Focused Evaluation
Who? Teachers who completed the Comprehensive cycle Proficient or distinguished
How Long? General Rule 3 Years Maintain proficient or distinguished rating Four year cycle instead of five Comprehensive Focus 1 Focus 2 Focus 3 Comprehensive
Overview Choose ONE of the eight criterion from TPEP Focus on that criterion and the corresponding Danielson components Example Criterion #4- Providing clear and intentional focus on subject matter content and curriculum Danielson Domain 1- Plannning and Preparation 1a 1c 1d 1e
How do you select your Focus area? Comprehensive cycle feedback Self evaluation in eVAL Conversation and collaboartion with your evaluator
Student Growth? Focused evaluations must also have a student growth component Focus: Criterion 3, 6, or 8 Default to the corresponding student growth goals Example Teacher chooses Criterion 3 Teacher then completes student growth in Criterion 3
Student Growth Focus on Criterion 1, 2, 4, 5, or 7 Choose student growth goals in either 3 OR 6 Student growth goal 8.1 is only a choice if Criterion 8 is the area selected for the focused cycle Example Teacher chooses Criterion 2 Can choose growth goals in either 3 OR 6
Observations Minimum of two observations Not less than 60 minutes Feedback Specific to Focus Criterion Can include other observations Setting Classroom PLC IEP Meeting
Evidence Collection Similar to the Comprehensive cycle Upload into eVAL or other agreed upon format Only need artifacts and evidence specific to the Criterion you and your evaluator chose to focus on
Resources Danielson- 2011/2013 Instructional Framework for Teaching TPEP Website District Website District Website Staff Resources Certificated Resources Under Construction Handouts from today Contract Page 48
Summative Conference Discussion will center on your Focus area Teacher presents student growth data Teacher and principal review evidence and artifacts Rating is determined 4- Distinguished 3- Proficient 2- Basic 1- Unsatisfactory
Reflection and Processing What is clear about the responsibilities of the principal and teacher in the Focused cycle? What is unclear about the responsibilities of the principal and teacher in the Focused cycle? What is your next step after today?