Welcome!!! Mrs. Czechowski
Birthday Calendar Print your name on the day of your birthday. Please write small in case there is another student that has the same birthday as you.
T-Shirt Designs Name Favorite free-time activity Descriptive Word about you! 2 things you do well Something you like about your age Wish! Special person in your life!
Syllabus and Parent Signature Form
Some Class Procedures To get MY attention: Raise your hand and wait for me to call on you When I need THE CLASS’ attention: I will raise my hand. Please be quiet and raise your hand when you see me raise my hand. When everyone is quiet and has their hand raised, I will proceed. Folder Box: Used for picking up missed work, dropping off work, notes to/from you/me/parents. Check it every day prior to taking your seat before the bell.
Some Class Procedures Sharpening a pencil Please sharpen all pencils prior to the bell. If you need a sharp pencil after the bell, please take your dull pencil and exchange it for a freshly sharpened one at the back of the room and return to your seat. Turning in papers Please collect all the papers from your group and hand them to me in a stack. Exiting the room The first two groups at the front will exit the room, followed by the next two groups and the final two groups. Please be quiet in the hallway and proceed to the designated location quietly.
Mix – Pair – Share Stand up, Hand up, Pair up Introduce yourself to your partner “Hello my name is…” “It’s nice to meet you…” Partner #1 will read his/her question to Partner #2 Partner #2 will have 30 seconds to answer Switch roles Thank your partner
Ideas for Success
Math Biography
Fizz – Buzz – Zipp - Zapp Fizz – Multiples of 2 Buzz – Multiples of 3 Zipp – Multiples of 4 Zapp – Multiples 5 Start with multiples of 3 (Buzz) going to 30 If your group messes up start back at 1 Next, add in multiples of 2 (Fizz) Then, add in multiples of 4 (Zipp) Then, add in multiples of 5 (Zapp)
Assignments for Parents Review Math Bio form Due 09/08(A-Days) & 09/08(B-Days) Parent Signature form Due 09/08(A-Days) & 09/08(B-Days) “In a Million Words or Less” Due 09/08(A-Days) & 09/08(B-Days)