LOGAN BOYS BASKETBALL Off-Season Goals and Descriptions For Parents and players
Individual Off-Season Awards (Award the Top 5 Scorers) ■Team Camp (12 points), Strength attendance & open gyms/skill dev. – 1 pt per day (starting April 11 th for 7 th hour), –Tournaments 1 pt per game (ex. Utah State = 7 pts…7 games) ■ *Check your name in the red binder every day ■Family Event (pre-excused) is worth.5 of a point. ■If you are playing in a fall or spring sport or injured, you will still earn points ■Award – Uniform, b-ball, team dinners, picture on wall (jv/v), bed pref. on road…… Why Do We Do This? - So we can reward players that work the hardest in the off-season and eliminate entitlement.
Team Camp (May 23-24, 26 – Mon-Tues, Thurs)– In the Main Gym ■Opportunity to learn more about the system and direction of the program ($65) –Includes camp t-shirt and prizes –Summer Strength Training and workouts –Offensive and Defensive scheme will be taught for summer tournaments *No camp on Wednesday due to LHS Candlelight Ceremony This is where we find out which students want to tryout and play the next season.
Strength (Value the TRADITION of working hard in the weight room) ■If you are in 7 th hour Dynamic Fitness… you are good to go. –You can still enroll for next year’s class ■Summer – starting May 31 st (Tuesday’s and Thursday’s) 10 a.m. – unless it conflicts with a summer tournament ■We will test on the following (Shane Hansen- Strength Coach) –Vertical –Incline Bench –Clean and Squat –Push Jerk
Open Gyms & Individuals (9-12) – Tuesday’s at 2:50 & 3:30 ■In the Spring –Students in 7 th hour Dynamic Fitness at LHS will go at 2:11 pm –Open Gym - Tuesday Nights from 3:35-4:45 ■Incoming graders in the main gym ■Incoming 9 th graders in Leisure Arts Gym –Get there when you can…please do not miss school for open gym. ■Individuals (Wed) – Offered for students in 7 th hour Dynamic Fitness ■Summer – starting Tuesday May 31 st at noon
Weber League (Varsity and JV) – Check Online calendar for opponent and times ■Wednesday nights (Starting April 13 th …it will go 6 weeks in a row) ■Only offered in the spring ■Cost is $65 or $15 ea. time – checks only – If you are not going every week, pay 1 week at a time ($15) ■You are responsible to get there on your own ■You need to let Coach Brown know if you are interested in playing (first come first serve by position) –We will take any up and coming graders (even if you didn’t make the team last year) –Everyone that wants to go will get a chance to go (based on class grade and position) ■We will have rotations on weeks for younger players (9 th and 10 th )
Summer Tournaments – All payments will be collected at team camp VarsityJV/Soph9 th Graders Preston – (June 3-4) $45 Boise – (June 8-11) - $200 (includes 2 meals per day and room) LHS Jamboree - $30 Utah State (June 16-18) - $80 Preston JV/9 th - $45 (June )
Coaches Contact ■Head Coach – Logan Brown –7 th Year as LHS Head Coach, 14 years coaching (435) ■JV Coach – Barry Ward –8 th year at LHS ( ■Soph Coach – Kyle Hoffman –8 th year at LHS, former LHS player (435) Assistants -Coach Joe Izatt (Varsity) 7 year LHS Assistant, 20+ years coaching -Coach Marcus Maes (Freshmen and Sophomores) 3 rd year at LHS as coach, former player -Coach Brad Lenkersdorfer (Sophomores) 3 rd year at LHS as coach, played for Coach Brown