Welcome to the Choir Meeting!
Contact information Hilary Pyott, Director Carolyn Crary, Assistant Director School: (432) Mrs. Pyott: (432) or (432)
CHORAL DEPARTMENT Beginner Girls (6 th grade) – 1 st period Beginner Boys (6 th grade) - 3 rd period Cavaliers (7 th /8 th grade boys) - 4 th period Cantare (8 th grade girls) – 5 th /8 th period Cavatina (7 th grade girls) – 6 th period
MATERIALS Each student will be provided with a folder, a pencil, and dividers. Students should bring their folders with the appropriate music and a pencil to class every day. Folder slots will be assigned to keep materials in the room. Replacement binders are $3.00.
REQUIRED STUDENT FEES 6 th Grade Choir Fee: ($20.00) Binder, Dividers, Music, Pencil Breezin Thru Theory Subscription T-shirt (will be part of their uniform for concerts) 7 th / 8 th Grade Choir Fee: ($30.00) – Binder, Dividers, Music, Pencil Breezin Thru Theory Subscription T-shirt (will be part of their informal uniform) All Audition Fees The following fees are optional: Vehicle Decal: ($5.00) Booster Club Dues ($5.00 per family) –Parent organization membership.
Fees cont… Please make all checks payable to Bonham Choir and make sure your child’s full name is listed on the memo portion of your check, especially if their last name is different than yours.
CHARMS Download the App! Charms Parent/Student Portal This is the easiest way to access your child’s information. Access code: BonhamJHChoir Password: your child’s school ID#
CHARMS USAGE Log on to and click the “ENTER” link at upper right. Locate the “PARENT/STUDENT/MEMBERS LOGIN” section of the web page Login to your child’s program account using the following School Code: BonhamJHChoir When you enter your child’s ID NUMBER (school ID) as a Student Area Password, another more detailed screen appears with several options to view your student’s information, including fees assigned to them and payment info. You can update your child’s personal information at this website so you can stay up to date on all that is going on
REQUIRED UNIFORMS 6 th Grade: choir t-shirt, khaki slacks, shoes and belt 7 th Grade girls: Blue formal dress, black shoes, pearl necklace 8 th Grade girls: Black and blue formal dress, black shoes, pearl necklace 7 th /8 th Grade boys: Black tuxedo pants, Royal blue button down shirt, Black tie, black socks, black shoes FORMAL WEAR THAT IS LOST, STOLEN, OR RETURNED DAMAGED OR UNUSABLE WILL BE REPLACED BY THE STUDENT AT A COST OF $100.
Uniform Fittings Before school or after school (8:00-8:25am & 4:15-5:00pm) Thursday-Friday, September 9-10 All 8 th Grade girls Thursday-Friday, September All 7 th /8 th Grade boys Thursday-Friday, September All 7 th Grade girls
REHEARSAL/CONCERT ATTENDANCE Concerts are required for all students. Excused vs. Unexcused Absences
MAKE-UP WORK When a student needs to make up a performance grade, they may write a paper on a composer of their choice. Instructions can be obtained from Mrs. Pyott or Ms. Crary. Excused absences may receive up to a 100 to replace “No Grade” and Unexcused absences may receive up to a 75.
EXTRA REHEARSALS Occasionally, there will be extra rehearsals held in the mornings before school or in the evenings to put choirs together for concerts. Extra rehearsals will usually take place a few weeks prior to a concert. Attendance at the rehearsals is required and students will be given a grade for their participation. Notification of these extra rehearsals will be given with as much advance notice as possible. These will only happen a few times per year.
ELIGIBILITY In order to participate in any extra-curricular activity (UIL sponsored events, activities taking students out of class, etc), a student must be passing all courses with a 70 or above in the six weeks period prior to the activity.
GRADING Students participating in the Bonham Choir Program are held to a high standard of excellence. Grades will reflect the individual effort and attitude of each member of the choir. The following percentage scale will be used to calculate the grades of choir members: Major grades – 60% Concerts Occasional written tests Sightreading tests Minor grades- 40% Attitude/Effort Homework – Breezin Thru Theory Other various assignments throughout the year
1). I will be on the risers with my folder, pencil, and music every day when the bell rings, quiet and ready to work. 2). I will consume food, candy, drinks, and gum elsewhere, NEVER in the choir room. 3). I will put my trash in the trashcan by the end of rehearsal each day. 4). I will respect the personal space of those around me. 5). I will respect the belongings of other people including the equipment and materials in the choir room. The FAB 5
Classroom Expectations 1.Feel free to do anything that does not cause a problem for anyone else. 2.I teach when there are no distractions or other problems. 3.I listen to students who raise their hand. 4.I listen to one person at a time. 5.Please treat me with the same respect I treat you. 6.If someone causes a problem, I will ask them to fix it. 7.What I do will depend on what happened and what the person is willing to do to solve the problem.
Breezin’ Thru Theory Username: Bonham Password: breathe123
Choir Karate Way to make assessment fun Students will earn belts based on skills they are mastering Belt tests every six weeks Goal is to be a black belt by the end of school year.
Background Checks ECISD requires anyone helping with students to have a background check on file. Good for two years Fill out and turn in tonight – should have results within a week or two.
Bonham Bouncers 4-5 adults to sit with students during performances Checking to make sure they stay in their seats and listen to the concerts quietly.
Private Voice Lessons Interested students will have an opportunity to take private voice lessons once a week during their class time. 1 st come, 1 st serve (room for 4 per class: 2/day) Tuesday/Thursday lesson times $20.00 per lesson Laura Ashley Smith –
Let’s talk about…
Bonham Talent Showcase (BTS) Largest choir fundraiser of the year Concert/competition Ticketed event - $5.00/ticket Held at Bonham in the auditorium Need volunteers to make it happen!
BTS Volunteers Concessions Ticket Sales Ticket Takers Backstage Crew Bonham Bouncers
BTS Auditions Monday, September 14, 4:15pm Any Bonham student may audition. Talent of any kind is welcome Audition Forms are in the choir office.
Fundraisers Bonham Talent Showcase Helps cover items for the choir room such as risers, shelving, etc. Century Resources Can be used to pay dues Also helps cover items for the students such as music, parties, feeding students when off campus for activities, etc.
Bonham Choir Website Select Bonham, then Electives Drop down menu, select choir Updated regularly – most current info Print forms, calendars, etc.
Booster Club Hold nominations and vote for officers $5.00 membership Allows opportunity to vote Great way to be involved in child’s success