Las estaciones del a ño 1. This is an individual project, completely en español. 2. Fold your paper into 4 quarters. 3. Each quarter represents una estación.
Projecto de las Estaciones 4. For each season (each square), you will include: A. The name of the season in SPANISH. B. The weather during the season (choose the phrase that best describes the season) C. What you wear during this season. D. What you like to do during this season. E. One thing you DON’T like about the season. F.One present progressive sentence saying what someone IS DOING during that season (you, a friend, etc) G. A detailed, colored picture representing the season.
Ejemplo (mine’s in English so you stay original, yours will be in Spanish): In the spring, it’s windy and sometimes hot out. Sometimes it rains. I wear a T-shirt and jeans. I like to read outside. I don’t like when it rains. I am using an umbrella.