Leadership Development at Pen-y-fro Primary School
Pen y fro Primary School Vision Statement We aim to :- provide a secure, happy learning environment where all children feel valued and included; encourage all children to enjoy learning and achieve their full potential; give all children access to a broad, balanced curriculum through stimulating, challenging and creative experiences; promote respect for ourselves, each other, the community and our environment; include pupils, parents, governors and staff in our self evaluation process as we strive for continuous improvement.
“Learning, Laughing and Achieving Together”
At Pen y fro Primary School our mission statement “Learning, Laughing and Achieving Together” is embedded in the ethos of our school for both pupils and staff. All staff are encouraged and supported in achieving their leadership potential. There are established systems and procedures in place throughout all aspects of the leadership and management of the school to facilitate this leadership development at all levels. “Continuing Professional Development has a very high profile in the school. It has a proven track record of nurturing future school leaders” Estyn Report January 2010
Self Evaluation All staff have planned involvement in the :- development of an annual self evaluation timetable of activities to involve all stakeholders; development of procedures for the involvement of parents, pupils and governors in self evaluation; leading of subject/area self evaluation development of the whole school self evaluation report.
Self Evaluation Aspiring leaders are provided with coaching and mentoring in:- undertaking lesson observations; providing lesson observation feedback to staff on quality of teaching; leading book scrutiny; providing feedback to staff on book scrutiny; developing lines of action from lesson observations and book scrutiny.
Self Evaluation Aspiring leaders are provided with coaching and mentoring in :- data analysis using a range of data; developing lines of enquiry and action points from this data analysis; leading pupil progress meetings.
School Development Planning All staff have structured involvement in the :- planning of relevant priorities for the School Development Plan; leading of PLCs and Task Groups in addressing the School Development Plan priorities; leading of whole school initiatives and developments identified.
Needs Analysis (Whole Staff) Development of Focus Points (SLT and Governors) Task Groups of staff develop actions to address focus points (Whole Staff) School Development Plan Task Groups and PLCs undertake actions from SDP (Whole Staff) Self - evaluation (Whole Staff and Stakeholders)
Other Leadership Opportunities All staff have planned opportunities to :- shadow senior leaders; lead and manage associate staff; work with governors; lead whole school initiatives.
Performance Management Aspiring leaders are provided with coaching and mentoring in the Performance Management of other teaching staff – observations, feedback and target setting. Aspiring leaders are supported in their use of the Individual Leadership Review for appraisee self reflection. The Leadership Standards are utilised to inform the Performance Management objectives for aspiring leaders.
Continuing Professional Development Leadership development is planned with reference to the Career Long Leadership Development Pathway. There is consistent dialogue with aspiring leaders with reference to leadership development programmes available and the NPQH. Opportunities are provided for aspiring leaders to coach and mentor other teaching staff through Continuing Professional Development.
For further information please contact Mrs Rachel Lewis Mrs Rachel Lewis Headteacher Headteacher Pen y fro Primary School Pen y fro Primary School Priors Crescent Priors Crescent Dunvant Dunvant Swansea Swansea (01792) (01792)