Lon Cosmetics: Introduction 이스라엘 사해의 생명력 Lon Cosmetics 의 역사 수년간 사해의 특별한 성분과 관련된 많은 역사적 사실들이 알려졌습니다. 아름답기로 유명한 이집트 여왕 클레오파트라는 사해의 물이 그녀의 아름다운 피부를 유지할 수 있게 도와준다고 믿었기 때문에 비밀리에 캐러반 ( 대상 ) 들을 사해로 보내어 목욕용으로 쓸 사해의 물을 가져오게 하곤 했다는 것은 잘 알려진 사실입니다. 그 후 로마의 부호들 또한 사해의 물이 피부에 놀라운 작용을 한다는 것을 알고 주로 사용했다고 합니다. 그들 모두 그 효과의 원인은 알지 못한 채 단 지 사용에만 관심이 있었을 뿐이었습니다 년대 초, 사해 미네랄의 특별한 성분을 조사하기 위해 한 개인과 Hadassah 병원이 합동으 로 연구조사를 시행하였고, 그 결과 사해 및 바다 근처의 샘에서 나오는 머드의 미네랄 효과는 피부 관리와 특히 피부염증에 효과적이라는 것이 발견되었습니다. 사해는 지구상의 가장 낮은 지점인 해저 약 400 미터 ( 약 1300 피트 ) 에 위치해 있습니다.. 그 결 과로 나타나는 지리적 기후조건 때문에 사해내 존재하는 20 가지 이상의 필수 미네랄의 농도가 30% 이상이며, 이는 보통의 바닷물 미네랄농도인 3% 보다 훨씬 높은 것입니다. 또한 사해의 물 과 머드 ( 진흙 ) 에는 유익한 유황성분 또한 다량 함유되어있어서 피부관리에 효과적입니다. ( 이 러한 이유로 현재 유럽의 여러 나라들은 정부가 비용을 보조하여 피부에 문제가 있는 사람들을 정기적으로 사해에 보내고 있으며 그 관광객들에게 특별한 의료혜택을 제공하는 훌륭한 호텔 들이 사해 주변에 여럿 들어서 있습니다 ) 합동연구조사에 참여하였던 그 개인은 조사를 통해 알아낸 이러한 사해 미네랄 성분을 토대로 한 세계최초의 사해 미네랄 화장품 회사인 Lon Cosmetics 를 설립하였습니다.
Lon Cosmetics 는 사해의 주변을 현대화하고, 또한 연구영역의 확장, 새로운 천연성분의 발 굴 및 그 생산과정의 개선을 통하여 꾸준히 관련제품을 개발하여 왔으며 현재는 이스라엘을 비롯한 세계 여러 나라에 최고품질의 화장품을 공급하는 일류기업으로 자리매김 하였습니다. Lon Cosmetics 는 사해가 실제로 생명의 바다라는 사실을 입증하였고. “ 사해의 생명력 ” 은 바로 Lon Cosmetics 의 표어가 되었습니다. Lon Cosmetics 의 사해 머드 제품군은 지성피부, 여드름 있는 문제성 피부, 반점, 그 밖의 다른 문제성 지성피부와 같은 특정 피부에 중점을 둔 제품들은 물론, 중성, 건성, 악건성과 민감성 피부유형을 위해 피부재생을 도와주고 박피에 효과적인 제품들 또한 포함되어 있습니다. 최근에는 아미노산 계열로써 노화방지에 탁월한 효과를 갖는 신제품인 NEWTOX 브랜드가 개발되었습니다. 30 년 이상의 역사를 자랑하는 Lon Cosmetics 는 전세계적 일류기업으로서 전문 피부관리샵과 미용실에서 그 품질을 인정받고 있습니다. 당사는 사해 미네랄의 장점을 화장품에 활용한 최초의 기업임에 자부심을 가지며, 과거 수년간 우리의 연구와 개발이 광범위한 영역으로 확대 재생산되고 있는 점 또한 자랑스럽게 생각합니다 우리의 품질과 노하우는 Lon 의 제품에만 국한되어있지 않습니다. 미국을 비롯 이스라엘, 일본, 캐나다, 루마니아, 러시아, 스위스, 싱가폴, 네덜란드, 영국 등 전세계의 가장 훌륭한 회사의 헤어 및 피부관리 제품을 주문생산하고 있습니다. Lon Cosmetics: Introduction
In 40 days you can look 10 years younger
Problem Skin Treatment Problem Skin is normally caused when sebaceous (oily) glands activity is increased due to the effects of hormones, mostly on teenagers. This oiliness normally acts as a lubricant for the skin and is an important material in this function. Sometimes the secretion of the oiliness is blocked by cells that are close to the skin surface. In the case of hair growth, these oils have no way to surface and start building up underneath the skin. To treat this state, it is needed to dry the skin by removing the secreted oiliness in order to prevent the damages caused by the secretion. Minerals and mud from the Dead Sea were found to be very effective, drying the oiliness, clearing the skin and providing deeper cleansing of the skin. These problem skin disturbances may appear with teenagers and at a later age on the face, chest or on the back.
