Learning Goals The use of digital portfolios, student participant systems, and other assessment technologies to involve teachers and students in self-evaluation and their own learning
This chapter will discuss integrating technology to involve students in their own learning in assessment. In this chapter we will learn: 1. What is performance assessment for teachers and students? 2. How can teachers and students use digital portfolios as tools for learning? 3. How can students become actively involved in assessment and evaluation using technology? 4. How can teachers use student participation systems as effective methods?
Assessment In Teaching New teacher assessment- How supervisors assess your work Student assessment- How you will assess students learning and your own effectiveness as a teacher Self assessment- How students will participate in the assessment process
Performance Evaluation of Students Student writing assignments Individual and group projects Homework Open book/ open note quizzes Student self assessment Teacher observations of students attitudes and behaviors
Performance Evaluation of Teachers NNew teacher writing assignments (creative, analytical, and persuasive) TTeacher education course participation IIndividual and group projects NNew teacher self- assessments
Digital Portfolios for Teachers Also called a multimedia portfolio or electronic portfolio. A digital teaching portfolio is a collection of educational and professional materials that are stored in an electronic format. Begin building your digital portfolio as soon as you peruse a teaching career: activities from classes, field experiences, summer work, and community volunteering are good sources to refer back to when teaching.
Teacher Portfolios Teacher Portfolios Follow the same pattern as other professional portfolios and they all usually include common elements including: Resume: personal talents and accomplishments Philosophy of Education and References Lesson plans and Reflections Academic courses and Research Experiences: Video and pictorial segments Teaching experiences
Portfolios and Reflection Reflection- A process of self-assessment in which a learner examines past actions to identify what to maintain or change. Learning through reflection is the most paramount aspect of utilizing portfolios. Using a portfolio as a guide to exploring your own teaching enables you to acquire a distinguishing quality of master teachers: thinking critically and creatively about how to reach students and meet your professional goals.
Portfolios and Reflection Contd’ Assembling a portfolio is a structure for examining teaching practices, identifying strengths and weaknesses and making plans to improve or change certain aspects in the future Without use reflection while using portfolios can have an adverse effect, instead of encouraging growth and change, it can become a celebratory scrapbook of the past.
Student Involvement in Assessment and Learning A democratic teaching atmosphere is essential for student engagement in learning. Failure to give students a voice in educational decision- making is an opportunity lost. Students are more likely to become and remain involved in activities and procedures that they have a role in creating and maintaining.
Digital Portfolios for Students Changing from paper to digital portfolios represents significant shift in how students communicate information about themselves and learning A digital portfolio may contain all the information found in a paper-bound portfolio, however multi- media technologies are used to present the material example: power point
Digital Portfolios for Students Cond’ For students a digital portfolio is more personal a public, the material is available to many readers who can access the material electronically.
Student Participation Systems Known as classroom responses systems that are handheld wireless tools that offer interactive learning options for teachers and students. Use wireless remote to create real-time electronic exchanges between students and teachers.
Uses for The Clicker Active learning Student involvement Real-time feedback Question- centered instruction
Advantages and Disadvantages to Digital portfolios Advantages- Accessibility, portability, creativity, technological self- confidence, community Disadvantages- Knowledge and skill requirements, professional support, expensive equipment, time and energy, need for increased viewer skill and equipment, presentation distracts from content