RECAP Discuss with the person next to you... what you have enjoyed about python programming What you have found difficult What question would you like to ask the teacher.. 2 mins and be ready to talk…
OBJECTIVES Understand what a multi_selection statement Understand how to use a multi_selection statement O UTCOMES All-Level 4 written if.. Elif.. Else code using while - with help developed programs using pseudo code scored 50% in the plenary quiz Most-Level 5have written these with little help. scored 75% in the plenary quiz Some-Level 6Independently write these and adapt them and complete the extension tasks. scored 90% in the plenary quiz
PYTHON MULTI SELECTION If statement as you already know Elif is new. It is executed if test_1 is false Else statement as you already know
SPECIFICATION I want a program to ask a student for their percentage mark, and convert this to a grade. The conversion will be done in a function called mark_grade I want you to complete the function.
Add you code in here – then test it against the grades above. You can open this code from mark_to_grade start in lesson 6 folder.
EXTENSION ACTIVITIES Ask the user for their target grade and print this with their mark If their target grade > exam grade display a suitable message If their target grade = exam grade display a suitable message If their target grade < exam grade display a suitable message
With your classmate you have 2 mins to discuss… What was most difficult in the program? What was most fun? What question would you like to ask the teacher? Write these 3 answers in your self evaluation book. CLASS DISCUSSION
JOKE TIME You are to write a program that asks a user for their favourite number and then tells them a joke. The program will call a joke printing function with the users favourite number. The function will accept one numeric parameter and use it to choose the joke to tell. You will probably use multi_selection if statement to match the joke against the number.
PSEUDO CODE Print a joke using the users number Start End Ask user their name Ask then for their number Call the joke telling function Joke Telling function End Extension activities: Get jokes from the internet Give the user a range to choose from Give the user an option to pick a random joke.
PLENARY Complete the End of unit test
Open the ICT levels spread sheet and find python tab Read each Yellow box and answer in the yellow box, as well as the www and ebi. H OUSEKEEPING
PLENARY Spend a few minutes playing the hangman game.