Insert name of presentation on Master Slide Physical Activity & Green Space 8 th March 2012 Malcolm Ward
Physical Activity & Green Space Creating an Active Wales High Level Targets: Adults – Shift the average point of activity from 2.4 to 3.4 by (Based on 5 x 30mins/wk) Children – Shift the average point of activity for 11 to 16 yr olds from 3.9 to 4.9 by (Based on 5x60mins/wk)
Creating an Active Wales Theme: Active Environment Strategic Aim – To develop and maintain a physical environment that makes it easier and safer for people to choose to be more physically active. Physical Activity & Green Space
Creating an Active Wales Priorities & Action Areas: Ensuring that the natural and built environment encourages people to be physically active..... Increasing availability, access and use of high quality local green space, waterways and countryside.
And..... Active Environment – “Ensuring that the natural and built environment encourages people to be physically active....” Physical Activity & Green Space
Creating an Active Wales “The Welsh Assembly Government will be working with its partners to identify any gaps in data and/or other existing sources that can assist in evaluating progress being made to address the key priorities listed within this plan.” Physical Activity & Green Space
Seeking Enlightenment? Establish series of research seminars: To identify strengths, weaknesses and validity of instruments used to measure physical activity and its correlates including; intensity & duration of pa, fitness, recreational activity, sedentariness, spatial interaction, physical literacy and interventions. To agree priorities for both future research and future practice. To promote collaboration between researchers, policy-makers and practitioners. To inform and encourage potential research grant proposals including sustainable, effective and cost-effective lifestyle interventions. Physical Activity & Green Space
DIOLCH For further info please contact: Malcolm Ward Physical Activity & Green Space