DESERT SPRING Desert Spring 라인 소개 ( 사해 미네랄이 함유된 최고 품질의 트리트먼트 !) Desert Spring 은 사막식물과 사해 미네랄을 기초로 하는 최초의 화장품라인입니다. 사막식물, 알로에 베라 및 호호바를 함께 혼합한 베이스에 비타민, 밀단백질, 보습성분과 유명한 사해 천연미네랄을 더하여 탁월한 효과의 본 제품이 탄생하였습니다. 빠른 흡수력으로 부드럽고 비단결 같은 피부를 만들어 줍니다. 천연미네랄과 비타민에 의해 피부가 윤택해집니다. 피부 보습효과 및 영양공급이 우수합니다. 메이컵 베이스로써 완벽한 제품입니다.
Frequently Asked Questions: Anti-Aging How do peptides promote reduction of wrinkles? The specific peptides' ingredients, that exist in the Newtox series lower the ability of the receptors to order facial muscle action. Skin facial muscles activity is reduced, causing less wrinkles to appear. In regular use, existing wrinkles and fine lines are reduced, since the skin is renewed. Why do people prefer using wrinkle-reducing products instead of a botox injection? Many people are afraid of surgery and injection of poisonous material into the skin, such as botox, which is based on botulism. More people therefore prefer technological advanced products, even though the process is slower. Injections must be repeated every few months to maintain the results, while constant use of the products brings more long term results in reduction of fine lines and wrinkles. Why should I use the Anti-Aging series – Newtox? The Newtox Line of products contains specific peptides that reduce the facial muscles activity. These peptides also assist in formation of new Collagen and Elastin, which is the basis of the structural base of skin, thus reducing formation of new fine lines and wrinkles, and reducing existing ones.
Frequently Asked Questions: Anti-Aging Why should I use all Newtox products? In order to make full use of the ability of the Newtox series, one must prepare the skin for maximized absorption of the peptides. One must use Newtox Cleanser and Face Lotion, that contain ingredients that, in addition to the usual cleansing, have additional ingredients which prepare the skin for the absorption of the important peptides. The Night Cream contains acids that accelerate removal of dead cells and are of major importance in preparation of the skin. Why are people reluctant to botox? Botox is based on diluted poisonous material, extracted from a bacteria named Botulism. The poison exracted is very potent and can cause death as a result of the activity of the poison on muscles. The injections of botox are based on a very diluted poisonous solution which just temporarily makes the muscles inactive and hence the skin wrinkles are prevented. People, therefore are reluctant to apply this material into their body. How often one must inject botox? The effect of botox, due to the high dilution of the poisonous material, is a temporary Effect and therefore must be repeated every 3-4 months.
Frequently Asked Questions: Problem Skin Is there a link between Blemish and nutrition ? Blemish usually appers with people having oily skin. Nutrition is a minor factor in formation of problematic skin as the secretion is of sebum and this secretion blocks the skin pores and promotes outbreaks of problematic skin. Is there a link between Blemish and sexual activity ? Blemish usually appears with teenagers that are developing sexual hormone activity. As such it is commonly believed that there is a link between sexual activity and outbreaks of blemish. A long with the process of sexual hormones development hormones accelerate hair growth and secretion of sebum. How do the Dead Sea minerals and mud treat problematic skin ? The mud and minerals, originated from the Dead Sea, are known for their capability of drying the skin by absorbing skin oils and clearing the pimples by the activity of sulfur and organic materials in the Dead Sea mud. How are skin pores blocked ? Open pores appear on oily skin, and the more we use oil absorbing materials, such as Dead Sea mud, sulfur and minerals, we will reduce blackheads and blemishes formation because of that the pores will be cleaner, drier and closed. When should we use drying lotion? The drying lotion is used for local drying of an active pimple.
