 O, or CDCl 3. A small amount of TMS, tetramethylsilane, is added to provide a reference signal When the spectrum has been run, it can be integrated to find the relative peak heights. 1 H & 13 CSpectra Interpretation – Sample Preparation 1 H & 13 C Spectra Interpretation – Sample Preparation
Each nuclei type is said to be chemically shifted relative to a standard (usually TMS). Chemical shift is the difference between the field strength at which it absorbs and the field strength at which TMS protons absorb. TMS is assigned a value of ZERO ( = 0.00) All peaks of a sample under study are related to it and reported in ppm. 1 H & 13 C Spectra Interpretation – Chemical Shift
1 H & 13 CSpectra Interpretation – Chemical Shift 1 H & 13 C Spectra Interpretation – Chemical Shift DATA BOOK page 5 – 6 (HNMR) page 7 (CNMR)
The spin of one nucleus affects the nuclei on adjacent atoms. Low resolution NMR gives 1 peak for each different proton environment Being in the same chemical environment, H atoms must be attached to the same kind of atom in the same way. The areas under the peaks give us the proportion of H atoms in each different chemical environment. 1 H & 13 C Spectra Interpretation – Low Resolution NMR
Any 1 H nuclei present in an environment adjacent to the environment of another 1 H nucleus, will affect the strength of the external magnetic field to which it is subjected. This effect is known as spin-spin coupling. What appears to be a single peak on a low resolution spectrum now splits into several smaller peaks. The signal produced indicates the number of protons on adjacent carbon atoms. If a 1 H atom has n protons as its nearest neighbours, its absorption peak will be split into (n +1) peaks. This is known as the “n + 1 rule”. 1 H & 13 C Spectra Interpretation – High Resolution NMR
Number of peaks = Number of chemically different H’s on adjacent atoms neighbouring H2 peaks“doublet”1:1 2 neighbouring H’s 3 peaks“triplet”1:2:1 3 neighbouring H’s 4 peaks“quartet”1:3:3:1 4 neighbouring H’s 5 peaks“quintet”1:4:6:4:1 Signals for the H in an O-H bond are unaffected by protons on adjacent atoms You get a singlet peak
Interpretation of high res NMR
Example: Given that the molecular formula is C 4 H 8 O 2
The carbon-13 NMR shows peaks representing different carbon atom environments.