1 Chapter 5 Student Publication
2 Freinet’s Modern School Movement was based on: 1.Students should become active masters of technology rather than passive recipients. 2. Students learn to understand their reality better when they communicate about it with distant partners ( Sayers, 1990). * Celestin Freinet: French Educator ( )
3 Traditional Classroom Writing vs. Multimedia Authoring Written texts Linear fashion Self-contained Written for teacher Individual work Unchangeable product Written texts, graphics, images, sounds, & video Non linear fashion Links to external material Written for all on WWW Collaborative work Further changes and updating
4 Principles of Web publishing The Web as a medium, no just a vehicle Empower students with autonomy Integrate skills Think “dual immersion” Attention to the issue of audience Emphasize meaningful communication
5 A Project-based Approach to Web Publishing Individual, pair, group, class work, or one or more partner classes? Learners’ specific needs and interests Time frame and specific steps
6 Project sequence (Adapted, Stoller (1997)) 1. Agree on a theme for the project (ex) Izakaya restaurants in Tsu 2. Determine the final outcome Web publishing 3. Structure of the project Choose five restaurants, visit them, analyze the menus, & rank the restaurants
7 4. Gather information (language demands) Have dinner at the five restaurants Study menus Jot down likes and dislikes, impressions, & recommendations Take pictures and/or videotape foods, etc (if possible) 5. Compile and analyze information (language demands) Organize the information, experiences Rank the restaurants
8 6. Present the final product (language demands) Make Web pages Put up the Web pages on the Internet 7. Evaluate the project Self-evaluation Class presentation Students visit the Web pages and write their evaluation on the class bulletin board