Frequently Asked Questions: Problem Skin Are pimples appearing on our backs considered problematic skin ? Yes. problematic skin usually appears on our face, backs and decplte‘. Is treatment for problematic skin appearing on our backs the same as in face problematic skin ? Yes. Can problematic skin appear after teen age? Yes, problematic skin can appear at any age, when hormonal activity exists – the treatment is the same at any age. What is the effect of drinking water to problematic skin treatment? Drinking water is very important to a healthy skin and its appearance. There is no direct effect on treating problematic skin. How should one… Face skin must be kept very clean and should be washed several times a day with special types of soap. Desert Spring Deep Action Face Wash, containing minerals and mud from the Dead Sea is ideal for this purpose and will bring best results. Can problematic skin appear on dry face ? problematic skin by its nature is a very oily skin problem. Therefore it is very rare and specific for appearance of problematic skin in dry skin. Drying Lotion? Drying Lotion is based on the activity of Dead Sea Mud and dries the oily skin very effectively. All other materials mentioned are drugs and must be instructed on dermatologists instruction, and are used in very extreme cases.
Newtox Night Cream From the Dead Sea by Lon Cosmetics !! Wrinkles: We're Fading OUT !! Newtox Night Cream The Cream is a light and effective exfoliation cream removing all remaining dirt and dead cells preparing the face skin for perfect readiness for the morning procedure. Is highly recommended for daily night application For best results, before retiring cleanse your face area with Newtox Cleanser and Newtox Lotion apply a thin layer of Newtox Night Cream. In the morning cleanse your face with Newtox Foaming Gel followed with Newtox Lotion, Serum and Day Cream to obtain best results of the anti-aging treatment. You will feel first results after several days. Avoid eyes area.
Newtox !! Anti-ageing and wrinkles have become one of the top subjects of the 21 century in the world of skin care treatments. Botox injections have given some positive answers but there are objections to the injections. Those being their potential side effects and the cost involved. The results of the application of Peptide-based Hexapeptide led to similar results. As with the use of Botox injections, a mechanism de-stresses facial tension leading to a reduction in facial lines and wrinkles. Results show reduced fine lines and wrinkle depth up to 50% after days of treatments, mostly around forehead, eyes and upper lips areas. Reducing the intensity of muscle contractions, by relaxing the muscles used during facial movements, allows a significant reduction in the depth and size of wrinkles. There is no loss of facial expressions, like smiling. To enhance the results, an additional Peptide- Pentapeptide is added in the NEWTOX This Peptide is a base for synthesis of Collagen and Elastin in the skin. This forms a layer under the wrinkle, thus assisting in further reduction of the wrinkles and slows down formation of new skin lines. Because Newtox serum is not injected it does not suffer from Botox potential side effects. Face skin must be well prepared for the treatment. Proper cleanliness with a suitable cleanser and lotion and light night peeling will assure its effectiveness. The Newtox line of products provides the best conditions for the results of the anti-ageing treatment.
Deep Action Drying Lotion -Medium Beige- for Oily/Prob. Skin An excellent and unique formula for drying excess oiliness for all ages and all types of skin. Deep Action Drying Lotion is enriched with Dead Sea minerals and mud, sulfur, vitamins, Aloe Vera gel, Jojoba and Allantoin. Is most effective treatment for all types of problem skin appearing on your facial skin, the chest and back of a person caused by oils secretion in the skin. !! High Quality Line of Treatment Based on Famous Minerals from the Dead Sea !!
Dead Sea Bath Salts For All Skin Types Dead Sea Bath Salts are extracted from the Dead Sea containing over 20 essential minerals, are very helpful for skin soothing, enhancing circulation, helps relieve pains and tension. For instruction of use please refer to the product. !! High Quality Line of Treatment Based on Famous Minerals from the Dead Sea !!
Desert Spring Conditioner For All Hair Types The unique conditioner can be used as leave-in or as a rinsed conditioner as preferable. Enriched with natural Dead Sea minerals, Aloe Vera, Jojoba extract, wheat germ extract, pro vitamin B5 and Vitamine. Hair Condotioner based on Dead Sea minerals and Mud is intended to supply nourishmentyo the scalp and hair roots. It also protets your hair from ecological damages and facilitates easiermanaging of your hair. It is suitable for all hair types. It is recommended to shampoo your hair with Desert Spring Shampoo, followed by Scalp and Hair Treatment Mask to get full effective treatment. !! High Quality Line of Treatment Based on Famous Minerals from the Dead Sea !!
