MINISTRY OF SOCIAL AFFAIRS AND HEALTH Outi Nysten Ministry of Social Affairs and Health/ Occupational Safety and Health Department Development of OSH by co-operation between authorities, schools and other partners
MINISTRY OF SOCIAL AFFAIRS AND HEALTH Long tradition of co-operation in comprehensive schools teaching of handicraft – (guide book in 1980´s) material about OSH at the web site of the National Board of Education (2004) seminar about safety in handicraft training, May 2005
MINISTRY OF SOCIAL AFFAIRS AND HEALTH Long tradition of co-operation in vocational education development of OSH in vocational schools – (a report in 1979) vocational training and OSH – (material for teaching in 1990) on-the-job learning (2001 =>)
MINISTRY OF SOCIAL AFFAIRS AND HEALTH On-the-job learning Part of the educational programme is carried out on the job The student learns at least 20 study weeks at the workplace Recommendations of the Finnish State and social partners (trade unions and employers´organisations) About students participate yearly in on-the-job learning
MINISTRY OF SOCIAL AFFAIRS AND HEALTH Occupational safety in on-the-job learning The group of experts: National Board of Education Ministry of Education Ministry of Social Affairs and Health FIOH Centre for Occupational Safety
MINISTRY OF SOCIAL AFFAIRS AND HEALTH Occupational safety in on-the-job learning Safety is the main question Safety is the part of vocational proficiency Training of workplace instructors Co-operation between schools and workplaces
MINISTRY OF SOCIAL AFFAIRS AND HEALTH Co-operation in the EU European Agency of Safety and Health at Work Seminars Web sites