Practical approaches to……………… Provide quality feedback to children on their learning in computer lessons. Engage children in assessing their learning in computing lessons. Provide evidence of children’s learning in computing lessons.
Sticky labels to show intended learning in an individual lesson using art software. Quick and easy way to show what learning was taking place and which children demonstrated competence in specific skills within a lesson.
Thinking frames to structure children’s evaluation at the end of a unit of work using Flobot. Frameworks with sentence starters are a simple way to start getting children to articulate their understanding of the learning process in written form. Great as an end of unit assessment tool.
Conferencing with an LSA at the end of a unit of work with a partner on Flobot. Conferencing is a good way to gain an in depth understanding of the children’s understanding of concepts such as ‘debugging’ – especially when they can do this orally in greater detail than they would in written form.
Simple evaluation tick list completed firstly by child, then by teacher together with photographic evidence of practical learning with a floor turtle. It is often useful to see how well the child thinks they have done in relation to your own views as the teacher! Photos are an efficient way to record children’s learning where there isn’t a document or printable outcome. Useful with floor turtles, programmable vehicles etc.
Screen shot of child’s instructions from Bee Bot software; written comments by child on improvements since last lesson. Written feedback in response to this by class teacher. Screen shots of a child’s work make an excellent record to show their learning within a lesson. It also provides a printable record of their learning that can quickly be commented on both by the child and adult they have worked with.
Evaluation framework at the end of a unit of work using 2Go. This paper based planning sheet provided the children with a way of thinking through what they would need to do on the computer, before starting a task. The evaluation questions afterwards focused on how well their design worked and what was hard and could be improved with more time.
Detailed checklist to prompt self-assessment after first lesson on a ‘publishing’ task. Revisited at start of next lesson before improvements are made.
Feedback on a topic linked presentation to prompt children to make final improvements during final lesson of a unit of work.
Check list for a start of year assessment task, together with ‘two stars and a wish’ style self evaluation.
Annotated screen shot at the end of a unit creating a maths quiz in Scratch, together with self evaluation of learning.