Face Lotion for Normal & Oily Skin After thorough cleansing of you face area with Face Milk for normal & oily skin, last traces of the cleansing should be removed with the lotion. An effective deep cleansing and toning lotion for normal & oily skin. Contains alcohol and natural minerals from the Dead Sea. Pour a little lotion on a cotton and clean your face to remove all remaining cleanser. !! High Quality Dead Sea Cosmetic Product !!
Deep Action Mud Face Wash for Oily & Prob. Skin Specially formulated for very oily and problem skin. Use of the minerals and mud from the Dead Sea will facilitate removal of excess oils from your oily facial skin. Should be followed with Deep Action Face Mask for oily and problem skin. Deep Action Mud Face Wash contains Dead Sea mud and minerals for efficient removal of excess oils, dead cells and dirt from the skin, while calming feeling by allantoin. !! High Quality Line of Treatment Based on Famous Minerals from the Dead Sea !!
Deep Action Drying Lotion -Dark Beige- Oily & Prob. Skin An excellent and unique formula for drying excess oiliness for all ages and all types of skin. Deep Action Drying Lotion is enriched with Dead Sea minerals and mud, sulfur, vitamins, Aloe Vera gel, Jojoba and Allantoin. Is most effective treatment for all types of problem skin appearing on your facial skin, the chest and back of a person caused by oils secretion in the skin. !! High Quality Line of Treatment Based on Famous Minerals from the Dead Sea !!
Very Dry Treatment Set From the Dead Sea !! Ideal Reply to Very Dry Skin Treatment - Based On Dead Sea Minerals !! This kit represents the best basic treatment for Dry and Very Dry Skin. It covers the basic needs of good treatment of the facial skin, for cleansing, moisturizing and nourishment. Is an excellent maintenance kit.
Lon Line Control GOLD Kit From the Dead Sea by Lon Cosmetics !! Excellent Complete Hyaluronic & Moisturizer-Nourishing Kit !! This kit gives a basic treatment to utilize the benefits of application of Hyaluronic Acid (HA) and facilitates the level of moisturization of the skin. Apply a few drops of the REFINER all over your face, wait a few minutes till is fully absorbed and then apply a small quantity of MOISTURE BASE over your face. Repeat twice daily and your skin will feel moist, smooth and silky all day long and maintain your moisture level. Is an excellent make-up base. To get full effectiveness of the Hyaluronic Acid treatment and maintaining a high moisture level in the skin, apply the WASH OFF MOISTURE MASK over your face and let it dry. Rinse off with luke-warm water. Repeat twice weekly
Cleanser Kit From the Dead Sea !! Basic Cleanser Based On Dead Sea Minerals !! Is based on thorough cleansing of the skin, which is the single most important factor in facial skin treatment. The BODY LOTION is for your own good feeling and skin moisturizing.
Desert Spring Hand Cream For All Skin Types !! High Quality Dead Sea Product !! Gentle Hand Cream which beautifies hands, keeps them soft and greaseless, protects against external irritants, and provides skin with natural Dead Sea minerals, Vitamins, Aloe Vera gel, Jojoba and wheat Protein. For best effect, use generously and massage to absorption. Apply several times daily.
Face Milk for Normal & Oily Skin !! High Quality Dead Sea Cosmetic Product !! Skin must be thoroughly clean before any application of treatment products are applied. This milky cleanser for normal and oily skin removes from your face all make-up and dirt accumulated during the day. Contains naturals minerals from the Dead Sea. should be applied twice daily, followed by Face Lotion for normal & oily skin.
Desert Spring Body Lotion For All Skin Types !! High Quality Dead Sea Cosmetic Product !! Dead Sea Minerals a long with active ingredients are excellent source for treating dried body skin. These moisturizing minerals supply moisture and nourishment to the ecological affected body skin, and gives the skin a smooth, soft and gentle feeling. The lotion is spread easily and has a light pleasant smell. For instruction of use please refer to the product.
