It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity… -- Charles Dickens A Tale of Two Cities
Like many nation-states in Europe, France had used the “feudal system”, politically and socially, for hundreds of years. Unlike Britain, which had abolished the feudal system during the 1600’s, France, and other European nation-states, were still clinging to the old ways. The French citizens called this system the OLD REGIME or ANCIEN REGIME. The characteristics of the OLD REGIME..... the king was the absolute authority (absolutism) Divine Right of Kings (power given by God) rigid social structure (no movement in social standing) By the 1700s, France was considered the most advanced country in Europe. France was the center of the emerging ideas of Enlightenment, but it still used these ideas left over from the middle ages. It was during the reigns of Louis XIV, XV, and XVI that the OLD REGIME reached its zenith but also its breaking point.
Louis XIV ( ) “L’etat, c’est moi” (I am the state)
Louis XV ( ) “We hold our crown from God alone”
Louis XVI ( ) “The power to make laws belongs only to me.”
While the monarchs of France saw themselves as “the end all and be all” of the country, many citizens did not. “The king of France has three basic duties: to see that his people have bread, that his kingdom is victorious in battle and that his country is supplied with heirs” Anonymous
The Old Regime in France divided people into three Estates (classes of people). People resented the rigid class structure of the Old Regime. 1 st and 2 nd Estates had all the privileges. 1 st Estate - Clergy 2 nd Estate - Nobles 3 rd Estate – Peasants
First Estate The First Estate, which made up about one percent of the total population, was divided into two groups: upper and lower clergy. The upper clergy included archbishops, bishops, and abbots. Due to the power of the Roman Catholic Church, these people were exempt from taxes. These men of high status and privilege enjoyed luxurious lives in their large palaces. Meanwhile, the lower clergy, which included poorly-paid village priests, had to suffer along with the third class peasants.
Second Estate The 2 nd Estate was composed of those belonging to the nobility, like duke and duchess, count and countess, and marquis and marquess. Like the clergy, the nobility represented another privileged Estate. They held the highest position in the Church, the army, and the government. As well, they were exempt from paying taxes of any kind. They collected rent from the peasant population who lived on their lands. They also collected an extreme amount of customary dues, as well as dues on salt, cloth, bread, and wine. They lived a life of lordly ease and luxury and enjoyed great privileges.
Third Estate Totaling about 26 million citizens, the Third Estate consisted largely of the bourgeoisies, peasants and commoners. They owned small businesses, tiny farms or lived and worked on the farms that belonged to the nobles or the Church. Although these people were the poorest, they were responsible for taxes of all kinds. They paid taxes to the King, taxes to the church, taxes and dues to the lord of the manor. 3 rd Estate shouldered the burden for running the economy and resented privileges of the nobles. As described, most of the peasants and laborers lived desperately poor lives, which explains why the Third Estate led the revolution.
Here are two political cartoons created in the time of the French Revolution. 1.What are these pictures portraying to the viewer? 2.Do you think that such cartoons would help to spur revolution? Why?
France’s huge government debt was created by 5 main factors… 1.King’s (Louis XIV, XV, and XVI) expenditures on a lavish lifestyle. Marie Antoinette & Louis XVI
Marie Antoinette’s “Peasant Cottage”
Palace at Versailles
The Necklace Scandal 1,600,000 livres [$100 million today] Was historically significant as one of the events that led to the French populace's disillusionment with the monarchy.
2.Foreign Wars Britain and France had been at war, off and on, for over 100 years. Battle of Quebec – 1759 Louis XV – lost North America
3.Support of American Revolution Louis XVI financial support of the American Revolution (to get back at Britain) cost the French people hundreds of millions of dollars.
4.Poor Harvests 1787 and 1788 poor harvests cause lack of food and worsening economic crisis.
5.Growing Unemployment Free trade with Britain destroys the French textile industry (Louis XVI) People lose jobs and there is less tax money to collect
Enlightenment ideas creating demand for change a.many felt that government should serve the interests of the people’t. should be removed if it doesn’t serve those interests c.wanted equality and freedom of speech and religion. d.Abolish the privilege of the 1st and 2nd Estates e.wanted a constitution to give people more control over gov’t and to take some power away from the king.
i.Financial crisis causes first and second estates to raise taxes which the third estate must pay. ii.Third estate resents paying heavy taxes while continuing to have no real say in government. iii.People beginning to believe in the ideas of the philosophes (enlightenment) - equality, liberty (freedom) iv.First and Second Estates do not want to give up their traditional privileges and power over the Third Estate. The fuse is lit…