YEAR 6 TRANSITION I will teach myself the words for various items of clothing I will put these words into a sentence and say what I am wearing I will say what I wear in different situations I will create a poster with captions stating what I wear in different situations Or I will design my own outfit for an occasion and label it with captions in French I will bring this to my first language lesson at Ashlawn school to impress my languages’ teacher
Je porte … I am wearing un pull un tee-shirt un shortun jean un anorak un pantalon
Can you remember the words for these items of clothing? Test each other.
Je porte … une robe une casquette une chemise une cravate une jupe
Can you remember the words for these items of clothing? Test each other.
Je porte … des chaussures des baskets des chaussettes des lunettes(de soleil) TIP Try and find ways of remembering words eg You play ‘basketball’ wearing ‘baskets’
Can you remember the words for these items of clothing? Test each other.
Practice in pairs …playing BLOCKBUSTERS
Use some ICT Want some more practice, go on this free site Click on the French flag, choose an Option and then click on clothes. There are loads of games to try!!
Je porte un anorak I am wearing a jacket Je porte … COMPLETE THE SENTENCES
Je porte …
Je porte un pull, une jupe, une chemise, une veste et une cravate. Now try and make even longer sentences ET = AND
Try and write a long sentence including all the items of clothing here. Don’t forget to start with Je porte = I am wearing!
Pour aller à la boum, je porte….. When I go to a party I wear……
Pour jouer au tennis, je porte….. When I play tennis I wear….
Now create your own poster, with captions saying what you wear for specific occasions Or if you’re good at Art, why not design your own outfit for A specific outfit and label it with captions!! Pour aller à la fete, je porte un T-shirt et un jean Tip…use the next page to help you
Pour aller ….. à la plage (to the beach) à la fête (to a party) au cinéma (to the cinema) au concert (to a concert) au tennis (to play tennis) au collège (to school) JE PORTE