URB HEALTH NETWORK Budapest September 29 th 2006
A Community Initiative for cities, and regions, to Exchange Learn Explore new solutions Disseminate Focus on disadvantaged neighbourhoods
URBACT : transferring experience from city to transnational level The first level: exchange between cities The second level: exchange between URBACT networks, working groups, studies The third level: linking into the reflection outside of the URBACT programme
Four years on Networks Working groups Studies Qualification initiatives
Results Final reports Toolkits Operational guidelines Handbooks Web-based products
From results to dissemination Final events Dissemination strategy
URBACT: a visible process Not only final results Also ‘work in progress’ So on-going visibility is very important URBACT website a source of knowledge
Cross-cutting activities, building on the URBACT networking Thematic seminars Thematic working groups Thematic dossiers
Thematic Working groups Bring together projects on a common issue Gather information developed within URBACT products Joint reflection with the support of experts Sythesise key points emerging that can be of interest to urban professionals and policitians
Thematic Dossiers On the URBACT website Final reports Case studies External links An on-going process
Example: the thematic dossier on young people: Conclusions of the first URBACT cross-cutting seminar on young people, Copenhagen June 2005 Final products of the two URBACT networks directly dealing with young people Case studies from the Malmö and Bristol network, but also from other networks Links to documents, events, other relevant sources of information
URBACT methodology A learning process New ways of exchanging within networks Creating a dossier on methodology
Where do you find the URBACT thematic dossiers? On the URBACT website, 13 themes
Urb Health: what are the expectations? Thematic reports of the seminars Case studies Final results Reflections on methodology: exchange workshop methodology
A new URBACT initiative : Support for Cities Expertise to support cities in new member states to develop integrated projects for structural funding
What next? URBACT 2 negotiations in progress!
Thank you! Any more questions? Pauline Geoghegan, expert attached to the URBACT secretariat