Problem Skin Set Based On Dead Sea Mud !! Most Suitable Treatment Problem Skin Kit Based On Dead Sea Mud !! This set is an excellent treatment kit for acne treatment. Use the Mud WASH several times daily, apply the MUD MASK twice daily, allowing it to dry and wash with tepid water. Apply the DRYING LOTION on each of the blemishes several times a day, allowing to dry. The minerals and the mud of the DEAD SEA are very effective in drying the excess oiliness secreted, which will dry out the blemishes.
Deep Action Drying Lotion -Ethnic Beige- Oily & Prob. Skin !! High Quality Line of Treatment Based on Famous Minerals from the Dead Sea !! An excellent and unique formula for drying excess oiliness for all ages and all types of skin. Deep Action Drying Lotion is enriched with Dead Sea minerals and mud, sulfur, vitamins, Aloe Vera gel, Jojoba and Allantoin. Is most effective treatment for all types of problem skin appearing on your facial skin, the chest and back of a person caused by oils secretion in the skin.
Deep Action Mud Face Mask Oily & Prob. Skin !! High Quality Line of Treatment Based on Famous Minerals from the Dead Sea !! A unique face mask enriched with the natural mud from the Dead Sea, along with the natural Dead Sea minerals. Deep Action Mud Face Mask is a unique mask for oily and problem skin, which absorbs the excess oils and fats from the skin and helps drying the facial skin. The mask contains in addition vitamins, Aloe Vera gel, Jojoba, Eucalyptus oil and wheat Protein. Gives the skin fresh and healthy look with a silky soft feeling.
Deep Action Drying Lotion -Light Beige- Oily & Prob. Skin !! High Quality Line of Treatment Based on Famous Minerals from the Dead Sea !! An excellent and unique formula for drying excess oiliness for all ages and all types of skin. Deep Action Drying Lotion is enriched with Dead Sea minerals and mud, sulfur, vitamins, Aloe Vera gel, Jojoba and Allantoin. Is most effective treatment for all types of problem skin appearing on your facial skin, the chest and back of a person caused by oils secretion in the skin.
Desert Spring Foot Cream For All Skin Types !! High Quality Dead Sea Product !! Bath Salt and Mud are extracted from the Dead Sea. These along with camphor and antibacterial ingredients are very effective in soothing rough feet skin remove bad smells and provide pleasant feeling of the feet. Apply a small quantity of cream on clean dry feet, massage gently till absorbed. Use daily.
Face Milk for Normal & Dry Skin !! High Quality Dead Sea Cosmetic Product !! Your face skin must be thoroughly clean to properly prepare for treatment. This milky cleanser for normal and dry skin removes from your face all make-up and dirt accumulated during the day. It contains natural minerals from the Dead Sea. Cleanse your face with the Face Milk for normal & dry and follow with Face Lotion for normal & dry Face Lotion
Dead Sea Mud For All Skin Types !! Direct sale from manufacturer !! Dead Sea Bath Salt and Mud are extracted from the Dead Sea containing over 20 essential minerals, are very helpful for skin soothing, enhancing circulation, helps relieve pains and tension, drying excess oily material from your skin and removing dead cells from your skin. For instruction of use please refer to the actual product
Face Lotion for Normal & Dry Skin !! High Quality Dead Sea Cosmetic Product !! An effective deep cleansing and toning lotion for normal and dry skin. Contains natural minerals from the Dead Sea. After cleansing with Face Milk for normal & dry skin, apply Face Lotion to remove last traces of the cleanser and completing the cleansing for treatment products.
Desert Spring Shampoo For All Hair Types !! High Quality Line of Treatment Based on Famous Minerals from the Dead Sea !! This Shampoo concentrate for all hair types is a luxury Shampoo which gently cleanses the hair, while living the hair natural looking. Enriched with natural Dead Sea minerals, Aloe Vera, Jojoba, wheat germ extract, pro vitamin B5 and vitamin E.
Deep Action Mud Face Mask Normal & Dry Skin !! High Quality Dead Sea Cosmetic Product !! A unique face mask enriched with the natural mud from the Dead Sea, along with the natural Dead Sea minerals. Deep Action Mud Face Mask is a unique mask for oily and problem skin, which absorbs the excess oils and fats from the skin and helps drying the facial skin. The mask contains in addition vitamins, Aloe Vera gel, Jojoba, Eucalyptus oil and wheat Protein. Gives the skin fresh and healthy look with a silky soft feeling.